CASER held today in the Confederation of Entrepreneurs of Andalusia a day on the threats in the digital world, cyber threats to companies and how to address the management of these risks, in order to generate greater confidence in business activity to deal with situations criticism in the future and boost cybersecurity in the context of Technology 4.0.
The day has counted in his opening with the participation of the President of CEA, Javier González de Lara; the Secretary General of Andalusian business organization, Luis Fernández-Palacios, and the Territorial Director in Andalusia of CASER, José Manuel García-Olmo.
In his speech González de Lara said that cybersecurity has become "an indispensable tool for companies, whose cost is a very profitable investment in the face of the damages that can be caused by attacks by hackers that have little to do with the of a few years ago and that, unambiguously, today they are identified even with great states and the warlike conflicts of today ".
In this regard the President of CEA explained that "our way of communicating, relating, working and buying has been transformed with the digitalization and application of Technology 4.0, to change our habits and behaviors." So no process today is conceived without intensive use of technologies whose evolution is dizzying: "virtual reality or artificial intelligence are present in our lives to extremes hardly imaginable a few years ago."
Finally, the President of CEA highlighted the need to act to "facilitate the establishment of the necessary technical, legal and organizational conditions so that society can take advantage of the digital reality and be properly prepared for its negative effects".
For companies to be more prepared for these dangers, those attending the conference have had the opportunity to know the necessary tools to ensure their safety, with the intervention of two specialists in the field: Manuel Huerta de la Morena, Cybersecurity expert and managing partner of LazaRus