The winning project of the call launched last June by the # Dramático together with the COAM and the AAPEE already receives the public of the theater located in the Plaza de Lavapiés
The installation consists of a light and floating vault over the theater hall based on textiles and movable furniture that allows creating different spaces
The Flu-or architecture studio, based in A Coruña, is responsible for this winning proposal from among the more than 60 projects from different countries that were submitted to the competition
The spectators of the Valle-Inclán Theater are received by a floating vault installed in the hall that its architects, the Galician architecture studio Flu–or, they have baptized with the name of "Loom". This is the winning project of the Ephemeral Architecture Contest convened last June by the Center #National Dramatic, in collaboration with the Madrid Official College of Architects (COAM) and the Association of Scenic Plastic Artists of Spain (AAPEE), and to which more than 60 proposals from various countries were submitted.
The objective of the call has been to generate a multifunctional space that, under guidelines of versatility, sustainability and avant-garde, allows hosting activities of a different nature, such as meetings with the public, press conferences, exhibition and consultation of books, etc .; in addition to making the theater a meeting place open to citizens.
The COAM highlights the high level of the applications received: “It was very interesting to analyze and compare the different ways of rethinking space through its material component. We wanted to thank the collaborators and manufacturers involved for their willingness to help carry out this call ”, he says. Álvaro Pardo Ballesteros, from the Materials Gallery of the Official College of Architects of Madrid.
"Telar" presents a cover composed of floating sheets made of textile material that plays with light and volume and movable furniture that allows the creation of different spaces. This installation, which "seeks to modify the lobby space, transforming its scale", according to Luis Santalla, partner of the winning architecture studio, part of "a resounding idea, a clear volume, made up of elements that recall the framework of the theater stage".
“The space in the lobby brings the theater closer to the square, turning the lobby into the new stage and the square into the new stalls. The desired reaction is to surprise visitors, both those who already knew the theater and those who enter for the first time ”, explains Santalla.
ORa light and robust installation at the same time
The Jury of the contest, made up of representatives of the National Institute of Performing Arts and Music (INAEM), the # Dramatic, the COAM, the AAPEE and the Paredes Pedrosa studio; He highlighted when issuing the ruling of the winning project "its poetic character and close to the scenographic language of the theater, as well as the ability to transform the perception of space through a light but resounding gesture."
"Its ability to create a surprising and welcoming scenic space stands out, through the shapes of the textiles that hang from the imaginary comb", according to the architects of the Valle-Inclán Theater, Angela Garcia de Paredes and Ignacio Garcia Pedrosa, members of the Jury, who affirm that the proposal fits very well into the lobby that they designed for this theater, inaugurated in 2006, and for whose design they received the 2007 Spanish Architecture Prize.