"The Dúal Vocational Training is very important for the business world, as well as for the economic development of Navarra", due to the link between the field of training and that of the company, as well as its high level of incorporation into the market labor. This has been highlighted by the president of the Confederation of Employers of Navarre, CEN, José Antonio Sarría, during the presentation in the Integrated Burlada FP Center of the new offer of FP Dual in Navarra of the cycles of Kitchen Management and Direction of Restoration Services for the 2019/2020 academic year.

José Antonio Sarría has taken advantage of his speech to put in value Dúal Professional Training, which combines the teaching and learning processes in the company and in the training center and they are characterized by being in alternating regime between the educational center and the company, and from which "students can go as far as they wish".

The president of CEN, and also president of the Commission of Education and Training of CEOE, has underlined the commitment of the Confederation for the development of Vocational Training in Navarre, and has highlighted the role that companies play in it to request the Administration those training opportunities that arise from their respective sectors.

This is the case of the hotel sector in Navarra, which has "magnificent restaurants" and of which, thanks to this new offer of Dual FP, students will have an excellent opportunity to train in reference Navarran companies.

In the presentation, the president of the Association of Hotel and Tourism Entrepreneurs of Navarra, Ana Beriain, who has had an impact on how the hotel industry is a "very important sector for the economy of Navarra", but has difficulties to find specialized professionals in various branches.

In the presentation of the cycles, the General Director of Education of the Government of Navarra, Roberto Pérez, the director of the Vocational Training Service of the Government of Navarre, Esther Monterrubio, and the director of the Integrated Burlada FP Center, Gil Sevillano, participated. The presentation concluded with a visit to the center's facilities where students will be trained.

After the presentation to the companies, from the month of September, the participating companies and the conditions of the alternation between these and the center will be specified. During the months of June 2020 and October, the students will continue their stay in the company, with a training and learning contract.

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  • In interannual terms, Spain doubles the growth of the euro area (2.4% vs. 1.2%). In quarter-on-quarter terms, growth is also much higher than in the euro area (0.7% vs. 0.4%)
  • The dynamism of the labor market is prolonged, with a quarter-on-quarter increase in employment of 0.7% and 2.8% year-on-year

The National Institute of Statistics (INE) has certified that the Spanish economy accelerated in the first quarter of the year, registering a growth of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) with respect to the previous quarter of 0.7%. This quarter-on-quarter growth rate is one tenth higher than that of the fourth quarter of 2018.

Spain continues to maintain growth above the euro area average, which registered a quarter-on-quarter increase in GDP of 0.4% in the first quarter of the year, and of our main community partners. In year-on-year terms, GDP growth rose to 2.4%, also a tenth higher than the previous quarter and twice the rate registered in the euro zone, which stood at 1.2%.

Domestic demand contributed 2.2 points to the year-on-year growth of GDP in the first quarter. By component, final consumption expenditure grew 1.6% year-on-year.

Gross fixed capital formation maintains an expansive tone, with year-on-year growth of 4.7%, three tenths above the year-on-year growth of the last quarter of last year. Investment in tangible fixed assets grew at a year-on-year rate of 5.4%, mainly driven by the greater dynamism of investment in machinery, capital goods and weapons systems.

For its part, external demand contributed 0.2 percentage points to year-on-year growth, four tenths more than last quarter.

The INE data show the dynamism of the labor market. The creation of employment increased one tenth in the first quarter to 0.7% quarter-on-quarter, which meant that the year-on-year growth stood at 2.8%. This increase has allowed the creation of 510,000 full-time equivalent jobs in the last year.

Quarterly non-financial accounts of the institutional sectors

The Spanish economy recorded a need for financing compared to the rest of the world of 4,500 million euros in the first quarter of 2019, according to data published today by the INE. If seasonal and calendar effects are eliminated, the Spanish economy has a financing capacity of 1% of GDP.

Gross national income reached 295,552 million euros in the first quarter of the year, which represents an increase of 2.9% over the same period of 2018. The gross national disposable income reached 291,107 million euros, with a growth of 2.5% year-on-year.

The rate of saving of households rises in this period with respect to the previous quarter and stands at 5.4% of their disposable income, with corrected series of seasonal and calendar effects.

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The Andalusian Business Confederation, CEA, Within the events organized to mark its 40th Anniversary, it has held a conference in which the challenges of the Andalusian industry have been analyzed in light of the commitments of the 2030 Agenda, and that focused on the challenges of Andalusian industrialization as an essential element for competitiveness and social development of Andalusia

The day, which has been presented by Manuel Bellido, President of the Commission for the SDGs of CEA, has counted in his inauguration with the participation of its president, Javier González de Lara; the Minister of Finance, Industry and Energy of the Junta de Andalucía, Juan Bravo; and the Regional Territorial Manager of Institutional Relations of ORANGE, Raúl Maldonado.

In his speech Gonzalez de Lara said that "the industrialization of Andalusia is a strategic objective and an essential commitment to the present and future development of our community." He also said that "the strengthening and promotion of the industrial sectors of Andalusia are fundamental issues for CEA and unavoidable conditions for compliance with the SDGs and the challenges they present."

Orange, with the socioeconomic development of Andalusia

Regarding the development of the day, the territorial directors of Large Companies and Institutional Relations of Orange in the South Zone, Héctor Cansino and Raúl Maldonado, have participated in this day as a new sign of the company's commitment to the socio-economic development of Andalusia, community in which it has already invested more than 770 million euros in the deployment of fiber optic and 4G telecommunications networks and has generated more than 6,000 direct and indirect jobs through its activity.

In the framework of this act of the 40th Anniversary of CEA, Orange has also presented the report "Internet of Things. 29 good practices in large national and international companies ", with the aim of bringing to the Andalusian business sector different examples of successful application of the IoT to organizations to boost their digitization (this report can be found in www.orange.es/grandes-empresas). Orange has already demonstrated its leading position in this market with the deployment in Spain of its new LTE-M (Long Term Evolution for Machines) network, with which it has become the first operator in the country to launch this technology dedicated exclusively to Internet of Things (IoT) solutions.

On the other hand, the inaugural lecture was given by the Secretary General of Airbus Spain, Jorge Caro Terrón, who addressed the "Industrial development and challenges of the 2030 Agenda". As for the table discussion on "The challenges of innovation and the size of the Andalusian industry", moderated by Manuel Ángel Martín, president of CEA's Economic and Financing Business Council, the participation of Antonio Gómez-Guillamón, CEO of Aertec Solutions; Joaquín Abril-Martorell, director of Digital Transformation of Cepsa; Santiago Alfonso Rodríguez, Vice President of Marketing and Communication of Cosentino; and Pablo Ortiz Moyano, director of Factoría de Siderúrgica Sevillana.

This day at the headquarters of CEA is part of the celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the constitution of the Confederation of Businessmen of Andalusia, which with these acts try to "celebrate the future", and expose the Andalusian society, especially its companies , the challenges that lie ahead. These events are sponsored by Orange, Cajasol Foundation, Bankia, Caja Rural del Sur, Nedgia Andalucia Naturgy Group, Antea Previsión, Costasol de Hipermercados, Cosentino and Garántia.

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The president of the CEOE, Antonio Garamendi, has urged the Spanish companies to mark the X for social purposes in the Corporation Tax He has also encouraged them to be proactive with sustainable development and "with everything that affects people".

This has been assured in the act 'Solidarity company, eXtraordinary company', organized by the Third Sector Platform (PTS) and the Platform of Social Action NGOs (POAS) within the framework of the campaign that is being carried out so that companies know the new X for social purposes that they will be able to mark on July 1 in their Corporation Tax, totally voluntary way and without any cost.

Garamendi is committed to the Third Sector to move the CEOE companies their commitment and will do so, as he said, at the General Assembly to be held next Thursday, July 4.

The president of the Platform of the Third Sector, Luciano Poyato, recalled that the initiative, which is one year since it was approved, was promoted by the Platform of the Third Sector at a time of general economic difficulty and in particular for state organizations of the Third Sector of Social Action.

Poyato has insisted that the new X of the Corporate Tax puts the Third Sector directly into the business sector and serves to "Strengthen the alliances between both sectors in matters that, being of shared interest, suppose a benefit for the general interest of the society ".

For his part, the undersecretary of the Ministry of Health, Consumption and Social Welfare, Carlos Hernández Claverie, has assured that the new X for social purposes is a "huge development" for the Third Sector and, ultimately, so that society can move forward.

In this regard, he said that the role of companies is "essential" to achieve this and has applauded that companies leave behind their mere role as providers to become aware that they must participate and contribute to the Third Sector is developed and can execute social programs.

Royal Decree

In relation to this, Hernández Claverie has advanced some of the lines of work to which the first grants will be allocated achieved through this measure as is sustainability, internationalization, research or innovation and improvement of the Third Sector. In addition, he has assured that, precisely, in it they are working from his Ministry to address the regulation that is necessary to be able to translate these purposes into a Royal Decree, which are expected to be ready by the end of the year, so the first grants will take place in the spring of 2020.

The president of the Platform of Social Action NGOs (POAS), Asunción Montero, has been commissioned to present the campaign 'Solidarity company, eXtraordinary company' and has released the materials that have been worked for the same and the promotional video . In his speech, Montero has encouraged the attending companies to become "extraordinary". These include Cepyme, Feacem, CE Consulting Empresarial Carrefour, Nestlé, Santander Bank, Eulen, Cofares, Forética, Ilunion and Fundación PwC, among others.

Business Alliance and Third Sector

During the event, the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and the commitment, both business and organized civil society, to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and the 2030 Agenda.

In this sense, the director of the Carrefour Solidarity Foundation, María Cid, said that Carrefour has been the first Spanish company to join the campaign to mark the X in its Corporate Tax for social purposes. "Without doubt this measure will improve the Welfare State, of which we are all part," he said.

During the round of interventions, the general director of Forética, Germain Granda, has called for "more and more companies and organizations to join this powerful initiative of collaboration with civil society" and has highlighted the important role and responsibility key that they have at the time of generating a positive social impact in their environment with their actions.

In addition, the general director of the PwC Foundation, Marta Colomina, stressed that The Third Sector, with more than 30,000 active entities and two million people working, is "essential" for the sustainable development of Spain, and within its activities, research "is key" to invest in the future of future generations.

Finally, the director of CSR, Communication and Institutional Relations of Ilunion, Fernando Riaño, has stated that "as a sector we must insist on perseverance to make X Solidarity known" and has shown the support of Ilunion to the extent, within its master plan that is based on an inclusive economy and responsible taxation.

The campaign 'solidarity companies, eXtraordinary companies', aimed at informing and sensitizing companies to mark the box "solidarity company" dedicated to social purposes when taxed by the Corporation Tax, is coordinated by the Social Action NGO Platform together to the Platform of the Third Sector, and has the support of the Platform of Volunteering of Spain, the Network to Combat Poverty and Social Exclusion in the Spanish State (EAPN-ES), the Spanish Committee of Representatives of People with Disabilities (CERMI), the Children's Platform and the NGO Coordinator for Development-Spain.

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The Confederación Abulense de Empresarios, CONFAE, joins the World Day of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MIPYMES), declared by the United Nations as a day of protest on the importance for the local economy of micro-SMEs and SMEs which make up, mainly, the business fabric of the province, consisting of more than 10,000 companies, according to the INE.

This year, June 27 serves to raise awareness of the need for greater investment in these businesses, especially in developing countries and emerging economies, but also draws attention to the huge contribution that smaller companies make to the global economy.

Although small businesses may have a good capacity to adapt to changes, their size also makes them vulnerable. One of the main problems they face is usually access to finance. In many cases, both the identification of international opportunities and commercial management are often more difficult for small businesses than for their larger competitors.

The United Nations emphasizes that, through the promotion of innovation, creativity and work, this type of business are key in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (ODS).

In Ávila, many of these micro and SMEs settle in rural areas, helping to create wealth and employment, adding value to local resources, providing service to people who live in villages and contribute to settle populations facing the rural exodus. In the capital, they make up the vast majority of the business fabric.

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The General Assembly of the Institute of Economic Studies at its annual meeting has renewed its governing bodies and has appointed Iñigo Fernández de Mesa as the new president of the institution. He has also agreed to the appointment of Gregorio Izquierdo as Director General of the IEE.

Íñigo Fernández de Mesa takes over from office José Luis Feito, who held this responsibility since 2009. The Assembly has explicitly recognized the great dedication and brilliant work developed by the outgoing president in these years, naming him Associate of Honor.

Iñigo Fernández de Mesa belongs to the Corps of Commercial Technicians and State Economists and has held various responsibilities in the institutional field. He was Secretary of State for Economy and Business and Secretary General of the Treasury and Financial Policy. In addition, he has been a director of the Bank of Spain and the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV), vice president of the FROB president of the Sepblac (Commission for the Prevention of Money Laundering) and Executive Director for Spain of the World Bank.

In the private sphere, the chairman of the Economic and Financial Policy Committee of the CEOE and the Board of Directors of Rothschild & Co España, Scottish Power's board member and member of the Altamar International Advisory Board.

Gregorio Izquierdo holds a PhD in Economics and is a Full Professor of Applied Economics at UNED. He has been president of the National Institute of Statistics between 2011 and 2018, representative of Spain in the Committee of the European Statistical System of Eurostat and in the Statistical Commission of the United Nations.

In addition, he has been director of the Electoral Census Office, member of the Central Electoral Board, member of the Board of the Center for Sociological Research (CIS) and member of the State Council of SMEs. In the field of research, he was Director of Studies of the IEE between 1996 and 2011, participating in the obtaining of the collective prize of Infanta Cristina Economy to research centers in the year 2000. That same year, he was awarded by the San Pablo University Foundation CEU with the Ángel Herrera Award for Social Sciences. Since February 2019 he is the CEO of the CEOE Economy.

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Pedro Campo Iglesias has been elected as the new president of the Spanish Confederation of Commerce by the Executive Committee of the organization, and subsequently ratified by its General Assembly. The appointment was made at the proposal of the current president Manuel García-Izquierdo, who resigned from the position for personal reasons.

Pedro Campo, who until now held the position of first vice president, assumes the presidency with the aim of promoting a sector as important as that of retail commercial distribution, and with the aim of "continuing to defend the interests of small and medium-sized businesses, at a particularly difficult time for the sector, and help them face the new economic and social challenges. "

The president of the CEC He is also President of the Business Confederation of Commerce of Bizkaia (CECOBI), first vice president of the Bizkaia Business Confederation (CEBEK), and vice president of the Spanish Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises (CEPYME).

With a great family tradition in the trade, Pedro Campo comes from the furniture sector, being founder of the Furniture Association of Bizkaia (AMUBI).

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According to National Association of Large Distribution Companies, ANGED, Spain is the second country in the European Union that could benefit the most from the full application of the Services Directive, with a growth of 3.6% of GDP and a rebound in productivity -the Achilles heel of our economy-, of 9%, according to the study Making EU trade services work for all prepared by Copenhagen Economics for several EU States. However, ten years after the Omnibus Act that transposed the Services Directive in Spain, the blockade of this reform by the autonomous communities has nullified its impact and especially harmed sectors such as trade.

The Directive was launched with the aim of eliminating the large number of obstacles that impede and hinder the development of services within the EU. Since its transposition in Spain in 2009, retail has experienced an unprecedented revolution, marked by digital disruption, the transformation of consumption and the emergence of large global competitors operating exclusively on the Internet. Nevertheless, the autonomic interventionism is producing a fragmentation in 17 markets, which has placed Spain as the second EU country with the most barriers to the establishment and exercise of trade, as denounced by the European Commission.

All this has had a very high opportunity cost in terms of investment, employment and growth. On the one hand, since 2009 no progress has been made on fundamental issues such as the freedom of establishment (opening of stores) and the freedom to exercise the activity (business hours, regulatory simplification, among others). Even many of the communities have continued to legislate on many occasions against the fundamental principles of the Directive. To cite an extreme example, the permanent moratoriums to the opening of stores in Mallorca has cost consumers "a loss in welfare of 23.8 million euros per year," according to data from the CNMC.

In its latest recommendations to Spain of the European Semester, Brussels insists on the need for greater cooperation between Administrations to guarantee the Market Unit, especially in sectors such as retail. But as stated by the repeated requests of the Commission, there is no political will or co-responsibility on the part of the CCAA to effectively apply the Market Unity Guarantee Law, which would help solve part of the problem. On the other hand, there is an absence of judicial collaboration in this matter, due to a lack of knowledge of the basic principles of freedom of establishment and of proportionality.

As Christian Verschueren, CEO of Eurocommerce, recalled last week at a High Level Conference on Retail organized by the European Commission, "trade needs adequate regulation for the digital era and an end to discrimination against European companies in Europe. "

The study Making EU trade services work for all It has been prepared by Copenhagen Economics at the request of the Governments of Ireland, Finland, the Czech Republic and Denmark. More information.

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The Spanish Federation of Food and Beverage Industries, FIAB, has just launched a new space on its website oriented to the information of SMEs in the food and beverage industry.

FIAB, with the support of MAP, launches the new microsite coinciding with the celebration of the Day of Microenterprises and Small and Medium Enterprises, declared by the United Nations to recognize the importance of these companies.

The new platform aims to help a fundamental and vital part of the sector as they are small and medium enterprises, which make up 99% of the business fabric of the food and beverage industry and represent a turnover of more than 43,000 million euros.

SMEs are a strategic point in the food and beverage industry, not only because of their economic weight, but also because of the social role they play. Present throughout the national territory, they also provide 81% of the total employment of the sector, contributing to fix population, especially in rural areas.

The general director of FIAB, Mauricio García de Quevedo, stressed the importance of having this space to boost a key part of the food and beverage sector. "It is important to offer small and medium-sized companies tools that allow them to connect with all the information necessary to grow. Sometimes the lack of resources or information prevents them from advancing in their activity and that is why it is fundamental to provide them with levers that contribute to improving their level of competitiveness. "

The new microsite It incorporates information of great utility to boost the growth of companies with great potential. SMEs will have access to current news and information about the SME world, as well as orientation in key pillars as mechanisms for internationalization and R + D + i, in addition to the possibility of participating in other platforms and even in training courses.

This project responds to one of the axes of work within the Strategic Framework for the Food and Beverage Industry, which aims to positively impact the revitalization of the sector.

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This is not just an opportunity for companies committed to these technologies, but for all companies, organizations and institutions of our society with the aim of applying them in the development of new business and social opportunities.

CEOE and AECHAIN ​​will work to achieve this goal by collaborating with all the initiatives that share the objective of developing the digital industry in our country from the public and private spheres.

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