On the occasion of the visit to Spain of the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration of Ghana, Charles A. Owiredu, the CEOE International President, Marta Blanco, met with the Deputy Minister and the Ambassador of Ghana in Spain, Elizabeth Adjei, to strengthen relations and evaluate possible joint collaboration lines to strengthen business relations between Spain and Ghana.

The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs highlighted the opportunities that his government is currently offering, in priority sectors such as agriculture, banking or industrialization in Ghana, and highlighted the high level of training received by the Ghanaian population.

He also stressed that within the region of West Africa, which make up the countries of Togo, Burkina Faso, Cote d'Ivoire and Ghana, and that encompasses more than 350 million inhabitants, The stability and security offered by Ghana allows it to be the gateway for many foreign companies interested in establishing themselves in the region. Currently, more than 50 Spanish companies are established in the country.

For her part, the president of CEOE International highlighted the political stability, the good work of the Ghanaian administration in the economic and business field and its commitment to regional integration, as three of the key pieces for foreign investment, where Spanish companies are located, betting on the country.

Likewise, Marta Blanco highlighted the leadership of our companies in some of the priority sectors such as agri-food and the modernization of the agri-food industry, the infrastructure and rail sector, and showed CEOE's commitment to collaborate with the government of Ghana to publicize the business and investment opportunities among Spanish companies and business organizations.

On the other hand, he highlighted the growing interest of Spanish companies in Ghana, especially after the commitment made by the EU, through the Compact with Africa initiative, to boost the presence of the private sector. Although, he also stressed the importance of Spanish companies feel the support of the administration on both Ghanaian and Spanish.

Finally, the Ghanaian ambassador in Spain, Elizabeth Adjei, thanked CEOE for its commitment to promote business relations with her country and mentioned the successful Spain-Ghana Business Meeting held at the CEOE headquarters in March on the occasion of the visit to Spain of the Minister of Business Development of Ghana, as a result of which numerous Spanish companies have contacted the Embassy to learn more about the business and investment opportunities offered by Ghana.

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The Bertelsmann Foundation and the Circle of Businessmen have awarded the III Alliance Award for Dual Vocational Training in the Organization category to Federation of Companies of La Rioja for his position as a key agent in FP Dual for the business community of La Rioja. The jury also awarded MediaMarkt Iberia, Dicomol, and CIFP School of Hospitality and Tourism Simone Ortega in the categories of large companies, SMEs and educational centers.

The Federation of Companies of La Rioja, which brings together 70 sectors, responds to the lack of qualified professional profiles and attempts to harmonize supply and demand in the regional professional market. The labor insertion rate of students who complete the Dual FP cycles within the framework of their project is 100%. In addition, it offers continuous support to companies, encourages exchange between company and center tutors, and evaluates and establishes mechanisms for continuous improvement of the dual model in La Rioja.

To fulfill this objective and lead this project in La Rioja, the FER started up and started working on a Dual FP model that has four characteristics or qualities: the quality of the training, the innovation of the whole process, the participation of all and the fact of being a collaborative model where cooperation is key.

A project adapted to the current company, which represents an opportunity in the competitiveness of the region and which has a comprehensive approach, because it establishes a dialogue with all the agents committed to improving the Dual FP system. An education and training that align with the business reality.

For Jaime García-Calzada, president of the Federation of Companies of La Rioja (FER), this award is "a stimulus to continue leading a collaborative model that we share with the Administration, schools, teachers, tutors, students, companies and the Bankia Foundation for Dual Training".

The president considers that "for Rioja entrepreneurs and freelancers, for all the companies that are part of the Federation of Companies of La Rioja (FER), this prestigious award that the Alliance for Dual FP from the Berteslmann Foundation grants us is A very important recognition to the work we are developing since 2012 in the promotion of Dual FP in La Rioja, with the aim of improving the employability of students and meet, at the same time, the demands of companies and business sectors to the time to fill specialized and qualified positions that often do not find. "

The vice president of the Bertelsmann Foundation, Francisco Belil, has highlighted the commitment of the Foundation in giving visibility to the work developed by companies, organizations and educational centers "that promote this educational option so necessary to reduce youth unemployment." In particular, Belil has highlighted the high labor insertion of Dual FP, which in the case of some awarded projects reaches 100%. In addition, it has recognized the commitment of the Federation of Companies of La Rioja as a driving agent of Dual FP in the territory as it brings together more than 70 sectors through which it reaches 3,000 companies, and acts as a link with the schools.

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The CEOE Board of Directors, at the proposal of its president, Antonio Garamendi, has appointed the businesswoman Clara Arpa member of the Executive Committee of the Confederation. Diploma in Labor Relations and specialized in international cooperation and management of corporate social responsibility, is president of the Center for Innovation for Sustainable Development and CEO of the company ARPA Mobile Teams Campaign, among other positions.

This company is one of the five most important companies in the world in the design, manufacture and deployment of campaign logistics solutions for the defense, health and emergency sectors. Its services range from the modular construction of field hospitals to infrastructure complements such as water treatment, sanitation, waste management, providing integral solutions and state-of-the-art technology for mass communication systems.

Throughout his career, his interest in sustainability led him to found the Center for Innovation for Sustainable Development, CIDS, which chairs and collects innovative ideas generated in the company and in society to support sustainable development in the world, working on five of the United Nations objectives (ODS) in this area. He is a member of the United Nations Global Compact Board and of several professional associations.

Clara Arpa was born in Zaragoza and her business and human work has been recognized with various national and international awards. The most recent is the award of the Cross Merit Military with white badge, granted by the Ministry of Defense of Spain.

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The Electoral Assembly of CEIM Confederación Empresarial de Madrid-CEOE has chosen this Tuesday by acclamation to Miguel Garrido de la Cierva as the new President at the head of the Madrid employers' association for the next four years.

The so far General Secretary of CEIM, had already announced himself as the only candidate to preside over the employers, and thus happens to Juan Pablo Lázaro.

After the proclamation of the new President of CEIM, the closing ceremony of the 2019 Electoral Assembly has begun, where, in addition to the President of the Madrid employers' association, Miguel Garrido, the Acting Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Reyes Maroto; the Mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida; the Councilor for Transport, Housing and Infrastructure of the Autonomous Community of Madrid, Rosalía Gonzalo; the CEOE President, Antonio Garamendi, and the President of the Madrid Chamber, Ángel Asensio.

Speech by Miguel Garrido as the new president of CEIM

The president of CEIM, Miguel Garrido, has begun his first speech at the head of the Madrid employers, thanking, on the one hand, all those who have trusted him to defend the interests of Madrid businessmen and, on the other, those who have supported throughout his professional career, which began with Viajes ECO; and highlighting his time at the Association of Young Entrepreneurs of Madrid (AJE Madrid), of which he was president, "a period of which I keep a great memory and I have great friends."

Miguel Garrido has highlighted the role of companies and business organizations in the development of society. "Last year CEIM was celebrating 40 years of representation and defense of the Madrid business fabric, and we must continue working on these principles but adapting to the role that corresponds to us in today's society, which happens to be more effective, transparent and independent", affirms Garrido.

In addition, Miguel Garrido has pointed out that the main responsibility of employers is to make their companies profitable, "with this, companies manage to hire and remunerate employees better and pay taxes, thus contributing to the welfare of all citizens."

The President of the employers of Madrid has also stressed that they will continue working closely with the administrations. "The relationship with the administrations is more necessary than ever, and it must be based on the principles of loyalty and firmness. A new stage begins for all and I am sure that the collaboration between the different institutions will be the basis for Madrid to continue being a leader in generating employment. And to achieve this we must promote measures that strengthen the competitiveness of companies, investment in the region and the creation of jobs, which should remain the axes that mark the political agenda.

In this regard, Garrido also wanted to mention the importance of social dialogue as a useful instrument to reach agreements that facilitate the implementation of public policies, and recalled the success of the Madrid Strategy for Employment, approved together with unions and the Community of Madrid .

Looking to the future, the President of CEIM has made reference to the employer's roadmap for the next four years, the Plan 400 Plus. "All sectors of the economy, represented in CEIM, have worked together to develop a series of strategies that seek to consolidate growth and job creation in the Region, and in this regard we will continue to work from CEIM."

To finish, Miguel Garrido, has dedicated a few words to Juan Pablo Lázaro, whom he thanked, on behalf of all CEIM, and in his own, the work and time dedicated to the associative world for many years. "You have given us your example, your time and your talent, this will always be your home." The General Assembly of CEIM has counted with the collaboration of the Chamber of Commerce of Madrid.


After the Electoral Assembly, and as it appears in the Statutes of the employers of Madrid, a Board of Directors has been held, where the new executive of CEIM has been established.


  • Javier Beitia Alonso
  • Luis Collado López
  • Carlos González Bosch
  • Clemente González Soler
  • Juan Moral de la Rosa
  • Jesus Núñez Velázquez
  • Francisco Ruano Tellaeche
  • Eva Serrano Clavero
  • Eduardo Zamácola Ballestero

General Secretary

  • Sara Molero Palomino

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Personal protective equipment (PPE) is a fundamental element in the field of occupational safety and health, since it represents the last barrier of the worker facing a certain risk. Therefore, it is crucial that PPE complies with existing regulations to guarantee its function. Accidents and occupational diseases are aspects that concern all workers, and PPE are key elements to reduce these risks.

In Spain, ASEPAL, Association of Companies of Personal Protection Equipment, and that groups more than 90% of companies that carry out this activity, it is revealed as the essential association to perform the tasks of representation of this sector, as well as to work with all its ecosystem in the fields of safety and health at work.

ASEPAL was set up in 1989 as a response to the new implementation of European regulations governing the commercialization and use of PPE (Individual Protection Equipment) at the community level. This milestone marked the birth of this sector, and where before there were companies that worked with plastic, rubber, textiles, leather, footwear, etc., began to speak of companies that were dedicated to the specialized manufacture of EPI.

Since then, ASEPAL has grouped manufacturers and main distributors of personal protective equipment (EPI), becoming a reference entity, both in the national context and in international markets.

The work that is done from ASEPAL focuses on:

  • Sensitization and awareness of the importance of the use of personal protective equipment (PPE), and training for its proper functioning.
  • Information and guidance demanded by any member of the association.
  • Information and technical advice.
  • Dissemination of these issues in the public opinion.

In this context, it works in coordination with the competent Ministries, the Administration, the employers, the trade unions, and other associations of the sector, with a view to the creation and modification of directives, norms and regulations.

On the other hand, the associates can count on ASEPAL as an institution that represents and defends the interests of its members before the State, Autonomic and Local Administrations, and all kinds of people, entities, organisms and institutions. Also, as a very important aspect within its sphere of activity, The organization is responsible for the promotion of research and study on personal safety.

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The entrepreneurs of the stowage start up six work groups following its Strategic Plan 2019-2022

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Practically one in three self-employed workers, 28.7%, would raise the contribution base to Social Security if they improve the benefits to which they are entitled, according to the report "The self-employed worker before social security"Carried out by the National Federation of Associations of Autonomous Workers, ATA for Fundación MAPFRE.

The study, the result of a survey of more than 1,800 self-employed workers, aims to analyze the approach of the self-employed to social, public and complementary pension systems, and increase their financial and insurance knowledge so that they can make more informed decisions about your future.

"Among the objectives that Fundación MAPFRE has is the promotion of a greater financial and insurance culture," says Julio Domingo, General Director of Fundación MAPFRE, "The more information citizens have, the better decisions they can make about their future and, speaking of supplementary savings and pensions, decisions have to be made 20 or 30 years before retirement, for which it is essential to be well informed . That is why we work to disseminate this knowledge by promoting studies for specific groups, such as this one of ATA, or through initiatives such as the portal Insurance and pensions for all "

The Study reflects that 86% of the self-employed contribute for the minimum base, which in 2019 is set at € 944.40 / month. Despite this figure, it should be noted that 37.9% of the group is predisposed to change and raise their contribution base, of which 28.7% said that they would do so if they improve the benefits they currently offer to the group.

Against this, 38.2% of the self-employed points out the lack of income as the main reason for not uploading their base contribution and a 13.2% prefer to invest money in hiring private plans because they consider that they are better than the benefits that they will receive from the public system.

Given this situation, the study carried out by ATA evaluates the knowledge that the self-employed have and believe they have about which rights derive from their contributions. One in two freelancers – 54.9% – believe they do not have sufficient knowledge of the benefits generated by their contributions to Social Security and only one in three self-employed – 33.7% – considers that they know the basics. Only 3% of the self-employed consider that they have a wide knowledge of the benefits to which they have the right to be autonomous and to contribute to the Social Security.

The contribution bases established by the Social Security for 2019 establish the minimum contribution base at € 944.40 / month and the maximum at € 4070.10 / month. From these two figures the self-employed can choose the amount for which they wish to pay (30% of the chosen base is what is quoted). That 30% is distributed:

  • 28.30% – Common contingencies.
  • 0.90% – Professional contingencies.
  • 0.70% – Cessation of activity
  • 0.10% – Professional training.

Breaking down the different social benefits included in the quote, health care, sick leave and retirement are the best known by the self-employed: two out of every three self-employed – 67.2% – affirm that they know their contribution entitles them to healthcare, 58.5% have access to sick leave not derived from their professional activity and practically one in two – 47.1% – know they have the right to retirement.

As for professional contingencies, two out of every three self-employed workers – 66, 2% – know that this contribution entitles them to benefit in case of an accident at work. Faced with this, one in four self-employed – 25.6% – mistakenly believes that professional contingencies also cover health care.

It is appreciated among the collective ignorance of the benefits that cover the different contingencies for which they are contributing: 20.8% – one in five self-employed – believes that common contingencies give them the right to leave due to an accident at work or occupational disease, when this benefit is included in the contribution for professional contingencies, a contribution for which up to January 1, 2019, only 19% of the self-employed contributed. After the last approved measures all the self-employed already quote for professional contingencies.

"In short, the study reflects a group of self-employed workers with a high degree of ignorance of both the benefits to which they are entitled due to their contribution to Social Security, which resorts moderately to private protection systems and on which it is declared , mostly, unfamiliar", Points out José Luis Perea, general secretary of ATA.

Graphs 3.3 and 3.4, which are presented below, show what the respondents really know about the benefits that correspond to them for the payment of their Social Security contributions. The question asked specifically was what are the benefits linked to each type of contingency. In the graphs you can see marked with a check (✓) the correct answers.

graphic 2

graphic 3

Six out of ten freelancers suspend social security

The study also analyzes what is the assessment of the collective Social Security system in general and how they see it in comparison with the tax burden and the services of the rest of European countries.

The feeling of misinformation and ignorance that the self-employed have in the social protection systems has as a consequence the low valuation of the benefits of both sectors. Thus, it is observed as six out of ten autonomous, 59.8% suspend Social Security and only 12.1% of the one above the notable rating.

In addition, a strong 62.6% believes that the Spanish system is below or well below the rest of European countries. "The lack of information seems clear, in this sense, because Spain is spearheading the equal rights of self-employed workers, being the only State that has a Statute of Autonomous Work, a fundamental piece in the equality of rights of the workers, "says José Luis Perea.

This disinformation is particularly worrisome, the study notes, taking into account that many of the measures are recent and given their novelty they should have had enough diffusion to reach, at least, the members of the group affected.

As a conclusion to the study, both entities point out the need to address an awareness campaign among the group of benefits that may involve increasing, as far as possible, their contribution base and also serve to make them more aware of the benefits to which they are entitled.

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The president of CEOE, Antonio Garamendi; the president of the OIE, Erol Kiresepi; and the former president of CACIF and CEIB, Antonio Malouf; yesterday inaugurated the XXX Meeting of Presidents of Latin American Business Organizations CEIB-OIE, held in Geneva, coinciding with the OIE world meeting and the first centenary of the International Labor Organization (ILO). This edition was attended by the highest representatives of the 23 business organizations that make up CEIB, including the presidents and vice presidents of the organizations of Andorra, Colombia, Costa Rica, Honduras, Mexico, Peru, Portugal, Dominican Republic, Uruguay , Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Guatemala. In addition, the permanent secretary of CEIB, Narciso Casado and the Secretary General of the OIE, Roberto Suárez, also participated.

During the inauguration, the President of the OIE, Erol Kiresepi, highlighted the role of the organizations to be able to influence the economic growth of the Region. He explained that the same methods adopted to date, will lead to the same results, so today, more than ever, we must be open to innovation and change. He insisted that dialogue with our sectors must be fundamental, and the role of business organizations must be incisive and responsible. It is necessary, he stressed, to adopt policies that encourage employment, that impact MSMEs as a source of employment and guarantee the sustainability of these companies. "99% of formal companies are MSMEs and 60% of formal employment is generated by these companies," he said.

In this regard, he mentioned an additional factor, which is the intensification of the intraregional migration process and the absence of migration governance. It is pertinent for employers to insist that legislation and policies be clear and transparent so that migration is controlled. The coordination and unity of the organizations in this matter, according to Kiresepi, is of special relevance.

Innovation and entrepreneurship

Also, the president of the OIE said that innovation and entrepreneurship are the foundations of our countries. "The 2030 agenda raises these sustainable development goals, so they must be a commitment and a responsibility to achieve the change we all want," he explained. Our implication, as a private sector, is indispensable to advance in the right direction, he added.

For his part, the president of CEOE, Antonio Garamendi, stressed in his speech that "the unity of business organizations is the key to be recognized in a globalized world." This is what the Council of Iberoamerican Entrepreneurs pursues, and what is working day by day on essential issues to ensure the economic growth of our economies and social welfare, such as market freedom or decent employment.

Iberoamerican Business Council

In this sense, Garamendi highlighted the Ibero-American Business Council, in which, together with the OIE, the most important Ibero-American organizations participate, and that it is developing a broad activity in the framework of the Summits of Heads of Ibero-American States, in collaboration with SEGIB , but also in other areas, such as training, arbitration or innovation. CEOE, he informed, is firmly committed, together with the OIE, to CEIB and will continue to offer its best support as its Permanent Secretariat.

He also appreciated the role of the Office in the activities of the ILO's employers, as it fosters the strengthening of business organizations around the world. For social dialogue and tripartism to fulfill their work effectively, Garamendi stressed, it is essential that there exist strong business organizations in all countries, capable of negotiating and assuming the agreements reached. "Everything the ILO can do in this area will be essential for tripartism to work positively," he said.

He also spoke of other matters of special regional importance, such as training and communication. From CEOE and from CEIB, work is being done to favor the training of students, with the possibility that they can do so in any of the countries of the Region. In this regard, he referred to the CAMPUS Program, promoted by SEGIB, which allows companies to approach the training of candidates and integrate into the labor market. Also, he said, it is important to carry out a joint communication strategy, the vision of unity of the Council of Iberoamerican Entrepreneurs allows all these elements to be united in an institution that already exists, that is underway and that will continue working for the collective good of the business communities.

The Ibero-American General Secretary, Rebeca Grynspan, in turn, conveyed the message that we must continue to fight for the unity and strength of the Ibero-American economies to continue in the region. "CEIB is the best tool for this," he said.

In his speech, Grynspan stressed the need to continue promoting collaboration among Ibero-American business organizations, "a collaboration that should have innovation as a driving force for a more prosperous, inclusive and sustainable Latin America," he said.

In her message, the Ibero-American General Secretary emphasized the need to incorporate the private sector in this collaboration, an essential aspect if one wants to guarantee "the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the success in fulfilling the Sustainable Development Goals".

The former president of CACIF and CEIB, Antonio Malouf highlighted the valuable contribution of CEIB, created in 2015 in Madrid, in the framework of the Ibero-American meeting of Presidents of the OIE. We are witnesses of the fruits of CEIB's work, not only in the organization of Ibero-American business meetings, he explained. "Since my inauguration speech as president of CEIB 2 years ago in Madrid, our priorities have been focused on giving continuity to the work and mandates of the summits and revitalizing them, in order to maintain their credibility and today I can say with all satisfaction, pride and concrete result, that we have achieved in Antigua Guatemala, "he said.

As in each edition, the presidents addressed the political and economic situation of their respective countries and shared the concerns of their business communities. During the session the transfer of the pro-tempore presidency of the CEIB to the Andorran Business Confederation- CEA- was formalized, which will be responsible for assuming the organization of the XIII Ibero-American Business Meeting, coinciding with the XXVII Ibero-American Summit of Heads of State and Government in Andorra in November 2020.

In his acceptance speech, the president of the CEA, and since yesterday pro-tempore president of CEIB, Gerard Cadena, thanked the trust placed in the Andorran employers and has emphasized the will of the Andorran business network to strengthen commercial ties and of cooperation with the rest of the countries of Ibero-America.

Future activities

During the meeting the activities developed by CEIB in the last year, both in Spain and in other countries of the Region, were presented, and it informed the preparatory work of the XIII Ibero-American Business Meeting, in which the Council has been working for months together with the Ibero-American General Secretariat-SEGIB, such as the Mipymes Forum on 2 and 3 July in Buenos Aires or the Open Innovation Forum, to be held in autumn in Madrid. The next Summit will take place in November 2020 in Andorra and will have as its theme "innovation for sustainable development".

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José María Quijano Riestra has been elected as the new general secretary of the Spanish Confederation of Transport of Goods (CETM) to replace Miguel Ángel Valverde Jiménez, who has been at the head of the CETM for seventeen years and who will continue to be linked to the organization in quality of counselor and as general secretary of the Spanish Confederation of Employers Organizations of Transport by Road (CONETRANS).

Quijano, born in Santander in 1963, takes the reins of which is recognized by the Ministry of Development as the largest transport and logistics organization in Spain and representing more than 31,000 companies throughout the national territory. Bachelor in Economics and Business Administration from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) and Master in Management and Management of Transport and Logistics Companies from the ESIC Business School, he has nearly thirty years of experience in positions of national and international responsibility in the management team of the CETM.

Currently, he also holds the position of general secretary of the Spanish Federation of Transport Assistants (FEDAT – CETM OPERADORES) and is the manager of SINTRA, S.L., the transport services company of the CETM.

For his part, Dulsé Díaz Fresno has been appointed deputy secretary general. Diploma in Business Management and Administration from the UCM and Master in Management and Management of Transport and Logistics Companies by the ESIC, Díaz will continue holding the positions of Director of Communication and Image of the CETM and general secretary of CETM Cisterns and CETM Carriers .

The CETM is committed to internal promotion in the preparation of its new organization chart, with which it intends to strengthen its national and international leadership capacity in the transport and merchandise logistics sector, expanding its framework of action and participation and increasing both the services that are being offered, such as the quality of them.

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The Confederation of Employers of Navarra (CEN) and the Reciprocal Guarantee Society ELKARGI have signed a collaboration agreement to promote joint actions, aimed at boosting the competitiveness of Navarre companies. The signing of the agreement has been the responsibility of the president of CEN, José Antonio Sarría, and the general director of ELKARGI, Zenón Vázquez.

The main objective of the agreement is to support the financing of the Navarrese business fabric and to make available to the companies affiliated to the CEN a comprehensive offer of tailored solutions to improve their economic-financial management.

In this sense, ELKARGI undertakes to study the granting of guarantees to companies belonging to the CEN in an agile manner and in terms of terms and preferred interest. In addition, the associated companies may have specialized advice and consultancy in the economic-financial field.

For its part, CEN will provide the necessary resources for the organization of the activities developed within the framework of this agreement. The agreement will be valid for one year and will be tacitly extended in annual periods.

About CEN

The Confederation of Employers of Navarre (CEN) Represents and defends the interests of entrepreneurs, putting value on their contribution to society. In addition, it is the most representative business organization of the Autonomous Community, which makes it an accredited interlocutor before the institutions. This representation is based on the adhesion to CEN of the main business associations of Navarra, which add up to more than 12,000 companies in the region, coming from all sectors.


ELKARGI It is the first SGR of the State and the only one specialized in Social Economy. With almost 40 years of history and 129,000 guarantees granted, it has 15,500 associated companies, close to 1,000 million euros in endorsements in force and a history of 7,000 million, more than 105 million euros in own resources and a solvency ratio greater than 16% In addition to contributing to the improvement of business financing of SMEs, Microenterprises, Businesses, Entrepreneurs and Autonomous, ELKARGI seeks to consolidate its guarantor activity with a relevant volume, capable of addressing the challenge of sustainability, facilitating negotiation with financial institutions and other organisms, or with the new highly specialized markets.

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