Practically one in three self-employed workers, 28.7%, would raise the contribution base to Social Security if they improve the benefits to which they are entitled, according to the report "The self-employed worker before social security"Carried out by the National Federation of Associations of Autonomous Workers, ATA for Fundación MAPFRE.

The study, the result of a survey of more than 1,800 self-employed workers, aims to analyze the approach of the self-employed to social, public and complementary pension systems, and increase their financial and insurance knowledge so that they can make more informed decisions about your future.

"Among the objectives that Fundación MAPFRE has is the promotion of a greater financial and insurance culture," says Julio Domingo, General Director of Fundación MAPFRE, "The more information citizens have, the better decisions they can make about their future and, speaking of supplementary savings and pensions, decisions have to be made 20 or 30 years before retirement, for which it is essential to be well informed . That is why we work to disseminate this knowledge by promoting studies for specific groups, such as this one of ATA, or through initiatives such as the portal Insurance and pensions for all "

The Study reflects that 86% of the self-employed contribute for the minimum base, which in 2019 is set at € 944.40 / month. Despite this figure, it should be noted that 37.9% of the group is predisposed to change and raise their contribution base, of which 28.7% said that they would do so if they improve the benefits they currently offer to the group.

Against this, 38.2% of the self-employed points out the lack of income as the main reason for not uploading their base contribution and a 13.2% prefer to invest money in hiring private plans because they consider that they are better than the benefits that they will receive from the public system.

Given this situation, the study carried out by ATA evaluates the knowledge that the self-employed have and believe they have about which rights derive from their contributions. One in two freelancers – 54.9% – believe they do not have sufficient knowledge of the benefits generated by their contributions to Social Security and only one in three self-employed – 33.7% – considers that they know the basics. Only 3% of the self-employed consider that they have a wide knowledge of the benefits to which they have the right to be autonomous and to contribute to the Social Security.

The contribution bases established by the Social Security for 2019 establish the minimum contribution base at € 944.40 / month and the maximum at € 4070.10 / month. From these two figures the self-employed can choose the amount for which they wish to pay (30% of the chosen base is what is quoted). That 30% is distributed:

  • 28.30% – Common contingencies.
  • 0.90% – Professional contingencies.
  • 0.70% – Cessation of activity
  • 0.10% – Professional training.

Breaking down the different social benefits included in the quote, health care, sick leave and retirement are the best known by the self-employed: two out of every three self-employed – 67.2% – affirm that they know their contribution entitles them to healthcare, 58.5% have access to sick leave not derived from their professional activity and practically one in two – 47.1% – know they have the right to retirement.

As for professional contingencies, two out of every three self-employed workers – 66, 2% – know that this contribution entitles them to benefit in case of an accident at work. Faced with this, one in four self-employed – 25.6% – mistakenly believes that professional contingencies also cover health care.

It is appreciated among the collective ignorance of the benefits that cover the different contingencies for which they are contributing: 20.8% – one in five self-employed – believes that common contingencies give them the right to leave due to an accident at work or occupational disease, when this benefit is included in the contribution for professional contingencies, a contribution for which up to January 1, 2019, only 19% of the self-employed contributed. After the last approved measures all the self-employed already quote for professional contingencies.

"In short, the study reflects a group of self-employed workers with a high degree of ignorance of both the benefits to which they are entitled due to their contribution to Social Security, which resorts moderately to private protection systems and on which it is declared , mostly, unfamiliar", Points out José Luis Perea, general secretary of ATA.

Graphs 3.3 and 3.4, which are presented below, show what the respondents really know about the benefits that correspond to them for the payment of their Social Security contributions. The question asked specifically was what are the benefits linked to each type of contingency. In the graphs you can see marked with a check (✓) the correct answers.

graphic 2

graphic 3

Six out of ten freelancers suspend social security

The study also analyzes what is the assessment of the collective Social Security system in general and how they see it in comparison with the tax burden and the services of the rest of European countries.

The feeling of misinformation and ignorance that the self-employed have in the social protection systems has as a consequence the low valuation of the benefits of both sectors. Thus, it is observed as six out of ten autonomous, 59.8% suspend Social Security and only 12.1% of the one above the notable rating.

In addition, a strong 62.6% believes that the Spanish system is below or well below the rest of European countries. "The lack of information seems clear, in this sense, because Spain is spearheading the equal rights of self-employed workers, being the only State that has a Statute of Autonomous Work, a fundamental piece in the equality of rights of the workers, "says José Luis Perea.

This disinformation is particularly worrisome, the study notes, taking into account that many of the measures are recent and given their novelty they should have had enough diffusion to reach, at least, the members of the group affected.

As a conclusion to the study, both entities point out the need to address an awareness campaign among the group of benefits that may involve increasing, as far as possible, their contribution base and also serve to make them more aware of the benefits to which they are entitled.

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The president of CEOE, Marta Blanco, spoke yesterday at the annual meeting of the MENA-OECD Business Advisory Council in Tunis, under the theme "Public-private partnerships for inclusive growth". The main objectives of the meeting are to develop a regional vision of the private sector in what should be the political priorities for achieving economic growth and job creation. It is also intended to present the new platform of Youth Business Associations, which was created in September 2018, when the MENA-OECD Business Advisory Council was launched.

The Tunisian Confederation of Industry, Commerce and Handicrafts (UTICA) and the MENA-OECD Competitiveness Program have organized the second annual Regional Council Conference (BAB), which is co-chaired by UTICA and CEOE. The meeting is held within the framework of the MENA-OECD Conference in Tunisia, which includes the meeting of the Steering Group of the MENA-OECD initiative on Governance and Competitiveness (July 18) and the 11th meeting of the MENA-OECD Working Group on SME and Business Policy (June 19).

The meeting of the Business Council will be divided into a morning of thematic sessions and an afternoon with a Government-Company Summit. The thematic sessions consist of a series of panels, which will aim to gather the opinions and recommendations of the private sector on how to address key issues, such as support for the internationalization of SMEs, the reduction of corruption and the promotion of balance between men and women in the private sector. The Government-Enterprise Summit is organized around interactive debates between finance and investment ministers and heads of business organizations, to address the region's main challenges and priorities, such as the implementation of economic reforms and the construction of inclusive societies.

MENA-OECD Business Advisory Council

The president of CEOE International, Marta Blanco, explained that the Council was created in 2016 in the framework of the Ministerial Conference of the MENA-OECD Competitiveness Program, in order that the private sector achieve greater influence on legislative reforms of the region, intensifying the dialogue among public-private actors and strengthening the capacity of companies to make improvements in the region.

Blanco considered that it is necessary to have a platform that brings together the different sectors of society to find solutions to the problems of the region. He also pointed out that public-private dialogue should be integrated into a broader dialogue, involving more interlocutors, such as women and young people. According to Blanco, commercial ties should also be strengthened, in order to reduce or eliminate existing barriers, as well as relations between business organizations, since they are the ones that can favor internationalization.

Marta Blanco also stressed the need to facilitate access for companies, especially SMEs, to international markets. To achieve this, he added, international regulations should be simplified. In this regard, he insisted that for the internationalization of SMEs an adequate business environment should be developed and that the local productive fabric be developed.

The president of CEOE International stressed that, in terms of gender, it is very important to strengthen the economic, political and social position of women, to ensure growth and economic development. He also referred to young people in the MENA region and considered that access to the labor market should be facilitated for this sector. For this, he explained, it is a priority to implement policies to improve education and training programs, depending on the needs of the economy. In this line, Blanco announced the new platform of MENA-OECD Youth Business Associations, in order to help, promote and promote the access of young people in the region to the labor market.

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The president of CEOE intervenes in the 108th meeting of the International Labor Conference

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Chema and Laura, tutors of #FPDual

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  • The project of Ministerial order whose processing starts with the public consultation phase aims to improve the information that pension fund management entities must send periodically to national and European authorities

The Ministry of Economy and Enterprise has initiated the processing, through public consultation, of a draft Ministerial Order in which the quantitative information models to be submitted by the pension fund management entities are established. The objective of the regulation is to adapt the current requirements of the General Directorate of Insurance and Pension Funds to the new information obligations that the fund managers must also supply to the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority and the European Central Bank.

The new regulation will allow to unify all the information that the pension fund management entities must send to the national and European authorities to comply with the obligations established in the European Union regulations. In this way, all the information can be sent together and duplicities will be avoided.

The public consultation period ends on July 2

Public Consultation Ministerial Order

Source of the new

During the celebration of the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Assembly of the National Association of e-Learning and Distance Centers (ANCED) that has taken place in Madrid, has been elected as the new president of ANCED Arturo de las Heras García, President of the CEF Educational Group – UDIMA.

The new president of the ANCED, Arturo de las Heras, who he has been a member of ANCED for 13 years, he has a degree in Law from the CEU-Luis Vives, attached to the University of Alcalá de Henares, and has a PDD (Executive Development Program) by the IESE Business School, as well as a Master's Degree in Taxation and Tax Advice, and another in Human Resources Management and Management, both by the CEF.- Center for Financial Studies.

In 2016 he received the distinction of 'Best Entrepreneur' in the category of Training Sector and is very involved in the associative and business world. Thus, he is president of the Génova Financial Club, member of the Executive Committee of the Boards of Directors of CEIM, Business Confederation of Madrid CEOE; vice president of the Association for the Development of the Family Business of Madrid (Adefam); member of the Board of Directors of Droniberia, employers of companies in the drone sector; president of TodoStartups; member of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Association of Business Schools (AEEN), and president of the e-business Cluster.

He replaces Jorge Azcárate Morera, director of CCC, who has served as the Association's highest representative since 2003. During the Assembly, the new president and its Board of Directors have presented their action plan for the 2019- 2023, where a very important commitment is made by the impulse of the new technologies in the sector to collaborate with the associated companies in the transformation to the 4.0 industry, to boost the investment in R + D + I in the educational areas and to recycle the human teams in areas such as Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Robotics or Cybersecurity. Within the institutional sphere, contacts will be strengthened with the administration, employers and trade unions in the defense and positioning of distance education, and collaboration with other business organizations in the sector will be strengthened.

The Board of Directors of ANCED has been constituted by:

Arturo de las Heras García
President of the CEF Educational Group – UDIMA

First Vice President
Manuel Pereira Moure
Editorial Director and On Line Training, ADAMS Training

Second Vice President
Pilar Tallón Burón
Director of Promotion and Development of Technical Courses and of the Institute of Technical Teaching

José Antonio Álvarez López
Director of Experts in Consulting Services Exes

Nuria Prat Clarós
Director of the Center for Prat Studies

Pedro Maya Álvarez
Director of Dynamic Disclosure

Noelia Olvera Vegas
Director of the Academy Our Lady of Hope

General secretary
Miguel Ángel Fernández Sánchez

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The presentation press conference was attended by the general secretary of CEN, Carlos Fernández Valdivielso, the general secretary of UGT Navarra, Jesús Santos, and the general secretary of CCOO Navarra, Chechu Rodríguez.

In particular, the campaign proposes the promotion of good practices as a means to combat occupational accidents that, In 2018 alone, it left 9,782 work accidents with sick leave in the Community of Navarra, 9.9% more than the previous year.

To this end, the figure of the Territorial Delegate for the Prevention of Occupational Risks (DTP) will be promoted, whose main task will be to encourage the improvement of risk prevention among SMEs of between 6 and 49 workers. Specifically, there will be 18 DTP, all qualified technicians in occupational risk prevention, who will visit the companies.

The program, in detail

Participating companies will receive two visits to diagnose their needs in terms of risk prevention: one from a DTP from the CEN and another from a DTP union. Both will carry out jointly, fruit of the consensus between the two parties, an improvement report and will meet with management and workers to propose various actions that will be guided by the DTP of the CEN.

Subsequently, a summary document will be published, where all the work that has been done in this respect will be addressed with each of the participating SMEs.

Small and medium-sized companies interested in participating in 'DTP, your vaccine against occupational hazards' can expand information or enroll in the program through the web or, by email sent to the address:

A pioneer figure in Spain

In the signing of the revision of the Intersectorial Agreement of Navarra on Labor Relations, of October of last year, CEN, UGT and CCOO committed themselves to relaunch this figure of the Territorial Delegate for Prevention that, years ago, already it was a pioneer in Spain because of its management fruit of the consensus between business organizations and unions and for the good results it has brought in reducing labor accident rates.

The three signatory organizations highlighted in this agreement how the accident rate had increased in recent years in Navarre and committed to work and develop the necessary actions to combat it until the maximum possible eradication of work accidents and the implementation of measures to prevent diseases of work origin.

In this agreement, CEN, UGT and CCOO proposed measures to introduce improvements in the companies in matters of occupational health, such as transferring to companies the need to protocolize intervention programs against work stress and all aspects related to conflicts and risks psychosocial In companies with fewer than fifty workers, the three organizations also recommend holding regular meetings on risk prevention between the prevention delegate and the company management.

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The president of CEOE, Antonio Garamendi, took part today in the 108th Meeting of the International Labor Conference, which is being held these days in Geneva and also coincides with the celebration of the first centenary of the International Labor Organization (ILO). Later he will participate in the XXX Meeting of Presidents of Iberoamerican Business Organizations that will inaugurate Antonio Garamendi; the president of the OIE, Erol Kiresepi; and the former president of CACIF and CEIB, Antonio Malouf. This meeting is attended by the presidents and representatives of the 23 most representative business organizations from the 20 Latin American countries, Spain, the Principality of Andorra and Portugal.

During his speech at the 108th Meeting of the International Labor Conference, the president of CEOE highlighted that the 100-year history of the ILO demonstrates the validity of the mission that was assigned by the founders to guarantee social justice, through a governance model, based on tripartism, which makes the ILO a unique reference in the United Nations system. He said that this model has served as inspiration for CEOE and has been key to guarantee economic growth, job creation and social peace.

Private company

The celebration of the centenary of the ILO, said Garamendi, also serves to initiate a frank debate on how to successfully face the challenges that the organization has in an economic context, marked by a vertiginous technological transformation driven by digitization. The president of CEOE explained that the Centennial Declaration resulting from the discussion in the Committee of the Whole should recognize the role of sustainable private enterprise, as a source of economic growth and job creation.

Garamendi said that both private entrepreneurship and the implementation of regulatory frameworks that encourage their development, represent two premises without whose recognition the organization can not credibly respond to the new challenges of the coming century, such as the digitalization of our societies, the globalization of our markets, climate change or demography. In short, he said, it is about linking sustainable private enterprise and the improvement of regulatory environments to the creation of employment and, in turn, taking into account these major global processes, which are transforming production models and relationship models. traditional labor


CEOE believes that the future of work is closely linked to the future of the company. Garamendi explained that "we are experiencing moments of profound changes in the multilateral system in which the ILO should play a role in the United Nations, according to its constitutional mandate and the tripartite structure. In this regard, he added that the SDGs constitute the international Agenda in which the ILO has a very important space in some of them, mainly in SDG 8, which clearly links employment to economic growth.

It is true, he said, that normative action has been very important as a source of inspiration for labor legislation in member countries, but it is also necessary to update it to respond to changing needs in our societies. The ILO, pointed out Garamendi, should reinforce other aspects such as the development of sustainable enterprises, the capacity for economic analysis and the digital challenge, in which training is the essential element to facilitate transitions to the new model, and facilitate access for the young population to the labor market.

Aware of the importance of training workers in a more globalized economy, said Garamendi, CEOE and Fundación Telefónica will sign an agreement in the coming weeks to promote training in digital skills in the main sectors of the Spanish economy. He also expressed his pride in belonging to the OIE's great family, which, among other responsibilities, provides essential support within the framework of the ILO, but also in other forums of the United Nations, both globally and regionally.

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The president of the Confederation of Business Associations of the Balearic Islands (CAEB), Carmen Planas, and Gerardo Cuerva, president of CEPYME and vice president of CEOE, have delivered the Entrepreneur of the Year Award 2019 to Francisco Vidal, president of Grupo Autovidal, during the 'Entrepreneur Gala' held at the Castell de Bellver in Palma, before more than five hundred guests and in presence of the main representatives of the Balearic society.

In a lively speech, the president of CAEB has started by saying: "I want to share with all of you a concern that, I confess, comes from my heart and makes me sad, because Balears is losing welfare and has been doing it for 20 years" .

Planas has supported his argument in the book "Why countries fail. The origins of power, prosperity and poverty ", work of the prestigious economists Daron Acemoglu and James Robinson, who analyze why neighboring countries, or neighboring regions, that have similar conditions, present wide differences in terms of economic development and well-being , coinciding both authors in pointing out that "the cause is in the policies dictated by the institutions of each country or of each region".

The president of CAEB, in this line, explained that "20 years ago we were on the podium of the Spanish regions, but we have been losing positions because of the policies we have been implementing for two decades."

Therefore, "Balears will not reach greater levels of prosperity until it has the right policies and I sincerely believe that the time has come to change public and private policies. We can not continue choosing those problems that seem more pressing, more urgent and easier to solve in the short term and continue systematically relegating the most important is the loss of welfare. A problem that we have not addressed for 20 years. "

"It is not enough to affirm before the lack of housing, that we will do more for the next four years or that we will install housing for rent, although later we will do it, or not. It is not enough to say, in front of our young people that they leave their studies prematurely, that we will put in free enrollments or that we will expand the educational offer. It is not enough to tell our traditional industries that they are about to close, that we will support them in fairs or we will subsidize the purchase of machinery. It is not enough to tell our young university students that they do not find a job that suits their professional profile, that we will incorporate them into the administration or help them to start their own business, though, carrying a huge backpack of rules and difficulties on their backs. It is not enough to tell the resident, in the face of congestion problems, that we will invent trolleys, or we will propose to go by bicycle or we will articulate a shuttle bus network, because all that is just patches ", lamented the president of CAEB.

"And what we need are not patches, but an integral solution that solves the root of all our problems at once", added Planas, assuring that "the time has come for all institutions to assume the urgent responsibility of boosting the productivity of all the factors of production that we use in our companies, departments and institutions. Because productivity is the element that makes some regions more prosperous than others. "

Planas has defended that "the only way to increase the efficiency of the economy, is from institutional reforms, ambitious reforms, reforms with capital letters".

Planas: "The big problem is the alarming low productivity we experience in the Balearics at all levels"

Based on the data of the Impulsa Foundation, Planas pointed out that "as important as the low competitive position of the Balearic Islands, is the set of arguments that explain it, because they discover the real problems that we have in pillars as important as higher education, innovation, business sophistication and the quality of our institutions, where we are, by the way, below the Spanish average ".

Planas has insisted that "in addition to the low ratings that Balears shows today in all these indexes, the worrying thing, the truly worrying my dear friends, is that for too many years we have been getting worse in a tendential way, and, especially, in matter institutional where the increasingly high and complex taxes, joins the ineffective bureaucracy that explains that certain procedures require more time and are more expensive than the average of the regions with which we compete, and I mean the obtaining of permits for the building, the procedures to start a business, to get electricity, to obtain credit or to register the property …

"The administrations have to function and facilitate the economy to work for our society to prosper," said the president of CAEB.

"Now we need to act accordingly. Add support and forge a leadership, a leadership that has to be shared by the public sector and the private sector, by the government and by the opposition, to place Balears back among the most prosperous regions of Europe ". "It is necessary and also urgent that, under that shared leadership, we join all efforts because today is the time to demand not a government pact, but a pact, a great public-private pact of modernization and productive transformation of the Balearic economy" .

"Let's do it now," the CAEB president has said, "and let's not fall into the error of believing that growth is guaranteed, because it is not, and let's not forget to implement reforms that are perhaps uncomfortable in the shortest term," warned Carmen Planas.

"Establish a reformist strategy instead of continuing to deceive ourselves with a policy of chosen problems and leaving relegated the big problem is the alarming low productivity we experience in the Balearics at all levels," he stressed.

He has also had a message for the business community. "Today, I ask the companies not only tenacity and passion, but vision and creativity to break this status quo. Let us also abandon short-term strategies, often too cost-focused, to grow from digitization, circularity, internationalization, clustering, innovation, sustainability, responsibility. I know that what I ask is difficult but today, there are companies with names that you are doing and you are achieving and a good number of them are here and you are an example to follow ".

Carmen Planas concluded her speech saying that "I had told you that today I wanted to share with all of you a concern that comes from my heart. And believe me, from my heart, I tell you that nothing would make me happier than in 20 years, at this gala of the entrepreneur, the president of CAEB can congratulate everyone, because together we have achieved it. "

The intervention of the president of CAEB has provoked wide approval among the attending public and, especially, among the numerous representatives of business leaders who have traveled to Palma today to attend the Entrepreneur Gala. Among those who stand out the president of CEPYME and vice president of CEOE, Gerardo Cuerva; the vice president of the Foment del Treball, Elisabeth Cañigueral; the president of the management of the Valencian Community and also vice-president of CEOE, Salvador Navarro, and also the president of the businessmen of Murcia, José María Albarracín, organizations that, together with the Balearic Islands, make up the Mediterranean arch.

Also present were the presidents of the Spanish Confederation of Young Entrepreneurs, Fermín Albaladejo, and the National Association of Autonomous Workers, Lorenzo Amor, as well as the president of the ASINCEX engineering association, Juan Merino.

Planas stressed that "I believe that your presence reflects the fruit of the intense work we are doing in CAEB to be the transmission belt between companies in the Balearic Islands and the rest of Spain." He also pointed out that "I also want to tell you, and I do it with pride, that the initiatives that CAEB is developing with the third sector, both in the Balearic Islands and abroad, have been recognized at the national level and, thanks to them, today CAEB holds the chairmanship of the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee of the CEOE. An opportunity to drive major changes in business strategy and enhance the social commitment of companies.

The president of CAEB also congratulated "my great work team, vice presidents of the CAEB, chairmen of the commissions and the more than 80 associations that make up the large employers of the Balearic Islands that is CAEB, as well as my team of direct collaborators , because not for the fact of seeing them almost daily deserve less my personal gratitude.

Planas also had words of thanks for Bankia, for sponsoring again this Gala of the 2019 Entrepreneur, as well as for the entities that have collaborated in the act, specifically mentioning the Barceló Group, the English Court, Sampol, Willis Towers Watson, Asima, Palma City Council, Coca-Cola, Estrella Damm and Cut & Go, "a company, innovative, from here, from Mallorca, whose robots we have seen in the video and which have created the award, the work of Manuel Granero, whom I congratulate your creativity A work born of the purest talent and the most modern technology 'made in Balears' ".

The president of CEPYME and vice president of CEOE, Gerardo Cuerva, highlights that "it is necessary to bet on stability, moderation and legal security"

The president of the Spanish Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises (CEPYME) stressed in his speech that "it is necessary to remind the political representatives at different administrative levels, the need to place, clearly and clearly, companies and , in a very special way, to SMEs in the central axis of economic policies.

Gerardo Cuerva, vice-president of the Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations (CEOE), insisted that "for entrepreneurs to be able to carry out our work, it is necessary to bet on stability, moderation and legal security, as well as an environment favorable for the activity of the companies ".

For this reason, Cuerva has concluded by defending "a framework that, in short, takes into account the needs of companies and does not introduce elements of insecurity that hinder and tax their activity".

Armengol highlights "the role of CAEB to build bridges with administrations and promote consensus to continue creating opportunities and welfare for citizens"

The Acting President of the Balearic Government, which has closed the event, stressed that "CAEB's vocation is with the companies and with the people behind it, but also, as a fundamental actor of civil society, it has a double responsibility with the land in which it is rooted. On the one hand economic, lending a magnificent support to companies of all dimensions and all sectors. And, on the other hand, social, building bridges with the administrations so that together, from a climate of loyalty and consensus, we can promote tools and environments that make your work easier and allow you to continue creating opportunities and welfare for the citizens ".

Francina Armengol pointed out that "as a result of the collective work of companies, unions, institutions, and also workers, we have experienced a legislature of maximum, quantitative and also qualitative growth, in places of work, in indefinite work, in profitability, in salary increases, in rights, in public services, in exports and, also, in low season ".

Francisco Vidal, thanks for the award of the Entrepreneur of the Year Award 2019

Francisco Vidal, president of Grupo Autovidal, thanked the award of the Entrepreneur of the Year Award 2019, stating that "I want and I must share this award with my four children and the 260 employees of Autovidal since without their work, dedication and I would dare to say, love for the company, nor would I be here, nor would Autovidal be what it is today and above all because they are going to have to face the challenges of the future of our sector, the transformation of mobility, which it is predicted to be fascinating in the coming decades and it will put us to the test again, so this award is for those who are now in the day to day of our company, so they do not lose that transforming role that has always been in our DNA, to achieve new forms of productivity that will help us to last and improve our competitiveness and of course, also in gratitude to the thousands of clients who have trusted us throughout these 98 years of activity.

Vidal stressed that "if there are two things that I am proud of as an entrepreneur, first of all I have known how to make the generational change to my four children at the right time, when I thought I was losing strength and creativity and they were winning. And the second, to have been able to instill in my children the values ​​of the business family, which for me is not the same as the family business since this is when the company works for the whole family even if a family member is not integrated into it and the Family Business that is one in which the whole family works in and for the company ".

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The Association of International Road Transport (ASTIC) has celebrated its XLII General Assembly in Granada, under the motto Spanish transport moves Europe, where he has focused his speech on the leadership treasured by the Spanish transport company in Europe. After Poland, Spanish carriers are the ones with the most international services in the EU: 16%, equivalent to 76,442 million tons per kilometer, compared to 215,184 million tons of Poland, according to Eurostat data.

In this edition, the Spanish employers of international transport has chosen Granada for its expansion as an intermodal logistics connection center between southern Europe and North Africa for the international transport of goods (maritime and road). Thus, the Port of Motril closed 2018 as a leader in export growth of the national port system with a 47.7% increase in the number of operations, and registered a 21.7% increase in general port traffic (2, 8 million tons), 19 points above the national average. Specifically, in the last five years, it has been reinforced in 2018 mainly thanks to Ro-Ro traffic (truck to ship), with more than 325,000 tons, according to official data from the Port Authority of Motril.

During the Assembly, which was inaugurated by Gerardo Cuerva, president of CEPYME, and which has been attended by the largest road transport companies in Spain, by turnover and number of vehicles, it has become clear that, despite the fragmentation which the sector faces in Spain, our country is listed as the third largest employer in Europe, with more than 231,600 jobs, only behind France (314,500) and Poland (291,224). However, there continues to be a deficit in Spain of more than 10,000 professional long distance driver positions.

For his part, the president of ASTIC, Marcos Basante, has highlighted the strategic nature of international road transport for the foreign sector of the Spanish economy. "75% of Spanish exports travel by road to Europe, which in itself exposes the vital role of the sector in the Gross Domestic Product of the country, which contributes 5%," said Basante. Likewise, the international mode in Spain represents one third (33%) of the total transport of goods by road (TMC) in tons / km, far ahead of neighboring countries such as France (7%) or Germany (13.2%) , which are precisely the main destinations for goods that leave Spain and that concentrate 45%. "There is uncertainty in the sector, but this year we have been strengthened, we have grown in turnover, and now we have to be more united and each one has the courage to define the future of the general framework in which the sector develops and its complex casuistry. ", Highlighted Basante.


Pending the occurrence of a Brexit with or without agreement, in order to correctly assess the impact it would have in Spain, it is worth remembering the relevance of the United Kingdom as a trading partner for our country: it represents about 12% of the value of our exports and 10% of our imports to and from the EU, accounting for 8% of the that are produced by road to make this transaction between both countries. "Hard times are coming with the threat of a Brexit without agreement and the pending negotiation of the Mobility Package between the European Parliament, Assembly and Commission. Therefore, we must build a more firm and united business fabric than ever before, which together with the political and economic power and the social agents, in the same direction, to face up to the sectoral consequences of the British exit from Europe, "he warned. the president of ASTIC.

Quality employment and distribution

On the other hand, Basante has emphasized the future of the business model of the sector, where cooperation prevails over the fierce competition and quality employment generated by the traditional business model, with employees, vehicles and warehouses, as opposed to the precarious of disruptive corporate engineering, which pretend a destructured base of carriers to subcontract and coordinate them, freeing themselves from their fixed costs. "We are in favor of competition in the market, but on equal terms. For many years we have been building solid economic development bases with large investments in vehicles, facilities and human resources and it is unfair and dangerous that these new digital platforms try to compete with other rules. Faced with these companies of 'non-contributory' economy, which do not pay taxes, we provide contributions and taxes, something that we must put in value. We are an island in the middle of the European desert, "said the president of ASTIC.

Pioneers of digitalization: eCMR

The transport companies considered as traditional are already highly digitized in many aspects: telemetry to measure, record and analyze in real time the various parameters of the truck; route optimization to shorten empty kilometers; the management of driving times; the customs transit; Fleet management and information to customers, etc. Precisely ASTIC is a pioneer of the implementation of eCMR in road transport since 2016, which has facilitated administrative procedures in customs transits. A clear example of this was the first intermodal transport by electronic postage card in Europe that connected Spain and Italy, via truck-ship-truck, on 25 February. ASTIC supported the inauguration of this trip, carried out by the road transport companies Transitalia Spain and the Italian shipping company Grimaldi. A truck loaded with paper coils and equipped with digital documents left by road from Madrid to the port of Valencia, where it took the seaway to the port of Livorno, from where it left again by road to its final destination in Verona.

"Being a transport company is fully compatible with digitalisation. This first intermodal trip in Europe with eCMR is a clear example of technological innovation applied to our sector, since it represents the present and the most immediate future so that logistics operations are more efficient, competitive and safe. This electronic document undoubtedly facilitates the management, the real-time monitoring of the charges and their legal protection, "said Basante.

Also, the Assembly has had the development of different technical conferences and a round table that have analyzed various issues that concern the sector: the implementation of Dual Vocational Training and the major business trends and sectoral regulations in Europe, among others.

The closing of the XLII General Assembly of ASTIC 2019 has been conducted by María José Rallo, Secretary General of Transport of the Ministry of Public Works, which has emphasized the importance of the unity and business collaboration of the sector as a guarantee of the country's economic development.

ASTIC is a non-profit organization of Spanish origin born in 1960 and currently integrated into the International Road Transport Union (IRU), headquartered in Geneva. ASTIC works to improve the conditions of the transport sector in Spain taking into account that they work in a European environment. Currently, it has more than 200 affiliates representing the largest freight and passenger transport companies in Spain, both in terms of number of vehicles and billing.

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