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The president of CEOE, Antonio Garamendi, will intervene next Monday at the XXX Meeting of Presidents of Latin American Business Organizations in Geneva, in the framework of the International Labor Conference, which is being held these days in the Swiss city. The day will be inaugurated, in addition to Garamendi, the President of the OIE, Erol Kiresepi; and the Former President of CACIF and CEIB, Antonio Malouf. This meeting is attended by the Presidents and representatives of the 23 most representative business organizations from the 20 Latin American countries, Spain, Principality of Andorra and Portugal.
As in each edition, the Presidents will address the political and economic situation of their respective countries and share the concerns of their business communities. On this occasion, there is also the transfer of the Pro-Tempore Presidency of the Council of Ibero-American Businessmen-CEIB, which is assumed by the Confederation of Entrepreneurs of Andorra-CEA, since the next Ibero-American Summit will be held in Andorra in the year 2020.
During the meeting the CEOE CEO will also present the activities developed by CEIB in the last year, both in Spain and in other countries of the Region, as well as the preparatory work for the XIII Ibero-American Business Meeting in which the Council is working for months with the Ibero-American General Secretariat-SEGIB
Prior to the meeting, the president of CEOE will take part in the 108th Meeting of the International Labor Conference in the plenary session. During the celebration of the centenary of the International Labor Organization, he will highlight the important work carried out by this tripartite organization in promoting the social dialogue and in setting international standards, both in social and labor matters. It will emphasize the importance of the company, as an engine of economic growth and job creation, at the same time that it will emphasize the existence of regulatory frameworks that propitiate the development of private enterprise. In the last part of his speech, he will stress the need for the ILO to adapt to the new challenges of technological change, driven by digitalization, globalization, climate change and demography, which will determine the future of business and work. .
Garamendi will attend the OIE Forum of Presidents, which will be attended by the top leaders of more than 50 national business organizations in order to address various aspects related to international trade, the labor scene, international labor migration, the international business agenda and human rights and the International Organization of Employers.
International Labor Conference (ILC)
The Member States of the ILO meet at the International Labor Conference, which takes place every year in Geneva during the month of June. Each Member State is represented by a delegation composed of two government delegates, one employer delegate and one worker delegate, plus their respective advisers; the employer and worker delegates are appointed in agreement with the most representative national organizations of employers and workers.
Many government representatives are ministers in charge of social and labor affairs in their countries. During the meeting of the Conference, Heads of State or Government also take the floor. International organizations, both governmental and non-governmental, attend as an observer.
The Conference is also a forum in which social and labor issues of importance to the whole world are discussed with complete freedom. The delegates study the evolution of social progress in the world and the Annual Report presented by the Director General of the ILO. The Conference also adopts resolutions that provide guidance for the general policy and future activities of the ILO.
The 108th Meeting of the International Labor Conference, which coincides with the centenary of the International Labor Organization, will have among its main tasks to agree the Declaration of the centenary of the ILO, a priority document that should set the lines of action of this specialized organization of the United Nations in the 21st century, as well as an agreement and a recommendation on violence and harassment in the world of work.
AMETIC has already positioned itself against the tax on certain digital services (IDSD) proposed by the Government of Spain at the end of last year. He warned then that it was a unilateral decision that could have a very negative effect on the Spanish economy, insisting that any such measure should be conceived within the global framework of the OECD and regulate all countries equally to avoid fragmentation of the global tax system and the creation of inefficiencies. For this reason, it welcomes the agreement reached within the framework of the international organization.
The employers' association maintains that a new digital taxation proposed unilaterally and without consensus among the most developed countries affects the principle of legal security, alters in a negative way the legitimacy of an international tax system characterized by its cross-border coordination, and will have a local and negative in investment, digitalization, connectivity and in companies and consumers that access digital services. Additionally, remember that This type of taxes end up being passed on to the companies that use the digital services and the final consumer.
From the OECD proposal, employers highlights the rejection and fear that the international body manifests in the growing number of "digital taxes" that are emerging in many countries. To this end, the OECD warns that it is not advisable to isolate the activity of companies that operate in the digital environment, but should take into account the impact of any measure taken on taxation in the economy as a whole.
With the approval of the G20 finance ministers, the OECD's power to find an international agreement and the political impulse to the ambitious work calendar is strengthened. Thus, the working group of the OECD, the so-called Inclusive Framework, will double its efforts to continue on the foreseen path, with the aim of having a final agreement for 2020
The president of the Council of Tourism, Culture and Sports of CEOE, Marta Blanco, participated in the official presentation of the Spanish Association of Clubs of Karate, recently created, held at the headquarters of the Confederation in Madrid, which highlighted the relevance of sport in Spain, in its society and in its economy.
Marta Blanco said that last year she entered Spain more than one and a half million foreign tourists for sporting reasons, and that 4.1% of the trips of Spanish residents abroad They were also made for these reasons. He also indicated that the Council of Tourism, Culture and Sports of the CEOE has proposed three main objectives: to analyze the problems of sport in its business environment, to present proposals to solve them and identify challenges and challenges of this highly relevant subject.
The event was also attended by the president of the Royal Spanish Federation of Karate, RFEK, Antonio Moreno, who highlighted that it is one of the sports with more practitioners in Spain, around 100,000; 72,000 federated athletes and more than 1,700 clubs. He also stressed the need to solve the intrusion.
For his part, Enrique Conde, president of CEOE Cepyme Cantabria, highlighted the benefits of karate, and of sport in general, highlighting the role of associationism as a vehicle to transfer this importance to the different administrations, while highlighting the values of This sport discipline, order, work and respect.
Finally, Norberto Ortiz, president of the Spanish Association of Karate Clubs, said that this new business association project, which can be part of both non-profit sports clubs and companies and freelancers, seeks to promote this sport in Spain, betting on the professionalization of the sector.
The Quarterly Bulletin of Employment in SMEs, prepared by the Spanish Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises (CEPYME) and Randstad Research, the center of studies and analysis of Randstad in Spain, highlights the importance that SMEs will continue to have in the use of country set. In fact, it reveals that, during the first quarter of 2019, this type of company has generated a total of 58,644 jobs. This figure is 3.2% more than the same period last year, these are, 318,234 professionals.
The report carried out by Randstad Research and CEPYME analyzes the behavior of the labor market of SMEs, which has been driven by the favorable evolution of the economy. During the first quarter of 2019, the GDP has increased by 0.7% with respect to the previous period, while, according to the Social Security records, there has been an advance of the membership estimated at 0.2% in the same period.
By size, small businesses (those of 10 out of 49 workers), with a total of 29,502 affiliates and micro enterprises (from 1 to 9 employees), with 26,761 affiliates are the ones that have increased the most employment in this quarter, both by 0.8%. Medium-sized companies (between 50 and 249 employees), with 2,381 members, hardly increased hiring (0.1%).
However, large companies have registered a worse performance during the first period of the year, reducing the volume of affiliates in more than 27,000 workers. In absolute terms, during the first quarter, 30,973 affiliations were registered in our country.
On the other hand, CEPYME and Randstad Research detect that, during the first three months of 2019, restoration and construction have been the main sectors of activity in the SME segment, followed by public services. Financial services have been the activity that registered the most significant reduction in employment in companies with more than 50 employees, while among the smaller ones, retail activities were those that experienced less activity.
SMEs will generate 543,000 jobs between 2019 and 2020
The Quarterly Bulletin of Employment in SMEs also includes the forecast for the period 2019-2020 that SMEs generate more than 543,000 new affiliations, which represents 70% of the employment that will be created in the country in this period. Specifically, the study foresees growth for this year of 3.0% over the previous year (297,521 hirings) and 2.4% for 2020 (245,789). These figures, while positive, reflect a slight deceleration in job creation.
By sectors, the report reveals that, over the next few years, services will be the one that will boost the labor market, with 225,940 jobs and a growth of 2.9% in year-on-year terms, while for 2020, 185,628 jobs are expected and an increase of 2.3%. The forecast of job creation for the period 2019-2020 in the services sector will represent 75.6% of all that will be generated by SMEs.
However, in relative terms, the highest employment growth rates will be recorded in the construction sector, with increases in membership of 5.3% (+ 41,292 jobs) in 2019 and 4.6% by 2020.
The industrial sector is expected to register 26,810 new jobs and a growth of 1.8%, while in 2020 there will be 19,104 new incorporations and a slight increase of 1.3%, with the sector with more discrete growth. Agriculture, on the other hand, registered 4.4% growth and 3,480 contracts, 2,862 and 3.5% more in 2020.
The president of CEOE, Antonio Garamendi, participated in the closing of the Conference of the Development Bank of Latin America (CAF) on European-American Relations in the new global context, held in Madrid, in which he stressed that the region remains a priority for Spanish companies. In addition, he stressed that although in the last decade the growth of the area has been around 3%, this growth has not been homogeneous among countries nor does it suppose a sufficient guarantee of qualitative development for the region, which requires more structural reforms for achieve higher productivity rates.
The president of CEOE also pointed out the main challenges that Latin America must face in the coming years, among which he highlighted the political and institutional problems that the region has been suffering, and more specifically the doubts about the economic policy in some countries, the financial challenges of Brazil and Argentina or the situation in Venezuela.
Antonio Garamendi stated that Digital transformation is an inexorable process that will improve competitiveness, growth, innovation and employment, but it requires a bet on education, innovation and entrepreneurship, while underlining the importance of making a responsible digital society approach to ensure sustainability.
The conference, which focused on the financing of strategic investments for sustainable development and the digital inclusion of people and societies, was attended by the Ibero-American general secretary, Rebeca Grynspan, and the CAF executive president, Luis Carranza .
The CAF Conference on European-Latin American Relations is an annual meeting that brings together prominent opinion leaders from different sectors to address the main common challenges faced by both regions.
The president of CEPYME, Gerardo Cuerva, has pointed to digitization as a fundamental pillar for the management of the customer experience, as well as new communication and marketing strategies to meet customer demands, adapt to them and improve loyalty, as well has indicated the quality and abundant information available to customers to acquire producer or services in the multiple available channels.
The professor of ESIC, Juan Carlos Alcaide, has highlighted in his paper the challenges facing a digital society from the cognitive marketing framework, which is also in a process of transformation and search for new vectors with personalization and automation as challenges and fundamental foci, through levers such as Big Data or increased intelligence.
The round table in which representatives of the companies Philips, BMW, Orange and IBM participated, under the title Customer Experience in a Digitalized World, We have discussed the different strategies of customer analysis, quality processes and data collection, in addition to the need for companies to adapt to a rapidly evolving market where the knowledge of customers and their demands is growing.
The forum was closed by the Director of Companies and Organizations of CEOE, Javier Calderón, who invited attendees to continue working to improve the customer experience, noting that forums like this serve to pool knowledge for the improvement of services of our companies and the competitiveness of our business network.
The secretary general of the National Association of Stevedoring Companies, Pedro García Navarro, has participated as a speaker at the lunch organized by the Propeller Club Sevilla. A colloquium in which the president of the Propeller Club Sevilla, Javier García Senent, has also intervened and which has been introduced and presented by its secretary general, Manuel González.
During his speech and before thirty businessmen, García Navarro spoke about the future and the present of the stowage, emphasizing the need to improve the competitiveness of the sector through an adequate public investment policy and port taxes.
In this sense, the manager of the stowage company has defended "The need to lower port rates, since it is necessary to improve the competitiveness of the system to compete with other countries."
In this line, he said that "it does not make sense to continue with the current policy of port taxes that entails a consolidated annual result of the Port Authorities as a whole exceeding 250 million euros, so that a working capital has already been generated. higher than 1,500 million euros ".
Pedro García has questioned the current amount of port taxes and, in particular, the occupancy rate of the public domain that applies to port terminals, since "the excess of non-applied treasury shows that the amount of this tax is higher what companies receive. " Finally, García Navarro has insisted that "the public management of the ports should not lead to the generation of economic funds without a destination, nor the execution of non-productive investments, but rather these resources should be used to reduce the cost of the logistics chain "
The importance of the stowage sector together with the latest legal modifications and collective bargaining have been other issues addressed by the Secretary General of ANESCO.
Thus, García Navarro has stopped in the changes experienced in recent years following the ruling of the CJEU of December 2014 that forced a modification of the legal framework embodied in the Royal Decrees Laws 8/2017 and 9/2019 and the RD 157/2019.
"Once the legal framework is defined, advancing collective bargaining while maintaining a fruitful dialogue with trade union organizations is one of our priorities" added Pedro García who believes that "this negotiation is an opportunity to continue evolving the port stowage".
García has insisted on the importance of a strategic sector for the Spanish economy because 90% of exports and 60% of Spanish imports are developed through ports and the value of these goods represents approximately 35% of our GDP . Approximately, 65% of these merchandise require stowage and unloading services.
The companies that belong to ANESCO operate more than 300 million tons of merchandise every year, for all the Spanish ports. The employer of the stowage and reference association in the sector has 37 maritime terminals associated in different ports of the Spanish port system and their companies employ more than 75% of the workers needed to provide the service of handling of goods in our system port.
By last, Pedro García wanted to thank the invitation to participate in this forum of exposure, debate and reflection with professionals, companies and those responsible for the Port Authority of Seville.
How do the problems of alcohol and other drug use affect your company? How to act in the case of detecting cases of consumption? Or how to support the affected workers?
These and other issues are addressed in the online course "HEALTHY ENTERPRISE: – drugs, + benefits", a Fad course aimed at small and medium enterprises that aims to help identify, detect, address and prevent alcohol problems and other drugs within the workplace.
Drug use affects the workplace in a relevant way: in addition to the economic costs that companies and organizations have, and the deterioration that occurs in the work environment, we can not forget the most obvious: the harm to health of the workers. But nevertheless, On many occasions we are not able to establish a clear and direct relationship between these problems and the consumption of alcohol or other drugs.
In particular, the consumption of alcohol is perceived as something "normalized" and enjoy great social acceptance, we think that only generate problems when they are very obvious or dramatic (accidents, damage to facilities and equipment …). However, there are consumptions that affect the work performance in essential aspects although not so visible: possibility of defending a work proposal, of obtaining a sale, of fulfilling deadlines and forms in the delivery of results, of contributing suggestions for the improvement of certain processes, to collaborate in teamwork, to establish appropriate relationships with suppliers and customers, etc. All this important for an adequate development of workers and company.
The course is accessible through Fad's virtual classroom and the registration fee is € 19:
The International Labor Organization states that 10% of people who work have addiction problems and that they originate 80% of personnel problems.
According to data from the Survey on the consumption of psychoactive substances in the workplace in Spain, there is concern among the working population regarding the consumption of psychoactive substances. The majority, 87%, think that the consumption of alcohol and other drugs in the workplace is a major problem for different reasons, among which are the possibility that consumption may cause accidents at work or decrease productivity.
Finally, according to data provided by the Man Project Observatory, among people with addiction problems in treatment a fairly normalized profile predominates, where 58% have full-time work in the three years prior to admission and 75.4 % would have played an occupation in most of that period.
Regarding the type of employment and professional category, the majority of the industry and construction personnel and service personnel, although among the people served the entire scale of labor categories is represented, ranging from unskilled jobs (7.9%) to technicians, professionals and managers (6.1%). Service personnel predominate (39.9%) and industry and construction personnel (33.4%).
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