The Director of the CEOE's Office of the President and CEOE of International CEOE, Narciso Casado, participated today in a breakfast with Spanish businessmen based in Kenya, in the framework of the official visit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, Josep Borrell , to the African country. After the business breakfast, the Spanish delegation held meetings with representatives of the Kenyan Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA); of the East African Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (EACCIA); and the Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM).

In addition to Casado, the general director of International Trade and Investment, María Paz Ramos, also spoke at the ceremony; the general director of International Economic Relations, Cristina Serrano; the general director for Africa, Raimundo Robredo; the general director of the Chamber of Commerce of Spain, Inmaculada Riera; the ambassador of Spain in Kenya, Javier García de Viedma; and the Economic and Commercial Counselor, Rocío Kessler.

Economic situation of Kenya

CEO of International CEOE, Narciso Casado, assured from Nairobi that the political stability of Kenya; its continued growth in annual GDP, which during the last five years has fluctuated between 5 and 6%; the more than 50 million inhabitants; and an average age that barely reaches twenty, make it a very attractive country for Spanish companies.

In this regard, said Casado, it is worth mentioning the long-term strategy developed by the government, "Kenya Vision 2030", focused on strengthening the economy, society and governance in line with the SDGs proposed by the 2030 Agenda, through greater investment in education, energy, infrastructures and ICTs. He also stressed the project launched by the new government and planned for the next five years, "2018 Budget Policy Statement" (Big Four), whose main objectives are to promote the creation of employment and wealth through the manufacturing sector ( textile, leather, footwear, agro-industry); promote food and nutrition security through greater regulation and control; the construction of half a million homes; and better health coverage.

Business opportunities

Narciso Casado highlighted during his visit to Nairobi that in recent years Kenya has intensified opportunities in the energy sector and in all types of infrastructures, especially through public-private partnerships (PPPs), thus opening the doors to investment. To this, it is appropriate to add, according to Casado, the large transport and infrastructure project that is being carried out between Kenya, Ethiopia and Sudan (LAPSSET), focused on the creation of roads, ports and airports to promote connectivity. To this is added, he reported, the recent entry into force, on May 30, of the African Free Trade Agreement, of which Kenya is one of the signatories. "This set of factors makes it one of the most promising countries in Africa," he said.

Also, Casado said, Kenya's geostrategic position as the main port (Mombasa) of the Eastern African Community and country of passage in the main African trade routes, makes it an excellent logistics platform for foreign companies interested in establishing themselves in the region. Therefore, from CEOE it is considered that Kenya is a country with great opportunities for Spanish companies in sectors such as railway, airport, energy and electrical infrastructures; water management and treatment; and solid waste. Also, "new opportunities open up in the implementation of new technologies in the fields of agriculture, financial, hospital and manufacturing," he said.


Casado reported that CEOE has participated and organized various activities with Kenya over the past few years. Among the most recent, it is worth mentioning the visit to the headquarters of the Business Confederation of the CEO of the Kenyan Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA), Carole Kariuki, with which a collaboration agreement was signed to intensify economic relations between both countries. Likewise, Casado informed, CEOE maintains an excellent relationship with its counterpart organization in the OIE, the Federation of Kenyan Employers (FKE).

In this sense, the director of CEOE International thanked the efforts of the Spanish government to promote the III African Plan and intensify the high-level institutional visits, with strong economic and business content, such as the one that was held two months ago in Ethiopia, and can help articulate innovative financial instruments to support companies.

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The president of CEOE International Marta Blanco participates during these days in the VI Summit of Investment SelectUSA 2019 in Washington DC, in order to know the opportunities of trade and investment that the United States offers to Spanish companies with the plans of the current Government. During his visit to the capital, Blanco will hold meetings with representatives of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the U.S. Department of Commerce, the Inter-American Development Bank or the Economic and Commercial Office of Spain in Washington, among other institutions.

Yesterday, day 10, the SelectUSA 2019 Investment Summit began, divided into three plenary and thematic sessions that cover all aspects of investment in the country. The speakers that intervene in the different days are members of the President's Cabinet, governors, senior officials and executive directors of the main companies in the country. The first day of the Summit included the Investment Academy, which covered topics such as the tax system, visas, resources and tools to develop the investment plan of companies.

Attendees (approximately 3,000 from all countries of the world) have access to a digital matchmaking system where they can request meetings with any of the people registered at the Summit. Half of the attendees are foreign investors who are part of the delegations organized by the US embassies. throughout the world and the other half are federal, state or municipal government officials and specialized investment service providers that can help them implement their US investment plan. UU

Representatives of the 50 states will be available in an area of ​​exhibitors during the three days. In addition, this year there was an Industrial Pavilion, where attendees can find out about the state of the main industries and the emerging sectors with the greatest potential. There is also an extensive list of breakfast programs, lunches and receptions that provide the opportunity to prolong conversations in a more informal way and make more contacts. In addition, there is a specific program for startups, which will allow them to expose their specificities in a framework appropriate to their size and capacity.

The president of CEOE International yesterday held meetings with representatives of the U.S. Department of Commerce, the Inter-American Development Bank, the US Chamber of Commerce and the Economic and Commercial Office of Spain in Washington. Today, Tuesday 11, he participated in a working breakfast with the US ambassador. in Spain, Duke Buchan and, subsequently, met with members of Team Texas (TBC) -Economic Development Partnership and representatives of JobsOhio and the Economic Development Office of Virginia in Europe.

Tomorrow, the last day of the Summit, the president of CEOE International will participate in meetings with the Economic Office of New Jersey in Europe, Intersect Illinois, the Economic Development Association of North Carolina and with representatives of important companies, such as Prosegur.

Bilateral relations

According to a report by the Economic and Commercial Office of Spain in Washington, bilateral relations between Spain and the United States are good, both politically and economically. In the economic and commercial sphere there is a high dynamism of trade and investment flows, even during the years of the crisis, and much potential for deepening. High-level institutional visits between both countries have increased significantly in recent years.

The Report highlights that the United States is the main commercial partner of Spain outside the EU. This market represented in 2018 the sixth destination of Spanish exports of goods, accounting for 4.5% of the total, and is the fifth supplier in Spain: 4.1% of Spanish imports came from the USA. in 2018. In addition, the US was the first investor in Spain in 2016 (last year available), in terms of stock, with 15.8% of the total and it was also the first destination of Spanish investment, with 17% of the total. The investment position of Spain in the US is already at a value close to 80,000 million euros, indicating the bet that Spanish companies are making for this market.

In the infrastructure sector, the Spanish private sector is participating in the execution of large-scale projects and in the period 2014-2018, Spanish companies have obtained works and services contracts in the USA for a value of around 34,432 million euros , as reflected in the Report.

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Specifically, CEOE met with Ambassador Deputy Permanent Representative of Spain to the EU, Juan Arístegui Laborde; with the General Director of BusinessEurope, Markus Beyrer; and with the Secretary General of the European Commission, Martin Selmayr, to whom the business priorities of CEOE were transferred to a crucial moment like the current one, in which the main political lines that will guide the European legislative activity of the next five are defined years.

In particular, the results of the recent European elections at the end of May were discussed, as well as the political and business perspectives and objectives for the new European institutional cycle that will begin at the beginning of July with the constituent session of the European Parliament.

José Alberto González Ruiz, in line with the CEOE priorities document "More and Better Europe: our common enterprise", highlighted that the new European Commission contemplates, among its top priorities, the development of a coherent industrial and investment strategy, with a view to increasing internal and external competitiveness; and, on the other, ensure the consolidation and homogeneous implementation of what has already been done.

The vice president of CEOE and president of its Fiscal Commission, Pilar González de Frutos, participated along with the general secretary of CEOE; the president of the European Union Commission, Jesús Ortiz; the president of the Digital Society Commission, Julio Linares; the president of the Commission of Economy and Financial Policy, Íñigo Fernández de Mesa; as well as the Director of the Department of Regulatory and European Affairs, Bernardo Aguilera, accompanied by the Permanent Delegate and Head of European Affairs, Patricia Cirez.

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The president of CEOE International, Marta Blanco, today held at the headquarters of the Business Confederation a meeting with the Secretary of State for Industry and Commerce of the Czech Republic, Vladimír Bärtl, to analyze business and investment opportunities in key sectors of the country. The Czech Secretary of State was accompanied by the representative of the Department of Foreign Economic Policies of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Karel Zděnovec and by the Ambassador of the Czech Republic in Spain, Ivan Jančárek.

Coinciding with the commemoration of the centenary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Czech Republic and Spain, the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Spain and the Investment Promotion Agency – CzechInvest – award in a ceremony organized in the Residence of the Ambassador to a series of companies for the investments carried out in recent years, among which include: Aqualia, Gestamp Automoción and Grupo Antolín, among others.

Bilateral relations

Relations between the Czech Republic and Spain are very fluid as member countries of the EU. However, they are still far from the possibilities of increasing them to date, not only bilaterally but also in third markets. Spanish exports in 2018 to the Czech Republic were 2,409 million euros and imports of 4,279 million euros. Bilateral trade exchanges have been on the rise since 2012.

The number of Spanish companies that exported to the Czech Republic in 2018 was 5,602. Of these, 3,275 are regular exporters in the last 4 years and 1,267 are consolidated regular exporters, having exported more than € 50,000 in the last 4 consecutive years. The number of exporting companies has increased over recent years, but at a rate of 8% in the period of the last 4 years in the total, which increases to 17.42% in the regular and 22, 89% in the regular-consolidated ones. With regard to bilateral relations with Spain, the Czech Republic is the 10th largest customer of Spanish exports among European countries.

Business cooperation opportunities

Among commercial opportunities, it is important to highlight the need to strengthen the existing relationship in certain sectors, such as machinery, construction or the automotive sector, since the Czech Republic is emerging as a logistics center for automotive components in Europe . In this respect, it concentrates 56% of the sector worldwide.

Opportunities were also mentioned in the sector of new technologies – especially artificial intelligence -, mining, given the advanced Spanish technology and the potential collaboration in third markets and the service sector, especially tourism, thanks to the growing affluence of tourists to Prague, which has motivated a growing interest in this sector in the region.

European trade policy and Multilateralism

Both Spain and the Czech Republic, in their common membership of the European Union, share positions in certain areas of Community trade policy, such as the defense of multilateralism, the elimination of technical barriers that harm the functioning of the internal market and the current situation of economic and commercial relations with the United States and China in sensitive sectors, such as automotive or aluminum, among others.

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The president of CEOE, Antonio Garamendi, has met with the new president and general secretary of the Spanish Federation of Traders of Appliances (FECE), Diego Giménez and Carlos Romero, respectively.

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Antonio Garamendi has met with the board of directors of CLH in the "Encounters with Directors". The meeting was attended by the president of CLH, José Luis Lopez de Silanes, and the CEO Jorge Lanza.

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With this agreement, Expoquimia puts at the service of the member companies of Feique its knowledge and leadership in the field of fair for the celebration of the next edition of the Hall, which will take place from June 2 to 5, 2020 in Barcelona. Likewise, Expoquimia 2020 will host another year at Fira de Barcelona the Smart Chemistry Smart Future project, the meeting forum for the chemical sector promoted by Feique, in which the leading organizations of the sector come together to highlight the great innovative capacity of this sector. industry to generate sustainable solutions to the great challenges of today's society according to the UN 2030 Agenda.

Towards Expoquimia 2020

The 19th edition of Expoquimia, will return in 2020 faithful to its appointment every three years with the intention of surpassing the data of 2017 with more than 17,500 m2 of exhibition space, about 400 direct exhibitors, 2,180 products of 2,221 brands represented and 278 novelties. Besides being the great commercial and promotional showcase of the sector, Expoquimia is the great platform of environmental and scientific divulgation of the Spanish chemical sector, composed of more than 3,300 companies.

Along with its wide range of exhibitions, Expoquimia 2020 will have the best congress program, one of its main hallmarks. The celebration of the Congress of Chemical Engineering of the Mediterranean, which reaches its fifteenth edition, and the XVI Conference of Instrumental Analysis will be the pillars of knowledge and the scientific-technical proposals that will mark the solutions of tomorrow.

The three major disruptive themes in which the great meeting of applied chemistry will revolve will be circular economy, technology transfer and digital transformation, under which all entities and associations can organize their seminars, seminars and initiatives within the framework of Expoquimia jointly with Eurosurfas and Equiplast, the other two fair events on the treatment of surfaces and plastics are held simultaneously.

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The Reflection Group of AMETIC has released its second informative pill, where it examines the keys to reduce the "digital divide" in society, and boost the digitalization of companies. Specifically, the Group analyzes the distance between those companies that decisively address the digital transformation of their productive processes, and those that, due to lack of resources, as professionals with the appropriate training, an advanced R & D & I ecosystem or infrastructures. communication of sufficient capacity, are not rising to the technological wave with the right speed.

For the Group, this variant of the "digital divide" does not receive the same attention, but it has as much or more danger than access to technologies, both geographically, socio-economically, gender and age. In this sense, he points out that it is a worrying situation that citizens are left behind in digital access. However, in the case of a company, it may cost you your survival, and with it, that of the jobs generated and the taxes you liquidate, the Group maintains.

According to the Spanish SME Report 2018, prepared by CEPYME, all SMEs have a basic digitization level: only 19.7% have an e-commerce platform, and around 40% have an active presence in social networks. The Group argues that the deployment and adequate financing of R & D and connectivity infrastructures, together with the training of digital professionals, are much more urgent subjects for reducing inequality, and improving prosperity, than other forms of minimize the digital divide.

One of the measures proposed by the Group is the creation of a National Plan to support the competitiveness of SMEs through digitalization, which incorporates measures for training, tax advantages, financial support for the design and implementation of digital transformation plans. Also, the use of digital mechanisms in the daily relationship of SMEs with administrations.

First pill of the AMETIC reflection group

The first article analyzed the keys to investment in R & D to achieve the sustainability of the welfare state. One of the initiatives proposed by the AMETIC Reflection Group was for Spain and Europe to intensify their R & D efforts as a matter of urgency, as opposed to investments from other countries and continents.

Through this link you can download the first pill in its entirety:

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The Confederation of Entrepreneurs of Andalusia held a seminar today in which the "new digital communication in institutions and organizations" was analyzed and integrated into the dissemination activities programmed by the Office of Digital Transformation (OTD) of CEA.

The weekly has had a presentation by journalist Juan Carlos Blanco de la Cruz, consultant and trainer in communication; with a long experience in media, both in press and radio, and in institutional consulting. He has been one of the pioneers in Andalusia who introduced and disseminated the use of social networks in the media, business and institutional spheres.

In activity, attached to the Office of Digital Transformation (OTD) of CEA, have participated professionals and communication managers of the territorial and sector organizations of the Andalusian business organization, as well as its member companies associated.

Juan Carlos Blanco has shown the importance of not being oblivious to this new reality of social networks and that is part of the digital transformation that takes place in all areas of society, in a changing and increasingly disruptive world. Desgranado the peculiarities and the importance of each network, analyzed the opportunities and also the risks offered by the networks for the dissemination and communication of business and institutional activities.

Both in the paper by Blanco and in the subsequent colloquium it became evident that the management of social networks should be in the hands of professionals specialized in communication and journalism, within a strategy and global planning of corporate communication.

In short, the emergence of social networks has also come to stay in the companies in the instuticones. More and more people decide to open a profile on one or more social networks. Every month Facebook, Twitter or Instagram celebrate the reach of new goals thanks to the activity of the companies. In Spain, specifically, from micro to autonomous, SMEs, startups and entrepreneurs have a space in a social network, some even bet on social networks before launching a corporate website.

In this context, business organizations have joined this new way to develop corporate communication to address their partners, the productive sectors and the entire business community and society as a whole. To implement these actions, communication professionals must always be attentive to changes and the evolution of these new forms of communication so that their function is more efficient and does not fall into obsolescence.

Digital Transformation Offices

The Digital Transformation Offices set up throughout Spain by the Ministry of Economy and Business, through the public entity, have a global budget of five million euros. The actions to be carried out will be financed by the Multiregional Operational Program of Spain (POPE), European Regional Development Funds (ERDF) for the programming period 2014-2020 and under the slogan "A way of doing Europe" which has among its objectives to improve the use, quality and access to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).

This initiative is implemented in parallel to the "Digital Advisors" Program, with another five million euros through the same type of European Funds, and aims to carry out Digitalization Plans that help SMEs incorporate ICT in their processes. : business management, relationship with third parties, electronic commerce and digitalization of services or solutions.

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  • The Index of Economy and Digital Society published today by the European Commission highlights the strength of our country in digital public services and connectivity
  • Spain increases its score and its advantage with respect to the community average

The European Commission today published the Index of Economy and Digital Society (DESI), which compares annually the digital evolution of the 28 countries that make up the European Union. In this edition, Spain maintains the position 11 of the ranking although with an increase of the score and the advantage with respect to the community average. Our country occupies a prominent place among the group of leading European economies, surpassed by the United Kingdom and above Germany, France and Italy.

The DESI report is made up of five main indicators: connectivity, human capital, use of the internet, integration of digital technology and digital public services. Each of these indicators, in turn, is calculated from the weighted average of a series of variables or sub-indicators, with data for 2018, 2017 and 2016.

Spain remains at the head of the most advanced European countries in terms of digital public services. The Commission's report shows that Spain climbs two positions, to fourth place in the ranking. Our country also stands out in the connectivity indicator, where it improves one position to 9th place, which places us above the EU average. This position is achieved despite the fact that none of the variables used specifically measure the deployment of optical fiber, in which Spain occupies a leading position.

The third of the indicators where Spain obtains a significant result is the integration of digital technology, with the 10th place. Regarding the use of internet services, Spain occupies the 11th place, the same as the previous two years, although with an increase in the score. Finally, in the field of human capital, our country is ranked 17th, as was the previous two years.

The improvement of human capital is a preferential objective for the Government. Promoting scientific and technological progress and betting on training and human capital are two priorities of its reform roadmap, the Agenda for Change, which seeks to adjust training to the requirements of the labor market, in particular by reinforcing digital skills, scientific and technological

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