• The Pope has joined the session, organized by the UN, the Coalition of Ministers for Climate Action and the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, to call on governments, scientists and citizens to work together to protect the environment for the benefit of humanity
  • The minister ratifies the Government's commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals and the will to turn the challenge of climate change into an opportunity to achieve sustainable and inclusive development

The acting Minister of Economy and Business, Nadia Calviño, has participated in a day of debate on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDO) held in Vatican City. This meeting, organized by the United Nations, the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and the Government of Chile, a country that co-chairs the recently created Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action, has brought together experts in climate and ministers of Economy and Finance. Its objective is to exchange information and raise awareness about the economic impact of climate change and sustainable development.

The fight against climate change is one of the priorities of the Spanish Government, fully committed to the Sustainable Development Goals. Proof of this is the creation of a Special Commissioner for the 2030 Agenda and the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan, which has been the best valued in the European Union by the European Climate Foundation.

The minister explained that the Government faces the challenge of climate change with a positive mentality, as an opportunity in terms of the development of new technologies, research and innovation, to guarantee sustainable and inclusive growth. The minister has pointed out the importance of mobilizing public and private investments and of guaranteeing a just ecological transition, that accompanies the most vulnerable sectors and citizens.

The session was attended by Pope Francisco, who has urged the ministers of Economy and Finance to work together and collaborate with scientists, technicians and citizens as a whole to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and comply with the Climate Agreement from Paris. The Pontiff has called for an end to activities that destroy the planet, an end to dependence on fossil fuels and a new stage for clean and safe energies.

The day of debate on the Sustainable Development Goals was held at the headquarters of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. This Vatican institution has been responsible for its organization along with the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (Sustainable Development Solutions Network), a United Nations agency headed by economist Jeffrey Sachs, and the Coalition of Ministers for Climate Action. This Coalition, created under the aegis of the World Bank and of which Spain is a part since its creation last April, is co-chaired by Chile and Finland.

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After the success of the first edition of the 'Digital Skills Awards Spain', AMETIC, the employers of the Spanish digital industry, has called for the second consecutive year the awards, which already have more than 50 applications submitted to date.

These awards, created in the framework of the Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition of the European Commission, identify, value and recognize the best projects and experiences in the field of the development of the enabling talent of the 4.0 industry, the digital transformation, the smart cities, 4.0 education and professional training in digital skills.

Since the launch of the call last April, the categories most requested to participate have been 'Digital competences in education', which reward the transformation of teaching and learning in digital skills, including teacher training, and 'Digital competences for the digital market', who value initiatives that allow all citizens to participate actively in the digital society.

This reflects a latent desire on the part of companies and institutions to promote digital skills and access to technology for the entire population.

The other existing categories are: 'Digital competences for all'(That allow all citizens to participate actively in the digital society); 'more and better ICT professionals trained (aimed at ICT professionals in all industrial sectors); 'Digital skills for Women and Girls' (to highlight the importance of closing the gender gap in digital skills); digital competencies for inclusion (which guarantee employment and social inclusion), and digital skills in Vocational Training (which promote the role of vocational training in the process of transforming the economy).

Specifically, the 'Digital Skills Awards Spain 2019', are aimed at educational centers, universities, media, companies and public and private institutions, which carry out training projects related to the development of digital talent and training in technological skills.

In total there will be seven awards and three honorable mentions for each category six, which will be delivered within the framework of the II Forum of the Alliance for the Development of Digital Talent, a first level event that will take place on June 12 at CaixaForum in Madrid. It is the reference professional meeting on digital transformation and talent that is organized in Spain.

In the event, where there will be inspiring sessions, work or discussion tables, will meet the top sectorial leaders, both business, political and administrative, as well as companies, business schools and universities. The participation of María Jesús Álava Reyes, chosen as one of the 'TOP 100 Women Leaders of Spain 2012 and 2017' and award for the best work of 'Dissemination of Psychology 2017' stands out.

With the aim of promoting a national ecosystem for the development and recognition of the enabling talent of digital transformation in Spain, AMETIC coordinates the Alliance for the Development of Digital Talent. The objective is to promote, educate and train in the new digital skills demanded by the ICT sector organizations and other sectors that are in the process of digitalization, and in general, Spanish society, under the new paradigm of digital transformation.

AMETIC extends the registration period

Given the good reception among the public, AMETIC has decided to extend the deadline for submitting applications to June 3. In order to participate, organizations must have a registered office in Spain; they can only submit one project for each category, and the initiatives have had to be developed in the last 12 months.

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  • The Law, approved by the Congress of Deputies last February, is completed with the corresponding regulatory development, through a Royal Decree and a Ministerial Order adopted today.
  • The approved legislation regulates, among other aspects, the advisory regime, the information to be provided to clients, the advertising and the training and competence requirements that must be met by the staff and managers of real estate lenders and intermediaries who provide real estate loan services.
  • The deadline for transposition of this Directive expired in March 2016 and in these months the accumulated delay has been resolved
  • 10 of the 14 Community Directives that were still pending transposition in June 2018 have been incorporated into the Spanish legal system

The Government has completed the transposition of the Community Directive on Real Estate Credit Contracts, which had been pending for three years. The Royal Decree and the Ministerial Order adopted today complete the Real Estate Credit Law approved by the Congress of Deputies last February.

The rules reinforce the protection of consumers and establish a framework of legal security for operators. Thus, the Royal Decree includes, among others, the requirements for the provision of advisory services; the requirements for registration in the corresponding registry of real estate credit lenders; the specifications and technical requirements of the telematic means that should be used for the referral to the notary of the pre-contractual documentation or the information to be provided to the clients during the term of the contract, which should be accessible for people with disabilities.

The Order regulates specific aspects such as the extension of the advertising rules of the banking activity to lenders and real estate credit intermediaries; the Pre-contractual Information and Standardized Warning Cards to be delivered to customers; the terms of the information of the loans in foreign currency and the minimum requirements of knowledge and competence required of the personnel and directors of real estate lenders (including credit institutions) and intermediaries. Likewise, the Order has incorporated the measures that guarantee the maintenance of the protection of the owners of reverse mortgages, which could have been affected by the changes introduced in the real estate regulation by the new regulations.

The outstanding aspects of the Real Estate Credit Law are thus completed. A Law that responds and establishes a clear framework of action that allows strengthening the protection of clients, especially vulnerable groups, through proportionate measures, improving information and increasing transparency. Likewise, the Law provides legal security to entities and clients, an important aspect for the housing market to work properly and for citizens to have access to these loans in the best conditions.

With the incorporation into the legal system of this norm, the transposition of 10 of the 14 Community Directives that in June 2018 were pending transposition within the scope of the Ministry of Economy and Business has been completed. These are rules that regulate aspects related to money laundering, the functioning of financial markets and the protection of consumers, citizens and investors and whose transposition guarantees their rights.

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The deputy director of CEOE International, Álvaro Schweinfurth, participated last May 20 in the Internationalization Dialogues of ESADE to discuss international sanctions. The meeting was also attended by the Director General of Commercial Policy and Competitiveness of the State Secretariat of Commerce, José Luis Kaiser; the head of the Legal Services unit on behalf of the State of CESCE, Carolina Andérez; the president of the Exporters Club, Antonio Bonet and the managing partner of International Operations of Lupicicio International Law Firm, José María Viñals. During the discussion table, issues such as international sanctions were addressed, a complex scenario for the Spanish company that operates internationally; protection against the risks associated with this new panorama of international trade; the "Secondary sanctions"; and the sanctions for political-commercial war.


In the inaugural speech, the general director of Commercial Policy and Competitiveness, José Luis Kaiser, highlighted the high degree of internationalization of the Spanish economy, which, in 2018, stood between the total exports and imports of the country, at 66 , 7% of GDP, a figure that exceeds that of other countries in our environment, such as Italy, the United Kingdom and France, and that is an increase of 20 percentage points over 2009 and 9 percentage points, compared to with the historical maximum of opening to the outside reached in 2007. As additional data, it emphasized that the number of regular exporters reached the number of 51.769 companies in 2018, which represents an increase of 2.4% over the previous year. He also highlighted the strong investment activity of Spanish companies abroad that in the last four years reached 71,300 million euros, with priority being given to the OECD and EU countries.

He also stressed the existence of a changing environment in which, as main factors, the technological transformation, driven by digitalization, and the growing geopolitical tensions, which, in the latter case, have led to the proliferation of economic sanctions, have had an impact.

He explained that economic actions are used by the United Nations as a measure of pressure to combat terrorism or the production or possession of weapons of mass destruction. Its adoption requires the support of the majority of the members of the Security Council and the absence of a veto by its five permanent members.

He clarified that economic sanctions have, among its main objectives, to freeze assets and prevent economic transactions with public entities, private companies and individuals involved in activities that contravene the spirit of the United Nations.

He also indicated that the sanctions adopted by the European Union are divided into three categories: the transposition of United Nations sanctions, the transposition of United Nations sanctions reinforced by EU sanctions (complementary sanctions) and EU sanctions.

Subsequently, Schweinfurth spoke about the side effects of the sanctions applied by the United States to Cuba and Iran. He spoke, in the case of Cuba, about the Blockade Regulation, which aims to defend the assets of companies located on European soil against the execution of judgments issued by US courts under the Helms Burton Act, as well as allowing European companies bring lawsuits against European companies or individuals against the European courts for the prejudices they have caused to European companies. In relation to Iran, he mentioned the creation of the INSTEX financial vehicle, in order to facilitate the commercial transactions of European companies with Iran. However, it is an instrument that requires further development.

Discussion table

In his speech, Álvaro Schweinfurth said that in the current era, marked by growing geopolitical tensions, there is a proliferation of economic sanctions, which contrasts with periods of greater political stability in which this type of measures were approved in an exceptional way. He emphasized that, if before the sanctions were adopted with the greatest possible international support in the UN or at least through a consensus between the United States and the European Union, now some countries begin to adopt unilateral sanctions, which still generates more uncertainty among companies.

Regarding the extraterritorial effects of the economic sanctions adopted by the United States on Cuba and Iran, the level of protection of European companies varies greatly in both cases. Thus, while the Statute of Blockade can offer effective, albeit partial, protection to European companies against judicial actions by US courts; In the case of Iran, it is very different because of the different economic nature of the sanctions adopted by the United States against the Persian nation. In this case, the biggest problem that arises, according to Schweinfurth, is that the euro currency is not a currency of international transactions such as the US dollar, so he insisted on the need to convert the euro into a reference currency in the international transactions.

In the second part of his speech he summarized the role that CEOE plays in defense of Spanish interests. Thus, in the case of economic sanctions adopted by the EU to Iran and Russia, CEOE, like the rest of the BUSINESSEUROPE members, has focused its work on clarifying doubts that arise from the interpretation of EU regulations, disseminating the sanctioning regulations among its members and ensure that EU regulations are applied uniformly throughout the EU.

In the case of economic sanctions with extraterritorial effects, such as the Helms Burton Act, CEOE has deployed an intense activity before the Spanish and Community Authorities to guarantee an effective application of the Blockade Statute.

Finally, both CEOE and BUSINESSEUROPE insist that if governments consider the need to adopt economic sanctions, they should be applied respecting international legality and starting with the maximum agreement between governments.

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The permanent secretary of CEIB and general director of CEOE International, Narciso Casado, intervened with the former Secretary of State of Commerce, Jaime García-Legaz, to talk about "export as a model of economic development. A conversation about the Spanish exporting experience ", at the Argentina Exporta Forum 2019, which is being held these days in Buenos Aires. The conference was opened by the President of the Nation, Mauricio Macri and the Minister of Production and Labor of Argentina, Dante Sica and participated, among others, representatives of the Spanish Embassy in Argentina and the Chamber of Commerce of Spain in the Latin American country. The event also brought together experts, companies and entrepreneurs with the aim of strengthening the export sector and the international insertion of SMEs.

CEOE and the internationalization of the company

Married highlighted during the session on export as a business model the intense work of support for the internationalization of the company that is made from CEOE and its member organizations. He indicated that the Business Confederation contributes to the definition of policies, measures and instruments, designed to boost the presence of Spanish companies abroad and the objective is for the needs of companies to be taken into account in policies to support our exporters Likewise, "we try to ensure that the interests of entrepreneurs are taken into account in trade agreements to guarantee better access of our products, services and investments to foreign markets," he said.

The permanent secretary of CEIB explained that CEOE develops more than 170 international activities a year, and business meetings with representatives of governments, economic institutions and companies from abroad, in order to publicize the business opportunities offered by the countries , as well as encourage contacts between businessmen and representatives of governments and economic institutions. In this sense, business delegations are also organized abroad so that our companies know first-hand the business opportunities in foreign markets and facilitate contact with representatives of economic institutions and entrepreneurs in these countries.

Casado added that many of the sector organizations also develop promotional activities in their respective areas of activity, through participation in fairs and organization of delegations. On the other hand, our territorial organizations collaborate closely with the territorial chambers and regional governments both in the definition and in the development of the regionalization plans of the autonomous community. "We organized numerous information sessions on new policies that influence the internationalization of the company, such as sustainability, and above all. measures, instruments and aids that facilitate the exit of our companies abroad, "he said.

General context of Spanish exports

The director of CEOE International highlighted that the export of goods and services in Spain has gone from 25.3% to 34.2%, the number of exporting companies from 66,278 to 204,196 companies (in 2018) and the number of exporting companies regular has risen from 39,641 to 51,788. These figures, he said, highlight the dynamism of the export sector, which has helped boost the recovery of the Spanish economy and put it back in positive growth rates; reduce our trade deficit of goods, so that since 2013 we have obtained a positive balance in our external balance for the sixth consecutive year; and turn it into one of the main sources of employment, with 5,000,000 jobs, dependent on export activity. Therefore, "this change is not only a consequence of the continuous efforts of the Secretary of State for Commerce, CEOE and ICEX in their support to companies, but the result of a cultural depth in the direction of many of them," he said.

Analysis of the export sector

Casado reported that capital goods, automotive, chemistry and agri-food represent the most important export sectors of the Spanish economy. According to data from 2016, 93.3% of export companies are small and medium-sized, of which 113,899 are micro-SMEs, 32,175 small and 8,882 medium. The large companies, which represent 6.7% of the exporting companies, are behind more than 50% of the volume of our exports, therefore, there is a strong concentration of the latter in a small number of companies.

In addition, explained Casado, 54.1% of exports can be framed by their technological content in the high and medium-high segments; and by regions, 65% still have as destination the EU countries, 10.7% America, 9.25% Asia, 6.5% Africa, 5.7% the rest of Europe and 0 , 7% Oceania.


The permanent secretary of CEIB stressed that CEOE must continue working with the Secretary of State, with ICEX and the Chamber of Commerce of Spain in improving the fundamentals of the export sector. For this, he said, it is necessary to expand the export base, by incorporating new companies and, above all, SMEs into the internationalization process. He also suggested increasing the average size of Spanish export companies; diversify the geographical destination of exports, still very concentrated in the rest of the countries of the EU; and increase the weight of the export of goods in medium and high-end technology segments.

Married also considered necessary to support the tourism sector, reinforcing the offer, diversifying the origin, improving the quality of services and taking better advantage of the effect of tourism investment abroad on the whole of our economy. In this sense, he also talked about reinforcing the presence of non-tourist services, such as professionals, transport or logistics, which outnumber tourism revenues.

Finally, CEOE highlighted the Action Plan for the Internationalization of the Spanish Economy for 2019 and 2020, which aims to develop a series of actions in the framework of the Spanish Economy Strategy 2017-2027 around six areas of Action: access to markets; innovation, technology, brand and digitalization; development of human capital; improve the use of business opportunities; capture and consolidation of foreign investment, and complementary coordination of the actions of all actors.

Bilateral meetings

The permanent secretary of CEIB and general director of CEOE International, Narciso Casado, will hold meetings with representatives of official institutions of the Argentine government and business organizations such as the UIA. In this last meeting, on Friday 24, will intervene, among others, the member of the Executive Committee and director of Social Policy of the UIA, Daniel Funes de Rioja.

During the meeting, issues such as the celebration of various events will soon be addressed, such as the VIII Business Forum on Innovation and Sustainability on May 29 at CEOE; the III Latin American Forum of the Mipyme on July 2 and 3 in Buenos Aires, and the Ibero-American Summit in November 2020 in Andorra.

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The president of the Spanish Association of Banking, José María Roldán, and the director of the Junior Achievement Foundation, Blanca Narváez, have handed out the prizes to the volunteers of the 19 banks that have participated in the five editions of the financial education program 'Tus finanzas, tu futuro', whose contents have received more than 35,700 students from schools throughout Spain.

"Volunteers, bank employees, play a fundamental role in bringing financial education to the classroom. It is increasingly important to instill healthy financial habits and responsible consumer behavior in young people, who will be the adults of the future, "said José María Roldán.

Since its launch five years ago, more than 2,600 bank employees have participated in the financial education program 'Your finances, your future', an initiative of the Spanish Association of Banking and its Foundation, developed together with the Junior Foundation Achievement, aimed at students between 13 and 15 years old.

The general director of the Junior Achievement Foundation, Blanca Narváez, underlined that "through financial education, young people acquire not only knowledge, but also key skills and competences to face the financial challenges they will encounter throughout their lives, improving their opportunities personal and professional. "

Professor Ildefonso Méndez, from the University of Murcia, stressed that the evaluation confirms that the program improves students' personal skills and resources, such as the postponement of rewards and perseverance, but also their academic performance and their expectations to continue studying, especially among students from less favored homes.

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Proposal 5 out of 10 of CEOE

Proposal 5 out of 10 of CEOE

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The Confederation of Business Associations of the Balearic Islands (CAEB) announces the 'VIII Edition of CAEB Awards for Good Business Practices in Occupational Safety and Health' with the aim of "improving working conditions and the progressive reduction of occupational accidents", said the president of CAEB, Carmen Planas, who At the same time, he emphasized that "job security is a responsibility shared by companies, workers and also by the Administrations, which should promote a simpler legal framework adapted to the reality of small and medium-sized enterprises, which are the vast majority of the companies that CAEB represents. "

Carmen Planas, who has had an impact on "This Eighth Edition of the awards is part of the actions we promote from CAEB to support companies in the promotion of occupational safety and health, especially to SMEs that are the most difficult to meet the complex and confusing legal framework.

Planas explained that "the objective of CAEB to convene these awards is to encourage and publicly recognize companies that demonstrate their commitment to occupational health and safety and disseminate examples of good practices, in order to extend its application among the business "

The president of CAEB has stressed that "it is also necessary to raise awareness among workers and the adoption of safe and healthy behaviors," stressing "the importance of the training offered to workers in occupational safety and health.

Two modalities: from 1 to 200 and more than 200 workers

This eighth edition of the awards, funded by the State Foundation for the Prevention of Occupational Risks, has two modalities. There will be a prize for companies with 1 to 200 workers and another for companies with more than 200 workers. Companies can compete freely with each one according to their number of workers.

The deadline for submitting applications will end on June 30, 2019 at 2:00 p.m. Candidatures should be sent to the CAEB headquarters in Mallorca, (c / Aragó 215 2º 07008 Palma) or email prevencion@caeb.es.

The winners will receive a plaque and the distinctive stamp that they will be able to exhibit in their condition as the winner of this 'VIII Edition of the CAEB Awards for Good Business Practices in Occupational Safety and Health'. Companies can consult the bases of the announcement of the awards clicking here.

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The general secretary of CEOE has stressed that this constant change is marked by the evolution of digital technologies that affect everyone: public administrations, companies and society in general. And he has indicated thatdigital development is the engine of social and economic transformation that we are living and that is one of the great factors that conditions the competitiveness of companies.

In this regard, he recalled that we all face a new business environment in which each company will change radically, not in 20 or 30 years, as happened a short time ago, but every two or one year.

He also stressed that Human Resources managers are the ones who know best that talent has become something really essential for companies, as well as the need for training and the training of workers. He recalled that according to the Report "Deficit of talent and skills mismatch" Randstad Research, 55% of Spanish companies have difficulties finding workers due to new technologies, new work patterns and structural changes of companies.

For his part, the president of DCH, Juan Carlos Pérez Espinosa, has pointed out the upcoming activities of DCH, among which has cited a conference on Trends in Training and other sports and solidarity for the benefit of Messengers of Peace. Both in June. In July, meetings will be held on Teleworking and on the management of Digital Talent.

During the day analyzed issues such as Gender Diversity and Generational Diversity, AGILE Methodology and European experiences in Sports and Health. The closing was in charge of Juan Carlos Tejeda, Training Director of CEOE and Angel Javier Vicente, HR Director of Grupo COFARES.

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The agreement, signed today by the president of CEPYME, Gerardo Cuerva, and the president and CEO of Insurance Advisors, José Luis Cogolludo, establishes the diffusion and making available for SMEs, through the news portal CepymeNews that CEPYME manages, of different advisory tools in the legal, labor, fiscal, financial, accounting, etc. areas.

SMEs can access through CepymeNews, in the Tools section of the Company, the so-called Generational Relay, with which Afianza Asesores faIt facilitates SMEs the process of generational change and the management of family businesses.

The collaboration between CEPYME and Afianza Asesores also contemplates joint informative events on certain matters of interest to SMEs and self-employed entrepreneurs. Specifically, a meeting will be held with entrepreneurs in five different cities, where the challenges and opportunities arising from generational change and family businesses will be addressed in a global manner.

"This agreement makes available to SMEs the necessary advice in areas vital to the management of the company and is another step for CEPYME in its strategy of helping to provide SMEs and self-employed entrepreneurs with services that are increasingly complete and oriented to the needs and demands of these companies, "according to the president of CEPYME, Gerardo Cuerva.

"The agreement with CEPYME is part of our commitment and vocation to help the entrepreneur to manage and grow his business" explained the president of Afianza Asesores. "We are very proud to collaborate with CEPYME and to put all our talent and experience at the service of SMEs and self-employed people in our country."

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