The permanent secretary of CEIB and general director of CEOE Internacional, Narciso Casado, participated in the VII Business Summit of the Pacific Alliance “The crisis as an opportunity”, held virtually, and in which various proposals were presented to governments to regional economic reactivation. At the meeting, organized by the Business Council of the Pacific Alliance (CEAP, which groups together the business associations of Colombia, Mexico, Chile and Peru), the instrument "Commitment and Business Report, which seeks to promote the evolution of the companies at the regional level in four pillars: Covid-19, Labor, Economy and Competitiveness, and Environment and Social.
Prior to the celebration of the Forum, the CEOE International CEO, Narciso Casado, conveyed to the Summit organizers (SOFOFA, Chile) the importance of the 59 observer countries and their business organizations in the future of the Alliance. It also became known. that the president of Nutresa and of the Colombia chapter of CEAP, Carlos Gallego, will assume the pro tempore presidency of the Council, following the mandate of Bernardo Larraín, also president of the Sociedad de Fomento Fabril de Chile (SOFOFA).
Casado advocated that CEOE exercise the leadership that it maintained in the past, in order to continue working from the organizations of the 59 observer countries on issues of general interest for the development and proper functioning of this regional integration process.
I Forum of the Pacific Alliance in CEOE
In this sense, Casado recalled the organization in CEOE in October of last year of the 1st Pacific Alliance Forum, under the slogan "The future of the Pacific Alliance: Vision on SMEs in member and observer countries and their business organizations" , and attended by more than 40 representatives of the organizations of the observer countries. "We consider it essential to give continuity to these important meetings and to work on the development of future events that serve to share the vision of the member countries and observers on issues that affect world trade and investment," he said.
VII Business Summit of the Pacific Alliance
Under the slogan “The crisis as an opportunity”, this Summit focused on addressing the business actions necessary for a recovery with adaptability; in the presentation of the Commitment and Business Report of the AP: Towards a culture of business evolution; in public policy proposals for recovery; and in the insertion of Latin America in the reconfiguration of global trade in a polarized world.
Leading authorities, economists, lawyers and representatives of business organizations and companies from the PA member countries (Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru) spoke at the Summit. It is worth highlighting the participation of the Minister of Foreign Relations of Chile, Andrés Allamand; the president pro tempore of CEAP, Bernardo Larraín; The president of CONFIEP and the Peru chapter of CEAP, María Isabel León; the president of ANDI, Bruce Mac Master; or the presidents of the Colombia chapter of CEAP, Carlos Ignacio Gallego and of the Mexico chapter and president of COMCE, Valentín Díaz Morodo; among others.
During the conference, the president pro tempore of CEAP and SOFOFA in Chile, Bernardo Larraín, assured that “never before have we experienced an environment as dynamic and unpredictable as the current one. Digital regulation and multiple social transformations generated by demographic, climatic, political and economic changes are challenging all public and private institutions, including companies, to adapt, survive and thrive in an environment of many changes ”. He also reported that a declaration will be delivered to the presidents of the CEAP member countries, with a view to transforming this crisis into an opportunity. A task that, in his opinion, "will depend on the commitment of all of us who make up this business ecosystem, so the invitation is to become active, commit ourselves to future challenges and to the destiny of our countries."
For her part, the president of CONFIEP (a Peruvian business organization member of CEIB) and of the Peru chapter of CEAP, María Isabel León, referred in detail to the content of the document "The Crisis as Opportunity", prepared with the participation of prominent business leaders of the Region, and that establishes three objectives: the need for an economic and social recovery that generates decent jobs and at the same time faces the challenges that the future holds for our economies, the importance of modernizing the institutional and regulatory frameworks of the States; and finally, deepen in business evolution. "Today we emphasize once again that the path to success of our countries depends on the development of our society as a whole, on achieving social and economic progress for all members of the Pacific Alliance" , he stressed.
In turn, the president of ANDI (a Colombian business organization member of CEIB), Bruce Mac Master, said that, in the face of post-pandemic challenges, we are facing a "labor revolution" that requires the greatest efforts to be in line with world trends. "We are really facing the great labor change, it is the great revolution, the next generations and centuries will remember these decades and perhaps this decade from '20 to '30, as the decade in which a great labor transformation took place", manifested.
New pro tempore presidency of CEAP
The Summit culminated with the ceremony of handover of the pro tempore presidency of CEAP to the president of Nutresa and the Colombian chapter of the Council, Carlos Gallego. Upon assuming office, he highlighted the great work done by Chile during his tenure and showed his commitment to continue the work agenda. “From Colombia we received that Varayoc, that baton of command of our ancestors, and we received the Pro Tempore Presidency, which is a temporary assignment that we see as a great responsibility, but also as a great opportunity. The alliance of our countries is an alliance that is sown in a land of opportunities ”, he explained.
"We will continue to be committed to that agenda, seeking to promote investment and trade, how to promote human capital, innovation and entrepreneurship, and how to achieve an accelerated, resilient and sustainable recovery in the four countries," Gallego concluded.