The Director General of Economic Diplomacy meets with the Spain-US Working Group.

The Spain-US working group of the CEOE International Relations Commission met on December 3 with the general director of Economic Diplomacy, Mr. Luis Oscar Moreno, to discuss the state of bilateral relations from the perspective of economic diplomacy.

Given the importance of economic and commercial relations with our North American partner, the Spain-US working group. aims to analyze the priorities and needs of the Spanish business fabric to promote a positive agenda with the US and optimize the benefits of the bilateral relationship.

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The President of the Council of Tourism, Culture and Sports of CEOE participates in the event organized by IBM: Technology as a decisive factor in the acceleration of Tourism and Transport -Efficiency models and IT optimization

On Wednesday, December 2, the President of the Council of Tourism, Culture and Sports of CEOE, Marta Blanco, participated in the event organized by IBM “Technology as a decisive factor in the acceleration of Tourism and Transport – Models of efficiency and IT optimization ”. This meeting tried to address the recovery of tourism companies from the crisis caused by COVID-19 based on technology, making decisions and prioritizing initiatives related to the IT environment.
This event was attended by representatives of leading companies in the implementation of new technologies in the tourism sector such as NH, Alsa, Renfe or Grupo Piñero. Likewise, Natalia Bayona, Director of Innovation, Investment and Education of the UNWTO and Dolores Ordóñez, Vice President of International Organizations of Turistec, participated in the event.
Speech by the President of the Council of Tourism, Culture and Sports of CEOE:
In her speech, Marta Blanco stressed the need for Spanish companies to continue with the exercise of reinforcing digitization, which was made more dynamic in the pandemic.
He also pointed out that the final fall in terms of the number of tourists and their expenses will depend on mobility. It is essential that governments take coordinated measures that promote safe mobility. CEOE is committed to the elimination of quarantines and progress towards faster and cheaper tests. With this, it will be possible to begin to recover international mobility, fundamental in the export of services and, therefore, in the financing of our economy.
Finally, he stressed that it is time to invest and prepare for when demand recovers. Especially, the high competitiveness caused by the pandemic makes it necessary to invest in new technologies to improve efficiency and business processes. The Spanish tourism sector cannot be left behind. In doing so, partners like IBM are a vital help.

You can find more information about the event at this link.

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Fundación CEOE aims at training in digitization as a "lever to build the future in terms of employability" for people with disabilities

The president of the CEOE Foundation, Fátima Báñez, defended this Wednesday that training in digitization skills "will be a lever to build the future in terms of employability" for all citizens and, especially, for people with disabilities who , as he explained, "they have a little more difficult" access to the labor market.

This is how Fátima Báñez expressed herself during the opening of the webinar 'Transformation and digital talent as key factors of reinvention in the Covid era', organized by CEOE and Inserta Empleo, from Fundación ONCE, in order to highlight the importance of transformation and the values ​​of the desire to excel, reinvention and resilience, so present in the current context. This online meeting, co-financed by the European Social Fund, coincided with the celebration this Thursday, December 3, of the International and European Day of Persons with Disabilities.

Fátima Báñez stressed that the ONCE Foundation and the CEOE Foundation are making "a great effort to work on digital skills", using the 'Radia Program' as an example of joint work, which aims to qualify university students with disabilities in new technologies to promote thus their incorporation into the labor market through companies in the field of digitization.

In addition, the president of the CEOE Foundation has highlighted the need to have all the talent and their diversity, regardless of their abilities, since "it is part of the recovery and success of Spain". At this point, he pointed out that "today we have a present of uncertainty, but also of hope", while having positively valued that "a part of the European reconstruction funds are going to focus on digitization".

In his opinion, this is key to the "transformation", because despite the high unemployment in Spain, one in four highly qualified digital vacancies "are not filled because we do not find sufficiently qualified people in new technologies."

A better country

For his part, the president of the ONCE Social Group, Miguel Carballeda, has expressed his gratitude to “all the companies that help to build a better country” and that “think about the social dividend, the social impact, and not only the economic result ”. Likewise, he praised the work carried out jointly with allies such as CEOE so that "this adverse situation lasts for the shortest possible time."

"There is talk of three or four years of recovery, but we have to work together to make it a little less, a little faster and return to the path of generating employment, wealth, which is what the Spanish population needs most", Carballeda has emphasized.

After the opening of the webinar, the Paralympic athlete and speaker David Casinos participated; the director of the Department of Digitization, Innovation, Commerce and Infrastructures of CEOE, César Maurín Castro, and the general secretary of Inserta Empleo, Virginia Carcedo. Carcedo has presented the ‘Por Talento Digital’ program, an initiative of Fundación ONCE and Inserta that works to improve the employability of people with disabilities in the digital and technological fields.

Likewise, at the meeting, led by the Director of Companies, Strategic Alliances and CSR of Inserta Empleo, Mar Medeiros, the participants were María José Martín, from Everis' Department of Human Resources, Diversity and Inclusion; Iván Carmona, from the Directorate of Training and Employment, Operations and Transformation of Fundación ONCE, and a testimony of a participant of the Digital Talent Program of Inserta Empleo.

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Unemployment assessment October 2020

Unemployment assessment November 2020 – CEOE

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Hospitality day

Despite the apparently positive evolution of Social Security affiliation data in a traditionally negative month for employment, and this year strongly affected by the evolution of the pandemic and health containment measures, the uneven recovery of the different sectors of activity and the critical situation that, as the data reveal, some of them are going through.

Thus, unemployment is growing by more than 25,000 people, basically focused on the service sectors, -with 24,959 more unemployed-, who are being deeply affected by the outbreaks and the sanitary restriction and containment measures.

On the other hand, the increase in affiliation in more than 31,500 people falls mainly in the education sector, with an increase in 31,582 affiliates, in administrative activities and auxiliary services with 12,984 more employed persons, and in the public sector with 12,953 more people ; increases that clearly respond to the greater demand for professionals to respond to measures of social distancing and staff turnover.

However, these figures contrast with the critical situation of the hospitality sector, with a new drop in membership, in almost 78,000 employed persons in the General Regime and more than 3,100 in the Self-Employed Regime, being one of the most affected by the second wave of the pandemic and the health containment measures, taking into account, in addition, that they have about 334,500 members in ERTE.

Its capacity to resist the prolongation of this situation over time beyond what we all would like is worrying, so it is essential to intensify aid to the sector.

The facts are showing that the ERTEs and the cessation of activity of the self-employed are helping to alleviate the destruction of the productive fabric and employment, so it is urgent to give certainty and confidence to companies and workers through the continuity of these measures of protection and support, agreed with the social partners, adapting them in terms and conditions and simplifying procedures.

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The real game in Spain stood at 4,345 million euros until the end of October 2020, 50% below 2019

The real game in Spain, the difference between the amounts played and the prizes, stood at 4,345 million euros until the end of October 2020, which represents a 50% drop compared to the same period in 2019. Of these 4,345 million euros 2,445 euros belong to private gaming, while 1,900 belong to Loterías y Apuestas del Estado and ONCE.

This is how the “Game Yearbook in Spain 2020”A study on the reality of the sector through statistical data and information on the different aspects of the gaming industry in Spain. This publication was presented this morning through an online event in collaboration with the CEOE and was attended by one of its authors, the professor of Sociology and member of the Institute of Politics and Governance of the Carlos III University of Madrid, José Antonio Gómez Yáñez, as well as the CEO of CEJUEGO, Alejandro Landaluce.

Alejandro Landaluce, has indicated that: “The gaming sector is going through difficult times, like the whole of the Spanish economy. But if the previous crisis made something clear to us, it is that the gaming industry is one of the ones that takes the longest to recover. In 2019 we had not yet recovered the levels prior to the 2008 economic crisis and now the situation is much worse ". "In times of crisis, people reduce their spending on leisure, as is the case with gambling", has pointed out.

As for last year's data, in 2019 spending on all games in Spain amounted to 0.8% of GDP. In public management games, generically "lucky", lotteries and mutual sports bets of Loterías y Apuestas del Estado and the games of the ONCE, 4,590 million euros were played, with an increase of 6.2% compared to 2018. With regard to privately managed gambling, which is basically face-to-face entertainment (casinos, bingo halls, gambling halls, sports betting and hospitality machines), 4,860 million euros were played, a decrease of 0.1% compared to 2018 , mainly focused on machines in the hospitality industry and in bingo halls. For its part, on-line 776 million euros were gambled, which represents only 0.06% of GDP and 7.7% of the total game.

Employment and contribution to society

In 2019, the gaming sector employed 84,797 people, of which 47,047 correspond to private gaming, 18,463 to State Lotteries and Betting, and 19,287 to ONCE, in addition to the 50,300 indirect jobs estimated to be generated by arcade machines in the hospitality sector. In the words of Alejandro Landaluce, “Despite the fact that the fall in the income of gaming companies is higher than that registered in other sectors such as fashion, automobiles or in-store sales in department stores, we have managed to reduce ERTES to 15% of the workforce, by what 85% of the sector's employees are working at the moment”.

According to José Antonio Gómez Yáñez, "companies are making a great effort to maintain their workforce despite the decline in their income. There are business groups that are beginning to have serious difficulties."

In addition, he commented that "In some communities it is urgent that fiscal measures contemplate reductions in rates proportional to the decrease in income."

On the other hand, last year € 1,341.8 million of real face-to-face entertainment gambling were allocated to special taxes on gambling, either from the State (197.3 million euros) or from the Autonomous Communities (1,137.5 million of euros).

On-site private gambling venues, State Lottery and Gambling administrations and ONCE vendors

The study, which collects both public and private gambling data, highlights the total number of points of sale dedicated to public gambling. Loterías y Apuestas del Estado has a network of 4,167 administrations and 6,795 complementary points of sale, while ONCE has close to 20,000 vendors and has a complementary physical channel of 11,468 points of sale, consisting mainly of tobacconists, service stations and newsstands.

Also included are the types of establishments dedicated to private gambling such as bingo halls, with 319 establishments, casinos with 52 establishments, and gambling halls that are currently 3,752 establishments.

Landaluce wanted to remember that “The gaming sector is an important economic engine for the country as a whole, as other sectors such as the hospitality industry know well how difficult it is right now”. "In addition, gambling is a leisure activity enjoyed by the vast majority of Spaniards in a responsible manner, our country being one of the countries with the lowest rate of problem gambling in the world, standing at 0.3% ", has pointed.

You can download the Game Yearbook in Spain 2020 here

Photo courtesy of AZAR Magazine and AZARplus

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The President of the Council of Tourism, Culture and Sports of CEOE, Marta Blanco, participates in the Council of Tourism of CEIM

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Fundación CEOE and CEIM will amplify the action of the Community of Madrid in the fight against COVID-19 with massive tests and more trackers in companies

The CEOE Foundation and the CEIM employers' association have committed this Monday to amplify the actions of the Community of Madrid to contain and fight against COVID-19, within an unprecedented project called Plan Sumamos. S + E – Health plus Economy.

In a ceremony held at the headquarters of the Community of Madrid, the president of the CEOE Foundation, Fátima Báñez; the president of CEIM, Miguel Garrido; and the Madrid Health Minister, Enrique Ruiz Escudero, have signed a pioneering action protocol for this purpose, with the participation of the CEOE president, Antonio Garamendi, and the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso.

The plan, which has a national vocation and to which more autonomous communities are expected to be incorporated from now on, includes companies carrying out massive tests in companies, as well as mobile and fixed points, in coordination with the Directorate. General of Public Health of the Community of Madrid.

The objective is to set up up to 30 temporary mass testing centers throughout the year that the project is scheduled to last, of which up to 10 would be installed before Christmas.

In this way, the companies have proposed to triple the testing capacity of the Community of Madrid and, for this, carry out two million tests per month. In addition, the business sector will multiply, within the framework of this public-private collaboration initiative, the number of trackers available.

On the other hand, it is planned to carry out an awareness campaign among Madrid companies and their workers to extend the download of the Radar Covid application.

In this sense, thanks to the direct communication channel of the companies with the workers, there is a potential capacity to get one out of every two Madrid residents to download the application.

The plan is supported by a Technical Office for the Project, made up of technical staff from the Madrid Regional Ministry of Health, Fundación CEOE and CEIM.

Finally, the plan is completed with two initiatives to accelerate the labor insertion of people at risk of exclusion, together with Cáritas, and a second that we call Sustainable Digitization and that is already underway, to recycle electronic equipment from companies, to transfer them to those who need it most through NGOs, to reduce the digital divide.

During the presentation of the plan, the president of CEOE, Antonio Garamendi, stressed that this is "an important day" because, among other things, this plan "is an example that together we make a country."

In this sense, he pointed out that companies can join forces if the Administrations are "aware" of this possibility, for which he thanked the Community of Madrid for this collaboration.

For his part, the president of CEIM, Miguel Garrido, has highlighted the exemplary work, responsibility and solidarity, that companies have had during the pandemic, as well as the predisposition, support and closeness received from the Community of Madrid , which has made contagion control compatible with economic reactivation. "Health, economy, society, companies, government … are terms, not only compatible, but complementary to overcome, together, adding, the dramatic situation that the pandemic has caused us," added the president of CEIM.

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The Orona business group joins CEOE

The European business group Orona, dedicated to mobility and vertical lifting solutions, has recently joined CEOE. Thanks to this incorporation, the company will participate in CEOE's advisory bodies, such as commissions related to its activity.

Focused on the design, manufacture, installation and maintenance of elevators and escalators for all market segments, the Orona group is committed to relevant and sustainable innovation, using state-of-the-art techniques in the ability to manage people's mobility, optimizing available space , user experience and security.

Orona is present in a comprehensive way in 12 European countries, although through its extensive network of distributors its products reach a hundred countries around the world. In 2019, the group achieved a turnover of 801 million euros.

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XXIV Ibero-American Convention of Excellence in the Business Sector

The general director of CEOE Internacional and permanent secretary of CEIB, Narciso Casado, spoke today at the XXIV Ibero-American Convention of Excellence in the Private Sector, which was held virtually under the slogan: "Business Management in times of crisis." This annual Convention is the setting and meeting point for business organizations, institutions and companies awarded the Ibero-American Prize, as well as experts on the subject, where they share good practices and strategies for Excellence in Management. During this unusual year, according to the organizers of the meeting, Fundibeq, excellence has had to be demonstrated through the adaptation of organizations to a global crisis with unprecedented characteristics.

In addition to Casado, the general director and CEO of Fundibeq, Juan Luis Martín; the general director of the Spanish Association for Standardization (UNE), Javier García Díaz; the CEO of AENOR, Rafael García Meiro; the regional director of the National Business Learning Service-SENAC RS in Brazil, Jose Paulo Da Rosa; and the director of Human Capital and Legal of PETSTAR S.A. in Mexico, Alfredo Arzaluz. These experts in the business sector shared their point of view and experience in the private sector.

The general director of CEOE Internacional and permanent secretary of CEIB, Narciso Casado, highlighted that the objective of this meeting: to share good practices and strategies for excellence in management, coincides with one of the reasons for being of the Council of Ibero-American Entrepreneurs -CEIB, which consists of promoting constructive dialogue between Ibero-American companies and business organizations and serving as an interconnection platform. In this way, he asserted, the exchange of experiences, knowledge and ideas, and strategic synergies between companies, to attend to matters of collective interest, in order to favor productivity, commercial activity and investment in the entire Ibero-American region is allowed. "A work that we carry out in alliance with the Ibero-American General Secretariat, SEGIB, with whom we are already preparing the next Ibero-American Business Meeting, within the framework of the Ibero-American Summit of Andorra at the end of April 2021," he stressed.

Más Iberoamérica, a firm commitment to the Region

Casado recalled the phrase of the Ibero-American Secretary General, Rebeca Grynspan, when she said in reference to the crisis that “when we thought we had all the answers, all the questions changed”; and it is that organizations and companies, he assured, have left their skin to be able to successfully emerge from the pandemic. And they are doing it with conviction, determination, generosity, commitment and institutional loyalty, he added. Elements that CEIB considers essential to be able to carry out good management in times of crisis.

For this reason, from the Council, Casado reported, the "great antidote against isolation" has been activated, that is, information, through the weekly dissemination of informative bulletins, newsletters and organizing, in alliance with the Ibero-American General Secretariat-SEGIB and the Ibero-American Federation of Young Entrepreneurs-FIJE, virtual forums and seminars almost every week. “This intense activity has led to the report “More Latin America. A decided bet for the Region " that we have just published and that you can find on the CEIB website ”, he indicated. A report that represents, in his opinion, an excellent roadmap for building a better future and a more prosperous, cohesive and resilient Ibero-America. The document also includes the main demands of the Ibero-American business sector in the face of the economic consequences and challenges that arise as a result of the pandemic.

The permanent secretary of CEIB assured that the demands and priorities of Ibero-American businessmen have focused on strengthening and defending multilateralism, as it is one of the most powerful weapons to face this crisis. It is important to believe in development, in the strength of institutions, in transparency, in multilateralism, in international trade and in the fundamental values ​​of democracy. "Societies must strive to agree and not to polarize, and to unite instead of dividing, only in this way will we achieve that the changes that occur are for the better", he valued.

Casado also insisted on the need to drive and promote innovation and the digitization of the productive fabric, especially of the Administration and small and medium-sized companies; in supporting and ensuring the liquidity of SMEs, ensuring the safety and health of employees and the maintenance of productive activity; in promoting training and, above all, the retention of talent, that inexhaustible reserve available to Latin America; and enhance public-private collaboration, as it is the perfect tool to identify business needs and insert them into the public agenda.

Closely linked to all this, Casado insisted, is the importance of social dialogue, the best infrastructure that a country has, and through which, working with union representatives and governments, employers put the necessary means for the recovery of the economy. Last but not least, he considered that, in order to overcome this crisis with guarantees, it is essential to recover the integration agenda, strengthening regional value chains and strengthening intra-regional trade, which is key in the current scenario.

The permanent secretary of CEIB was optimistic about the future of the Region, since despite the existing problems, opportunities will also present themselves. And it is that "the Covid becomes an opportunity to learn, improve and progress, since crises are usually followed by deep, permanent and multidimensional social and economic changes," he said. From CEIB, he continued, efforts have been intensified so that this conjunctural crisis does not become structural.

To achieve this objective, he stressed, it is essential to place people, workers and companies at the center of our decisions, and take advantage of all the opportunities that arise in the Region. "That is our commitment, guaranteeing economic growth, job creation and social peace, fundamental for the consolidation of the post-pandemic recovery in our countries," he reiterated.

By way of conclusion, when talking about Strategy and Excellence, Casado mentioned other words that begin with the "E" for Company and that coincide with the objective of this conference such as: Status (essential), Efficiency, Equity, Efficacy, Evaluation ( what entrepreneurs do continuously in their companies), Education, Spirit, Stability, and Employment. All of them are essential for the future and excellence of Ibero-America.

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