The general director of CEOE Internacional and permanent secretary of CEIB, Narciso Casado, spoke today at the XXIV Ibero-American Convention of Excellence in the Private Sector, which was held virtually under the slogan: "Business Management in times of crisis." This annual Convention is the setting and meeting point for business organizations, institutions and companies awarded the Ibero-American Prize, as well as experts on the subject, where they share good practices and strategies for Excellence in Management. During this unusual year, according to the organizers of the meeting, Fundibeq, excellence has had to be demonstrated through the adaptation of organizations to a global crisis with unprecedented characteristics.
In addition to Casado, the general director and CEO of Fundibeq, Juan Luis Martín; the general director of the Spanish Association for Standardization (UNE), Javier García Díaz; the CEO of AENOR, Rafael García Meiro; the regional director of the National Business Learning Service-SENAC RS in Brazil, Jose Paulo Da Rosa; and the director of Human Capital and Legal of PETSTAR S.A. in Mexico, Alfredo Arzaluz. These experts in the business sector shared their point of view and experience in the private sector.
The general director of CEOE Internacional and permanent secretary of CEIB, Narciso Casado, highlighted that the objective of this meeting: to share good practices and strategies for excellence in management, coincides with one of the reasons for being of the Council of Ibero-American Entrepreneurs -CEIB, which consists of promoting constructive dialogue between Ibero-American companies and business organizations and serving as an interconnection platform. In this way, he asserted, the exchange of experiences, knowledge and ideas, and strategic synergies between companies, to attend to matters of collective interest, in order to favor productivity, commercial activity and investment in the entire Ibero-American region is allowed. "A work that we carry out in alliance with the Ibero-American General Secretariat, SEGIB, with whom we are already preparing the next Ibero-American Business Meeting, within the framework of the Ibero-American Summit of Andorra at the end of April 2021," he stressed.
Más Iberoamérica, a firm commitment to the Region
Casado recalled the phrase of the Ibero-American Secretary General, Rebeca Grynspan, when she said in reference to the crisis that “when we thought we had all the answers, all the questions changed”; and it is that organizations and companies, he assured, have left their skin to be able to successfully emerge from the pandemic. And they are doing it with conviction, determination, generosity, commitment and institutional loyalty, he added. Elements that CEIB considers essential to be able to carry out good management in times of crisis.
For this reason, from the Council, Casado reported, the "great antidote against isolation" has been activated, that is, information, through the weekly dissemination of informative bulletins, newsletters and organizing, in alliance with the Ibero-American General Secretariat-SEGIB and the Ibero-American Federation of Young Entrepreneurs-FIJE, virtual forums and seminars almost every week. “This intense activity has led to the report “More Latin America. A decided bet for the Region " that we have just published and that you can find on the CEIB website ”, he indicated. A report that represents, in his opinion, an excellent roadmap for building a better future and a more prosperous, cohesive and resilient Ibero-America. The document also includes the main demands of the Ibero-American business sector in the face of the economic consequences and challenges that arise as a result of the pandemic.
The permanent secretary of CEIB assured that the demands and priorities of Ibero-American businessmen have focused on strengthening and defending multilateralism, as it is one of the most powerful weapons to face this crisis. It is important to believe in development, in the strength of institutions, in transparency, in multilateralism, in international trade and in the fundamental values of democracy. "Societies must strive to agree and not to polarize, and to unite instead of dividing, only in this way will we achieve that the changes that occur are for the better", he valued.
Casado also insisted on the need to drive and promote innovation and the digitization of the productive fabric, especially of the Administration and small and medium-sized companies; in supporting and ensuring the liquidity of SMEs, ensuring the safety and health of employees and the maintenance of productive activity; in promoting training and, above all, the retention of talent, that inexhaustible reserve available to Latin America; and enhance public-private collaboration, as it is the perfect tool to identify business needs and insert them into the public agenda.
Closely linked to all this, Casado insisted, is the importance of social dialogue, the best infrastructure that a country has, and through which, working with union representatives and governments, employers put the necessary means for the recovery of the economy. Last but not least, he considered that, in order to overcome this crisis with guarantees, it is essential to recover the integration agenda, strengthening regional value chains and strengthening intra-regional trade, which is key in the current scenario.
The permanent secretary of CEIB was optimistic about the future of the Region, since despite the existing problems, opportunities will also present themselves. And it is that "the Covid becomes an opportunity to learn, improve and progress, since crises are usually followed by deep, permanent and multidimensional social and economic changes," he said. From CEIB, he continued, efforts have been intensified so that this conjunctural crisis does not become structural.
To achieve this objective, he stressed, it is essential to place people, workers and companies at the center of our decisions, and take advantage of all the opportunities that arise in the Region. "That is our commitment, guaranteeing economic growth, job creation and social peace, fundamental for the consolidation of the post-pandemic recovery in our countries," he reiterated.
By way of conclusion, when talking about Strategy and Excellence, Casado mentioned other words that begin with the "E" for Company and that coincide with the objective of this conference such as: Status (essential), Efficiency, Equity, Efficacy, Evaluation ( what entrepreneurs do continuously in their companies), Education, Spirit, Stability, and Employment. All of them are essential for the future and excellence of Ibero-America.