New business and investment opportunities between Spanish and Vietnamese companies

The virtual meeting 'Business and investment opportunities from European Union-Vietnam free trade agreement' has been held, organized by CEOE, the Secretary of State for Commerce, ICEX Spain Export and Investments and the Spanish Chamber of Commerce, in collaboration with the Embassy of Vietnam in Spain and Vietrade, to inform about the business and investment opportunities offered by the entry into force of the European Union-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement.

The event was opened and moderated by the president of CEOE Internacional, Marta Blanco, and also featured at its inauguration the international director of the Chamber of Spain, Jaime Montalvo, the Secretary of State for Commerce, Xiana Méndez, and the Vice Minister of Commerce and Vietnam Industry, Do Thang Hai.

Also, during the following session, the Deputy Director General for Trade Policy of the European Union (Secretary of State for Commerce of Spain), Álvaro Rodríguez Ruiz; the director of the WTO Division, Department of Multilateral Trade Policy of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Nguyen Son Tra; the general director of Internationalization of the ICEX Spain Export and Investments, Javier Serra; and the CEO of Vietrade, Vu Ba Phu, technically analyzed the main sectors that have benefited the most from the entry into force of the Agreement and how the implementation of this Agreement is expected to develop over the next few years.

Finally, the meeting had a high business component, since several organizations shared their experiences and the impact as a result of the entry into force of the Agreement and their future expectations. At the end, the attendees had the opportunity to participate in a business networking session among the companies attending the meeting.

Intervention by the president of CEOE Internacional:

The president of CEOE Internacional, Marta Blanco, highlighted the importance of this meeting and the entry into force of this Agreement for Spanish and Vietnamese companies. He stressed that the agreement will act as an engine for growth in economic and trade relations between the two countries and will allow to relaunch the high growth rates prior to the pandemic.

He also stated that free trade between the two countries gives rise to multiple other opportunities such as the use of the Asian country as a gateway to the continent and increased bilateral investment, especially from large Spanish multinationals. This last point will materialize soon thanks to the investment agreement that is to be reached.

Finally, he thanked all the institutions that participated in the preparation of the meeting for their collaboration and welcomed the new Vietnamese ambassador to Spain, Hoang Xuan Hai.

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The Bertelsmann Foundation and CEOE promote "Breakfasts with Inspiring Companies", digital meetings to discuss career guidance

  • The meetings will be held on November 18 and December 2 and 9, and will be broadcast on this web
  • Today the Bertelsmann Foundation launches the publication "Companies that inspire", aimed at managers and heads of Human Resources and Corporate Social Responsibility with the intention of encouraging companies to get involved in guidance actions

The Bertelsmann Foundation and the Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations (CEOE) come together to promote a series of virtual meetings under the title "Breakfasts with Inspiring Companies". They will be held on November 18 and December 2 and 9, and will be attended by the CEOE president, Antonio Garamendi, and the vice president of the Bertelsmann Foundation, Francisco Belil, who will introduce each session with a dialogue on the future of employment, education and guidance.

The objective of this cycle of digital meetings is put career guidance on the public agenda of the business community as a strategy for training and attracting young talent.

The meetings will open with a dialogue between Francisco Belil Y Antonio Garamendi and then a conversation with experts from Human Resources and Corporate Social Responsibility of different companies moderated by Leticia Larraz, journalist from Negocios TV de Movistar +.

The meetings can be followed live on the web and, the next day, they will be broadcast together with an interview on Negocios TV (sign up here).

In the cycle "Breakfasts with Inspiring Companies" will discuss essential aspects of career guidance actions such as: reducing the mismatch between current labor supply and demand, and the training and guidance dimension of companies, in addition to raising trends in the market and professions with a future.

The Bertelsmann Foundation presents the publication Companies that inspire

The cycle is promoted within the framework of the presentation of the publication Companies that inspire. Strategic commitment to career guidance (download here), prepared by the Bertelsmann Foundation. It contains 14 success stories of companies of different sizes and sectors involved in career guidance programs, highlighting the short, medium and long-term benefits that they provide. In addition, it is intended to inspire and encourage other companies to be actively involved in youth orientation.

The publication emphasizes the need to bet on professional guidance from the business sphere, to overcome the disconnect that currently exists between supply and demand for employment. According to data from ManpowerGroup, 41% of Spanish executives state that they have difficulties finding the right talent. At the European level, more than 70% of companies engaged in professional, scientific or technical services and 67% of ICT companies admit that skill mismatches have a serious effect on their human resources policies, according to data from the Institute for Market Economics (IME).

For all these reasons, the Bertelsmann Foundation urges companies to participate in the professional orientation that is given in schools, with the aim of improving their competitiveness and complementing the educational sector to improve the preparation of students.

The 14 success stories are divided into two chapters: in the first, Attracting young people to professional sectors and companies, the projects of Alsea Iberia, Cisco Systems or IBM Spain, among others, are presented, and strategies are detailed to publicize young people professional opportunities and high employability in some sectors. Their participation in school guidance programs allows them to awaken vocations, complement the academic training received by students with more practical knowledge, and link their studies with the real needs of companies.

In the second chapter, Contributing to the economy and society, the guidance projects of companies such as Airbus, Banco Sabadell, Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona (TMB) or Zurich, among others, are highlighted as examples of guidance that go beyond the business training. As part of their corporate social responsibility programs, these companies complement the learning that young people acquire in the educational system with additional training and resources that allow them to develop relevant skills for employability and increase their knowledge of the labor market.

In short, it is about presenting the gains and benefits that affect both parties when betting on academic-professional orientation, as an important strategic tool for the good of companies, young people and for society in general.

The Bertelsmann Foundation launches this video to present the concept Companies that inspire and provide more information to companies to undertake guidance actions on the web

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The Bertelsmann Foundation and CEOE promote "Breakfasts with Inspiring Companies", digital meetings to discuss career guidance

  • The meetings will be held on November 18 and December 2 and 9, and will be broadcast on this web
  • Today the Bertelsmann Foundation launches the publication "Companies that inspire", aimed at managers and heads of Human Resources and Corporate Social Responsibility with the intention of encouraging companies to get involved in guidance actions

The Bertelsmann Foundation and the Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations (CEOE) come together to promote a series of virtual meetings under the title “Breakfasts with Inspiring Companies”. They will be held on November 18 and December 2 and 9, and will be attended by the president of the CEOE, Antonio Garamendi, and the vice president of the Bertelsmann Foundation, Francisco Belil, who will introduce each session with a dialogue on the future of the employment, education and guidance.

The objective of this cycle of digital meetings is to put professional guidance as a strategy for training and attracting young talent on the public agenda of the business community.

The meetings will open with a dialogue between Francisco Belil and Antonio Garamendi, and then a conversation will take place with experts from Human Resources and Corporate Social Responsibility from different companies, moderated by Leticia Larraz, journalist from Negocios TV de Movistar +.

The meetings can be followed live on the web at and, the following day, they will be broadcast together with an interview on Negocios TV.

In the cycle "Breakfasts with Inspiring Companies" will discuss essential aspects of career guidance actions such as: reducing the mismatch between current labor supply and demand, and the training and guidance dimension of companies, in addition to raising trends in the market and professions with a future.

The Bertelsmann Foundation presents the publication Companies that inspire

The cycle is promoted within the framework of the presentation of the publication Companies that inspire. Strategic commitment to career guidance (download here), prepared by the Bertelsmann Foundation. It contains 14 success stories of companies of different sizes and sectors involved in career guidance programs, highlighting the short, medium and long-term benefits that they provide. In addition, it is intended to inspire and encourage other companies to be actively involved in youth orientation.

The publication emphasizes the need to bet on professional guidance from the business sphere, to overcome the disconnect that currently exists between supply and demand for employment. According to data from ManpowerGroup, 41% of Spanish executives state that they have difficulties finding the right talent. At the European level, more than 70% of companies engaged in professional, scientific or technical services and 67% of ICT companies admit that skill mismatches have a serious effect on their human resources policies, according to data from the Institute for Market Economics (IME).

For all these reasons, the Bertelsmann Foundation urges companies to participate in the professional orientation that is given in schools, with the aim of improving their competitiveness and complementing the educational sector to improve the preparation of students.

The 14 success stories are divided into two chapters: in the first, Attracting young people to professional sectors and companies, the projects of Alsea Iberia, Cisco Systems or IBM Spain, among others, are presented, and strategies are detailed to publicize young people professional opportunities and high employability in some sectors. Their participation in school guidance programs allows them to awaken vocations, complement the academic training received by students with more practical knowledge, and link their studies with the real needs of companies.

In the second chapter, Contributing to the economy and society, the guidance projects of companies such as Airbus, Banco Sabadell, Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona (TMB) or Zurich, among others, are highlighted as examples of guidance that go beyond the business training. As part of their corporate social responsibility programs, these companies complement the learning that young people acquire in the educational system with additional training and resources that allow them to develop relevant skills for employability and increase their knowledge of the labor market.

In short, it is about presenting the gains and benefits that affect both parties when betting on academic-professional orientation, as an important strategic tool for the good of companies, young people and for society in general.

The Bertelsmann Foundation launches this video to present the concept Companies that inspire and provide more information to companies to undertake guidance actions on the web

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The IEE believes that these are expansive spending budgets in an unrealistic economic scenario

Íñigo Fernández de Mesa, president of the Institute for Economic Studies (IEE), has presented the ‘Opinion Note on the General State Budgets for 2021 ’, which he describes as expansive, supported by an unrealistic economic scenario and very voluntaristic income estimates. This combination is very worrying because the deficit and debt will be higher than expected, which will increase the vulnerabilities of our economy, with the consequent damage to the credibility of the sustainability of public finances. In addition, the tax increases that they propose on companies do not help to promote the recovery of activity and employment, nor do they make our country more attractive to attract investment and retain talent.

From the IEE they believe that the government's macroeconomic picture is not very prudent in its growth estimates for 2021, especially after seeing the evolution of the pandemic worldwide in this fourth quarter. The restrictions that it will entail will negatively affect the recovery, at least for a good part of the first half of 2021, so that the growth forecast for next year may suffer significantly.

Compared to the optimistic 9.8% (with European funds) of the Government for 2021, the Commission estimates a growth of only 5.4%. Other national and international analysts estimate growth for Spain around 7%, but it is very likely that this figure will be revised downwards given the recent evolution of the pandemic.

The Government takes advantage of the flexibility of the spending rules to increase it

With this scenario, the Government has justified a budget for 2021 with a very expansive spending policy, in such a way that the public spending of the AA.PP. it is close to 50% of GDP. The increase in total spending in the consolidated state budget is 19.4%. This notable increase is supported, on the one hand, by the money that is expected to arrive from the EU (26,634 million), but is also marked by discretionary decisions of the Government, especially in social matters.

According to the IEE, as analyzed in the Report, it is not incompatible to respond, in this economic context of crisis, to the social demand and to the support of the structural transformation that our business fabric requires through an expansive spending policy with an improvement quality and efficiency of the same. If in Spain the efficiency of public spending were to be similar to that of the OECD average, we could provide the same current public services with 14% less spending, that is, according to the PGE-2021, some 58,000 million euros , and the savings could be greater if we homologated to the best practices.

It should be noted that non-financial expenditure in the consolidated budget grows by close to 10%, once financing from European funds has been excluded, a figure even higher than the strong growth in expenditure of 8.1% forecast for 2020.

In this sense, it should be noted that, despite the increase in the allocation for economic policies, the additional boost that these European funds represent is not fully exploited. Although the importance of the over-financing of European funds on the total budget items is concentrated on actions of an economic nature, the weight of the funds in actions of a social nature is no less significant. The specific contribution of these on social policies for access to housing and promotion of building (73.3% of total expenditure in this item), health (57.9%), education (36.8 %), social services and social promotion (22.4%), culture (17.4%) and promotion of employment (16.1%).

Tax increases on companies that will weigh down the recovery

In addition, according to this body, the announced fiscal measures will increase the tax burden for taxpayers, which, together with the overestimation of public revenues, will compromise the budgetary objectives.

The tax burden on Spanish companies, relative to GDP, is almost two points higher than the EU average. Well, around 80% of the tax increases are aimed at companies, which will harm the recovery of activity and job creation. To which we have to add that we live in a globalized world, with mobility of people and capital, and that the competitiveness of an economy does not only reside in its companies and its workers, but also in its economic and regulatory environment, as well as in your fiscal framework.

Increases in Wealth Tax or Personal Income Tax can cause the relocation of people with more human capital to these other territories, and complicate the attraction and retention of talent for our companies, in addition to ending up negatively affecting the collection as a whole tributary.

For its part, limiting the exemption for dividends and capital gains from Corporation Tax to 95% is very harmful, since it is equivalent to an additional tax. Again, very few EU countries have limited the correction of double taxation to 5% in their tax system, which causes its introduction in Spain to cause a competitive disadvantage to our companies, due to the increase in their cost of capital , in relation to those of other countries. The proposal harms companies because it represents a barrier to their internationalization. Among other effects, the tax penalty forces reorganizations in the structure of companies when their priorities should be different, and introduces a tax motivation to delay shareholder remuneration and repatriation of capital over time. In addition, it involves double taxation on the same income, since it falls on income that has already been subject to tax previously.

The increase in VAT from 10% to 21% for sweetening beverages is unfair and discriminatory, imposed at the worst possible time and without international experiences being conclusive regarding its ability to modify eating habits. From the perspective of smart taxation, it would be mandatory to exclude beverages with non-caloric sweeteners from this VAT hike, as other countries have done. Other measures, such as the increase in diesel rates, are not adopted at the best possible time either, since they affect a sector that of the automobile, which is key in our economy. Likewise, it should be noted that the increase in the Tax on Insurance Premiums discourages hiring for more far-sighted taxpayers.

In addition, with the recent approval of the new tax on financial transactions (on capital increases of large companies), this operation will be displaced to third countries, with the consequent contraction of the size and liquidity of our market and the increase in the cost of cost of capital of our listed companies in relation to those of other countries.

Public deficit and debt

The increase in public spending is supported by an increase in income that is not very credible.

In this optimistic scenario, and considering that the 6,000 million that the Government is targeting could be collected through additional taxes and increases in those already existing, we estimate that the collection would be at least one point of GDP lower than that considered in the budgets. Obviously, in less favorable GDP scenarios, the tax mismatch would be considerably greater.

The Government estimates a deficit of -11.3% for this year and -7.7% for 2021. However, the situation may be significantly worse. In this sense, the European Commission estimates a deficit for our country that will rise to -12.2% in 2020 and to -9.6% in 2021, which is implicitly questioning the public deficit figures not only of this year, but also the next.

Our structural deficit is already one of the largest in Europe according to the European Commission, and according to the Government it will increase to 6.1% of GDP in 2012, compared to -5.4% recognized for 2020. Therefore, it is especially It is worrying that part of the increase in spending foreseen in the budgets could become a structural increase in it, which further complicates the necessary fiscal consolidation that will have to be faced in the coming years. This fact would weigh down the confidence of the agents and the competitiveness of our economy, jeopardizing economic growth in the medium and long term.

On the other hand, the notable increase in public debt is also a problem that makes our economy more vulnerable to possible external shocks. The Budget plan for 2021 estimates an increase in public debt to 118.8% of GDP by 2020 and contemplates a slight reduction to 117.4% by 2021.

On the contrary, the European Commission estimates that in 2020 the debt will rise to 120.3% and will continue to grow in 2021 to 122% and up to 123.9% in 2022, reflecting a very negative dynamic that could complicate and make it more expensive our financing in the coming years, especially if the ECB tightened its monetary policy.

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The CEG will hold a Cycle of Web Seminars on Cross-Border Mobility throughout this month

The Confederation of Entrepreneurs of Galicia (CEG), within the framework of the activities carried out as partners of the EURES-Transfronterizo Norte de Portugal-Galicia Network, will hold -throughout this month of November-, a cycle of Web Seminars on Mobility Cross-border. The activity will start on the 12th with the seminar "Negotiation collective and application of agreements to labor relations in Portugal", which will take place between 10 a.m. and 11.30 a.m., and which aims to inform attendees about the operation of collective bargaining in Portugal, from the perspective of the company; in addition to addressing the importance of collective agreements in the regulation of labor relations in Portugal and the way in which they are related to other sources of labor law; to explain the rules of application of collective bargaining agreements; and to expose the obligations of additional information to workers sent to another Member State of the European Union derived from Directive 2019/1152.

With "Key issues and developments in tax matters in the field of cross-border labor mobility Spain-Portugal”The cycle will continue on November 17, between 10 am and 11.30 am. In this seminar, the key fiscal aspects to take into account in the posting of workers between Spain and Portugal will be announced; the tax implications of obtaining Portuguese tax residence; the tax obligations in Spain and Portugal of the employing entities and posted workers, as well as any special regimes or tax benefits that are usually applied in such situations. The latest relevant tax, doctrinal and jurisprudential developments regarding cross-border labor mobility and the tax implications that may occur due to the pandemic and the introduction of teleworking will also be presented.

On November 19 from 09:30 to 12:30 the third seminar of the cycle will be held, which is entitled "Mobility and services in the Union European ". It will address the new framework that is coming for the posting of workers, both in general and the specificities for companies and transport workers. The status of the works and the lines of action that Brussels are designing to respond to the digital transformation that is significantly modifying the provision of services and its impact on the physical or virtual mobility of both companies and workers will also be exposed.

Finally, on the 25th of this month, from 10:00 to 11:30, the cycle will close with the seminar "News in teleworking and equality in Spain and Portugal: cross-border peculiarities ". This activity will analyze, from an Iberian perspective, the main changes that, in Spain and Portugal, as a result of the context of the pandemic and important legislative reforms verified in recent years, have affected the regulations applicable to teleworking and employment issues. equality and inclusion.


The colloquia will be held through the Zoom application and will be free for attendees, thanks to main funding from the European Commission and the CEG. To participate, it will be necessary to register individually in each of them, which can be done on the page of the EURES CEG BLOG.

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The CEOE International Relations Commission organizes a conference on international financing

The International Relations Commission of CEOE Internacional has held a conference on international financing. The conference, moderated by the president of CEOE Internacional, Marta Blanco, included the interventions of Gabriel Ferrero, general director of Sustainable Development Policies; Mari Paz Ramos, General Director of International Trade and Investments; María Peña, CEO of ICEX Spain Export and Investments; Diana Montero Melis, member of the Cabinet of the European Commissioner for International Associations; Félix Fernández-Shaw, Director of the General Directorate for International Cooperation and Development Policy of the European Commission, Antonio Bandrés, Head of the ICO International Finance Department; José Luis Curbelo, president of COFIDES; Beatriz Reguero, director of the CESCE State Account Area; Carlos Jiménez Aguirre, general manager of FONPRODE; Marta Valero, deputy director general of Financial Promotion for Internationalization, FIEM; and Miguel Tiana Álvarez, deputy director general of External Debt Management and International Financing.

During the day, news about European financial instruments, as well as financing instruments for internationalization projects and company development, were announced, at a time like the present in which the foreign sector must continue to be the vector of growth of our economy and contribute to an international development agenda that requires greater mobilization of public and private resources.

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Giant step of companies and workers to reduce the digital divide

The reconditioned devices will be delivered to the CEOE Foundation collaborating social entities that request it, which will be in charge of distributing them.

The eco-innovation study inèdit, a UAB research park company, and the SEUR Foundation collaborate selflessly to account for the reduction of the carbon footprint and distribute the reconditioned devices among the NGOs.

The action drives the circular economy and is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda.

A broad alliance of entities joins to promote a new edition of the Sustainable Digitization campaign, which on this occasion wants to involve the business fabric of the entire State by carrying out a selective collection of electronic devices in work centers with a solidarity purpose: to reduce the digital divide to help promote universal access to technology.

The original idea came from the hypermarkets and supermarkets company Alcampo, which asked Fundación Ecotic to carry out a selective collection of computers and tablets in companies. Based on this proposal, Fundación CEOE and the main Collective Systems for Expanded Producer Responsibility (SCRAP) in the field of electronic recycling (Fundación Ecotic, Ambilamp, Ecoasimelec, Ecofimática, Fundación Ecolec, Ecolum, and ERP Spain), have decided to join forces to promote a solidarity campaign at the state level, with the collaboration of the eco-innovation study inèdit and the SEUR Foundation.

The main objective of the campaign is to give a second life to the waste of computers and tablets contributed by companies, as well as to channel the donations of new equipment that are available to make, in order to help people with difficulties in accessing the technology, and in turn reduce the generation of waste to protect the environment.

For this, the computers and tablets collected will be reconditioned and delivered to educational and training centers, to minors and people at risk of exclusion, to residences for the elderly, and to other people and groups that need them.

The CEOE Foundation frames the Sustainable Digitalization campaign within its project "Companies that help", which aims to coordinate solidarity initiatives to help face the crisis caused by Covid-19. Donations of reconditioned devices will be carried through the NGOs with which the Spanish employers' Foundation usually collaborates, which will grant participating companies that request it a certificate of donation accrediting the equipment delivered.

The president of CEOE, Antonio Garamendi, encouraged companies and freelancers to join this initiative, as it "will help advance several objectives: reduce the generation of electronic waste and its environmental impact or promote the circular economy." Up to five Sustainable Development Goals can be met with these actions, he said before emphasizing that the project is "focused on social action to reduce the digital divide."

The Collective Systems involved will make available to all companies that participate in the campaign containers for the selective collection of disused devices, which can be provided by both the business addresses themselves and their workers at a private level.

Andreu Vilà, general director of the Ecotic Foundation, has highlighted that “achieving the sustainability of the environment and the production system depends to a great extent on a real commitment on the part of the business fabric focused more on a collaborative than competitive economy, where ethical values ​​transcend the strict business criteria, and that today are more necessary than ever ”. For this reason, he considers that “promoting initiatives such as this edition of the Sustainable Digitization campaign, and being able to do so with the support and commitment of a benchmark entity such as the CEOE Foundation, is a key element to achieve the necessary alliances that the Goals demand of Sustainable Development ”.

The SEUR Foundation will be in charge of the distribution of the reconditioned equipment among the aforementioned social entities. “The very name of Sustainable Digitization already invites us to participate in the action, since, of the two fundamental activities, technical and logistics, the second is our mission. Attention to underprivileged groups for any circumstance, mainly childhood, through the provision of solidarity-based logistics services is our goal, ”said Ramón Mayo, president of Fundación SEUR.

For its part, the eco-innovation study inèdit will put the environmental figures of the participants in the campaign. "We will be in charge of calculating the savings in the carbon footprint of the recovery and conditioning process of donated computers," said Gabriela Benveniste, Project Manager of the entity. The consulting firm will provide a document of accreditation of the study carried out, which will serve so that the Collective Systems can provide the companies that have contributed equipment to the project a document indicating the reduction of their carbon footprint based on the equipment donated by each of them.

With this action, the driving and collaborating entities want to contribute effectively to reducing the digital divide, favoring the development of the circular economy through the collection and reconditioning of devices or their proper recycling when it is not feasible, promoting access technology and contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) included in the United Nations 2030 Agenda.

The organizers call for all committed companies to do their bit so that the campaign reaches all corners of the state because, as they emphasize, "together we can reduce the digital divide."

Companies that wish to join Sustainable Digitization can do so through the website

Shared commitment

The solidarity collection action wants to give a boost to the circular economy because, as its organizers affirm, "the best waste is that which is not generated". Reuse and recycling are two key elements for the development of a more efficient and sustainable production model, which minimizes the use of finite natural resources and has the protection of the environment as a priority, and for this it is essential to have the involvement of the companies.

“Given the difficult situation in which many citizens find themselves today, the recycling sector can and must set an example with actions like this, since this is how we can help reduce the digital divide in the most vulnerable groups. A reconditioned and well-used computer or tablet can be a window for a student to follow their telematics classes or for an elderly person to communicate with their own ”, highlighted Juan Carlos Enrique, general director of Ambilamp.

For José Pérez, CEO of Recyclia, managing entity of Ecoasimelec, Ecofimática and Ecolum, “the health and economic crisis we are going through has further evidenced and deepened the existing digital divide in our country. Hence the importance of promoting a project like this one that, in addition to helping to reduce this inequality of opportunities, allows us to face the problem posed by the proliferation of electronic waste, prioritizing its reuse and recycling ”.

Luis Moreno, CEO of Fundación Ecolec, stated that “we are very committed to all actions that imply sustainability and solidarity, and when we were offered to participate in this initiative we did not doubt it. This action is also part of the spirit of our #GreenSoul, which we launched last June to coincide with World Environment Day, with a clear intention of helping in the fight against the climate crisis and favoring the achievement of the Development Goals. Sustainable".

Luis Moreno, CEO of Fundación Ecolec, stated that “we are very committed to all actions that imply sustainability and solidarity, and when we were offered to participate in this initiative we did not doubt it. This action is also part of the spirit of our #GreenSoul, which we launched last June to coincide with World Environment Day, with a clear intention of helping in the fight against the climate crisis and favoring the achievement of the Development Goals. Sustainable".

Electronic recycling in Spain

According to data from OfiRaee, the coordination office that groups together the collective systems of extended producer responsibility (SCRAP), the activity of these entities, together with the collaboration of the different actors involved in the life cycle of the product -consumers, Manufacturers, distributors and managers managed to manage 328,686 tons of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) during 2019, from both the domestic and professional fields.

This figure represents more than 6.94 kilograms per inhabitant, an amount that is above the established minimum target of 6.41 kilograms per inhabitant. It should also be noted that a total of 6,042 tons were used for preparation processes for reuse, in line with the efforts being made at European level to extend the useful life of the equipment, an aspect considered strategic in the consolidation of the model of circular economy.

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The Secretaries of State for Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence and for Telecommunications and Digital Infrastructures present the Digital Spain 2025 plan at CEOE

The Secretary of State for Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence, Carme Artigas, together with the Secretary of State for Telecommunications and Digital Infrastructures, Roberto Sánchez, attended the CEOE's Digital Society Commission, to present the Digital Spain 2025 plan.

At this event, the president of CEPYME, Gerardo Cuerva and the director of the Department of Digitization, Innovation, Trade and Infrastructure and head of the R & D & i Commission, César Maurin, were also present.

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The Minister of Finance presents the draft Law on General State Budgets at CEOE

The Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, was at the businessmen's house presenting the CEOE president, Antonio Garamendi, and his team with the draft of the 2021 General State Budget Law.

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Round table Mind the gap "women, science and innovation"

The president of CEOE Internacional, Marta Blanco, has participated in the round table of the day Mind the gap-women, science and innovation, organized by the Swedish Embassy and Espacio Fundación Telefónica.

The conference was opened by the Swedish Ambassador to Spain, Teppo Tauriainen, the General Director of Fundación Telefónica, Carmen Morenés, and the Manager of Social Innovation and International Relations at Fundación Cotec, Susana Mañueco.

The round table focused on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the employment landscape for women in the science and innovation sectors. Also taking part in this round table were: Samuel Engblom, Policy Director at the Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees; Maria Blasco, scientific director of the National Center for Oncological Research; and Lola Rebollo, manager of Cybersecurity Companies R + D + i.

Marta Blanco highlighted how the multilateral equality agenda has been reinforced as a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic. She highlighted the work that is being carried out in various international forums on gender issues in the areas of internationalization, care economy or increasing the representation of women in leadership positions. In this sense, he emphasized the importance of collective effort as the most effective way to advance and ensure equal conditions in the workplace, as well as public-private collaboration.

At the close of the day, the Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Reyes Maroto, participated.

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