Santiago Abascal has appeared at a press conference to affirm that since our formation we have come to defend what our voters think and feel, the constitutional order, the separation of powers and legal security as well as public freedoms and the rule of law.

As regards the parties, VOX has stated that they lend flexibility and respect to the dialogue with other formations, but these formations are those that must show attitude and intention of dialogue and agreements, sitting at the table with our representatives.

In this way and following the aforementioned, it will be absolutely impossible to support the government of those who do not even want to sit down and talk to us. There will be no alternative governments if there is no political dialogue with VOX.

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El secretario general ha presidido la constitución del Comité para la Gobernabilidad

The General Secretary of the Popular Party, Teodoro García Egea, has presided today, in the national headquarters of the PP, the constitution of the Committee for Governance, which will coordinate the negotiations for the constitution of governments in those autonomous communities and municipalities in which the Party Popular has the potential to form majorities.
The negotiation team will be headed by the Secretary General, the Deputy Secretary of Organization, Javier Maroto, the President of the PP of Navarra and deputy elected in the Congress, Ana Beltrán, as well as the Deputy Secretary of Social Policy and coordinator of the election campaign municipal and autonomous, Cuca Gamarra.
The national leaders of these negotiations at the municipal level will be Antonio García Terol and Alberto Casero; at provincial level Vicente Betoret and Isabel Borrego, and for the autonomous communities César Sánchez. Also part of this negotiation team are María Pelayo, Pablo Cano, Pablo Balbín, Rafael Laza, Pablo Hispán, Jorge González Barrante and Javier Martínez Gilabert.
From the autonomic perspective, Javier Campoy, will be in charge of the negotiations for the formation of the Government of Aragon; Paco Vázquez, in Castilla y León; David Pérez and Ana Camins in Madrid; José Miguel Luengo in the Region of Murcia; Ana Beltrán in the Comunidad Foral de Navarra; the presidents of Ceuta and Melilla, Juan Jesús Vivas and Juan José Imbroda in the two autonomous cities, and Ángel Llanos in the case of the Canary Islands.
In the course of his speech, the general secretary of the people has said that with the constitution of the Committee for Governance "we will build the future of the party for the next 4 years," while he recalled that the PP won an absolute majority in 2,300 municipalities and has possibilities to govern in 33 provincial capitals of our country after the elections of May 26.

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Pedro Duque chairs the Joint Space Council of the European Union and the European Space Agency

The Minister of Science, Innovation and Universities, Pedro Duque, has highlighted the need to consolidate European leadership in space matters, by coordinating the space programs of the European Union (EU) and the European Space Agency (ESA).

The Minister of Science, Innovation and Acting Universities, Pedro Duque, has co-chaired the ninth Joint Space Council of the European Union and the European Space Agency (ESA, for its acronym in English).

The Space Council has brought together the European ministers of the sector and the highest authorities of ESA in Brussels, under the title "space as enabler". The meeting takes place in the context of EU Competitiveness Council, in which the ministers have also debated the role of the EU in the global space policy.

The Space Council is a forum that coordinates European space programs, in order to strengthen Europe's position on space, increase its market share and take advantage of the benefits of its research.

This Council was created to coordinate and facilitate the space activities of the European Union and ESA, through a Framework Agreement adopted in 2003, and whose last meeting was held in 2011.

The ninth Joint Space Council of the EU and ESA was held at the initiative of the Ministerial Council of the ESA held in October 2018 in Madrid, under the presidency of Minister Duque. At this meeting, the European ministers unanimously concluded the need to revitalize the Joint Space Council between the EU and ESA.

The continuity of the Space Council, essential for Europe to successfully meet its spatial objectives, is guaranteed: Germany has announced its commitment to organize the 10th Space Council in the second half of 2020, on the occasion of its rotating presidency. The EU.

During his speech in Brussels, Duque stressed the importance of "consolidating Europe's leadership in space matters and implementing the necessary resources to achieve this goal".

Minister Duque also highlighted "the need to ensure the complementarity of public investment in space and the establishment of a clear set of objectives and the best use of existing experience and capabilities to maximize the profitability of investments in space activities through the EU and the ESA ".

The minister added that "developing, maintaining and improving space assets is essential to ensure the services and applications that space provides to society, as well as for the protection of citizens against threats from both Earth and space" .

Space economy

The global space economy reached 309,000 million euros in 2017, growing almost twice as much as the world economy. The European space industry employs more than 230,000 professionals, manufactures a third of the world's satellites and in 2016 reached a sales level of 8,200 million euros, according to Eurospace.

ESA and the European Union provide most of the budget that Europe devotes to space. In particular, in the 2021-2027 period they will jointly allocate more than 40,000 million euros to space activities.

The revitalization of the Space Council will allow managing these European space activities in a coordinated manner.

Spain: European space power

EFESpain has managed to consolidate itself as a European space power, thanks to the progress made in the last decade. Currently, our country is responsible for complete space systems, among which can be highlighted the satellite INGENIO, which will be part of the European constellation Copernicus as a "contributing mission"

The launch of this Spanish Earth observation satellite, managed by the Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI), will go into orbit in the second quarter of 2020. Its purpose is to provide high resolution images that will be used for services of cartography, urban management, agriculture, forest mapping or water management.

In November 2019 the next Ministerial Council of the ESA will take place in Seville, in which the approval of new space programs is expected for an amount of between 10,000 and 14,000 million euros. This may offer new opportunities for the Spanish space sector to lead ambitious European initiatives.

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05-29-2019 | Cs

The president of Cs considers that the ruling of the ECHR has given a 'resounding slap' to the Govern to demonstrate that 'they gave a blow to democracy'

"Have the same hurry to solve the dependence that the one that has had to return to hang in the Palau de la Generalitat the banner that attacks our country with its lie". This is how the president of the Citizens' Parliamentary Group (Cs), Carlos Carrizosa, addressed the President of the Generalitat, Quim Torra, who has criticized his inaction to "improve" the dependence on Catalonia, taking into account that it is the community autonomous with more unattended dependents throughout Spain. "One in three does not receive any kind of help," explained Carrizosa, which is "46% more than the Spanish average."

The president of Cs has referred to the banner that Torra resigned once the elections were held and which refers to the politicians who are in prison for having "struck a blow to democracy." In this regard, he warned that "the neutrality of institutions must be met every day" and has warned Torra: "Until you understand that you must respect the law and democracy, you must respond to justice."

Carrizosa has also referred to the ruling of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) that unanimously rejects the claim filed by the former president of the Generalitat, Carles Puigdemont, and 74 other deputies against the decision of the Constitutional Court (TC) to annul the plenary session of October 9, 2017, in which he intended to declare the independence of Catalonia. It considers that the sentence is a "resounding slap" to the Govern because it shows that "they gave a blow to democracy".

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Active work in Melilla the Comprehensive Employment Plan 2019-2020 with an investment of 41.8 million euros

The Minister of Labor, Migration and Social Security acting, Magdalena Valerio, has presented in Melilla, along with the delegate of the Government of the Autonomous City, Sabrina Moh Abdelkader, the Comprehensive Employment Plan 2019-2020 which aims to improve employability and the labor insertion of the people in situation of unemployment of this Autonomous City.

This Comprehensive Employment Plan, multi-year, will have a total of 41,795,118 euros, of which 20,897,559 correspond to the investment in 2019 and an analogous amount for 2020 (forecast in case of budget extension).

The implementation of this Comprehensive Employment Plan, which will be developed by the Ministry of Labor, Migration and Social Security, within the framework of its competences, through the Public State Employment Service (SEPE) and in coordination with the Government Delegation and of the Government of the Autonomous City, aims to respond to the labor and social situation of Melilla.

"Unemployment in Melilla requires immediate and very individual attention, and we have to take measures to improve this situation, which affects especially those under 25 years of age and women," the minister said in statements to the media during his visit to the Autonomous City, where he was accompanied by the general director of SEPE, Gerardo Gutiérrez, and the general secretary of Migrations, Agustín Torres.

Melilla currently has an unemployment rate of 25.92%, well above the average for Spain (14.7%), with a marked increase in female unemployment, 30.01% compared to 16.74% of the average national. Youth unemployment, under 25 years, reaches 55.15% in this Autonomous City, almost twice the national average (34.97%).
Training and guidance

"The Government, still in office, will not leave all these people abandoned," said Valerio, who also wanted to highlight the commitment to training and individualized attention through the figure of the counselor. The minister recalled that the selection of six people is already underway for the offices of the SEPE, which will develop personalized itineraries of employment. "It is important to have a good diagnosis made of the Melilla job market and prepare for the new forms of work that come."

The activities to be carried out will be carried out within the framework of the Common Service Portfolio of the National Employment System and in accordance with the provisions of the Young Employment Shock Plan and the REINCORPORA-T Plan, both for the 2019-2020 period.

The Plan, which includes individualized actions to improve employability and insertion of unemployed people, has two pillars: 1st. Study and diagnosis of the labor market and the social reality of the Autonomous City, which is being carried out by the Observatory of Occupations, with the support of the Government Delegation, the Provincial Directorate of SEPE and the Autonomous City itself. 2nd. Initial orientation for all the people who will participate in the Plan, complemented with personalized accompaniment throughout the duration of the same.

On this basis, those activities that best adapt to individualized diagnoses will be programmed, such as: information, guidance and counseling, transversal training in new technologies, limogistic competences, coaching techniques, emotional intelligence and motivation techniques for job search ( both on their own account and that of others).

A Joint Commission will be responsible for monitoring, monitoring and controlling the execution of the Plan. This Commission will be integrated by representatives of the SEPE in Melilla, of the Delegation of the Government of Melilla, of the Autonomous City, as well as of the most representative trade union and business organizations in the area of ​​the Autonomous City.

The acting minister took advantage of her stay in Melilla to visit the offices of the Public Employment Service, where she thanked the workers of the SEPE and the Provincial Directorate for their daily work.

Valerio has also referred in statements to the media to his visit to the Center for Temporary Stay of Immigrants (CETI), facilities that he has set as an example of comprehensive care (social, psychological, health). In addition, he thanked the work of the State Security Corps and Forces, which ensure the security of our borders and regular, safe and orderly immigration.

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Teodoro García Egea en Los Desayunos de TVE

Teodoro García Egea affirms that the PP is in favor of speaking, first, of programs and, later, of the persons in charge of directing the different governments. It emphasizes that the essential thing is "to think about people, to know what is going to be done, for what and in what way we are going to start those governments". "In this negotiation we will not disappoint," he says.

Stresses that the negotiating committee of the PP, consisting of Javier Maroto, Ana Beltran and himself, will try to help the territories to agree, but that each will discuss possible agreements and programs "based on knowledge of the land that only they have. " He points out that the entire party will take the decision on possible governments and will not "make decisions outside the territories."

Garcia Egea shows his surprise because the PSOE talks about the need to stop parties like Vox and at the same time tell Oriol Junqueras, in preventive detention, not to worry. "It is necessary to describe facts and not grandiloquent qualifiers," he stresses. He points out that the PP is the only party that has risen in number of votes in a month, which has allowed it to regain the confidence of citizens, something that will lead to "transforming the lives of those who have trusted us."

"The PP spearheads its mayors. This exhibition of good management will consolidate us as a great option, "he concludes.

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Pablo Casado atiende a los medios de comunicación en Bruselas

Claims the modification of the Euroorden to include among the automatic procedures of delivery to the fugitives of Justice accused of rebellion and sedition

The national president of the Popular Party, Pablo Casado, has asked Pedro Sanchez to say today at the European Council meeting that "Spain will not tolerate Puigdemont's attempt to attack our institutions during the debate on the acquisition of their condition as a parliamentarian. "

However, he has been convinced that Puigdemont is not going to acquire his act as an MEP because "if he comes to Spain he will be detained immediately, since he is a fugitive from justice".

Also, the leader of the PP has reiterated the need for an "immediate modification" of the euroorden to include automatic procedures for surrendering member states to fugitives from justice accused of rebellion and sedition, "so that we do not have to be at the mercy of some European regional courts. "

On the pacts to form governments in autonomous communities and municipalities, Casado explained that the PP Negotiating Committee is already formed, so in the coming days negotiations with Citizens will begin, "our priority partner, just as it has been in Castilla y León, La Rioja, Murcia and Madrid, and recently in Andalusia ". In his opinion, "we have had some satisfactory governments with them, and they will be the first ones we are going to talk to".


Speaking to the media before participating in the Summit of Leaders of the European People's Party held in Brussels, Pablo Casado stressed that this political party is the main party of the European Union, so in his opinion it should be "Key" in any negotiation to form the Council, the Commission and the European Parliament.

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The Ministry of Industry announces the XXII National Internal Commerce Awards

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05-28-2019 | Cs

The president of Cs announces the reform of the Spanish law so that those fled from justice can not attend the elections

"It seems a mockery to democracy that Spain has to pay more than one million euros to Puigdemont to finance his candidacy." This has been stated by the president of Citizens (Cs), Albert Rivera, during a hearing held at the headquarters of the European Parliament in Brussels. "One of the first initiatives that we are going to take to the Spanish Chamber is the reform of the electoral law so that those fugitives from justice prosecuted for certain crimes can not attend elections until their situation is resolved," the president of the orange formation.

Rivera has appeared accompanied by the head of the delegation of Cs in the chamber, Luis Garicano, and the MEPs who will compose the delegation, who reminded that they must "defend in Europe what we have defended in Spain, the good image of our country , in addition to the interests of a reformed and modern Europe that defeats populisms. "

The Spanish liberal leader has been invited to a meeting of liberal prime ministers of Europe, "to discuss what decisions the liberals are going to make and explain that our position is that of the pro-European majority." "The strength of the Liberals will be decisive in electing the European Commission and the European Council, because the European bipartisanship continues to lose support as the liberal family emerges from the political center with 114 MEPs and an unprecedented growth," Rivera concluded.

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El vicesecretario de Organización, Javier Maroto.

Maroto defends that the coalition government model of the PP "is predictable" and that its first interlocutor will be Citizens. Add that in those places where it is necessary to expand the majority, the PP will be willing to seek agreements as long as their model of government is respected.

He thinks that the pacts have to be "coherent and understandable for the people who voted for us" and they need to be "humble and generous". "An agreement must be able to be explained with clarity and transparency and in it, everyone has to feel like a winner". He insists that in the Community of Madrid and the City Council the first force of the center-right bloc is the Popular Party and that "gives us all the legitimacy". Díaz Ayuso and Martínez-Almeida are therefore "the reasonable option".

It puts in value the harmony between the territorial leaders and the national leadership and emphasizes that the ideological contract of the National Convention is with which the PP is negotiating the investiture pacts.

Finally, Maroto applauds the investiture pact for the change of government in the Junta de Andalucía and affirms that "the key is not with whom you agree, but what and for what you agree".

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