Social Security affiliates in the tourism sector grew in September by 134,903 workers more than a year ago, 6% year-on-year, reaching 2,365,731 employees. This is the fourth consecutive month that has registered this year-on-year growth, according to data published this Tuesday by Turespaña. With the September data, employment in tourism represents 12.2% of the total number of affiliates in the national economy.

The Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Reyes Maroto, has celebrated the good data that confirms that “the trend of growth in tourism employment and its dynamism is consolidated, which indicates that the recovery of tourism is underway and will be completed in 2022 A recovery that is also taking place in workers affected by ERTEs, which have been substantially reduced, although the incentives are maintained until the end of February 2022 to provide security and certainty to workers and the self-employed who still need the protection network. The ERTEs and the provision to the self-employed have been a lifesaver for the tourism sector ”.

Branches of activity

This year-on-year growth has been recorded in almost all tourism branches. In the hotel industry there was a growth of 101,253 affiliates (55,934 in food and beverage services and 45,319 in accommodation services); other tourist activities increased by 35,712 affiliates, while in travel agencies there was a decrease of 2,062 workers. Salaried employment in the sector, which represents 79.3% of the total, grew by 7.4% year-on-year and self-employment by 1%.

By Autonomous Communities

In September, employment in the hospitality and travel agency / tour operator group increased in all communities. In absolute figures, the largest increases occurred in Andalusia (26,078 new registrations), the Balearic Islands (+19,944), Catalonia (+12,861) and the Valencian Community (+12,778).

Source of the new

Spain received five million passengers from international airports in September, which represents more than half of the arrivals in September 2019 (9.7 million) and an increase of 437% compared to the same month in 2020, according to the data released today by Turespaña. In the accumulated of the year, the volume of arrivals reached 20.7 million passengers, 12.7% more than in 2020.

For the Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Reyes Maroto, these data
"They reflect that we are going in the right direction and that the recovery of the Spanish tourism sector is solid, consolidating month by month with the official data that we are learning".

For the Minister of Tourism, the increase in arrivals from the main issuing countries shows that “Spain is perceived as a safe and quality destination where you can enjoy a few days of rest. And this has been possible thanks to the good pace achieved in the vaccination process, which has allowed the transfer of certainty to the international traveler, together with the use of the EU-COVID digital certificate, which has facilitated travel within the EU, together with the efforts of our tourism sector and the success of the promotional campaign deployed by Turespaña and our offices abroad to reinforce the positioning of our country as the first vacation destination ”, stated Maroto.

Of the total number of international passengers who traveled to Spain in September, the majority (59.8%) traveled with a low-cost company, while the remaining 40.2% opted for traditional airlines.

In September all the main emitting countries grew

The increase in international passengers has been registered in all the main issuing countries, with Germany (18.5% and 934,338 people) as the first market registering an increase of 688% year-on-year, arrivals that have been mainly directed to the Balearic and Canary Islands .

Passenger arrivals from British airports (17.3%) remain in second position with an increase of 387% compared to the same month in 2020, reaching 877,108 people.

Italy is the third issuing country of international passengers, with 428,661 passengers whose priority destinations were Catalonia and Madrid. Followed by France (394,856) and the Netherlands (379,636), which is the country that shows a higher degree of recovery (85%) compared to the data prior to the pandemic, September 2019.

Main Autonomous Communities of destination

The Balearic Islands was the main autonomous community of destination in the month of September (23.2% and 1,176,055 passengers), accumulating 24.7% of international passenger arrivals so far this year, which now exceed 5 million passengers.

It is followed by the Community of Madrid (19% and 959,706 passengers), Catalonia (18% and 908,572), Andalusia (13.6% and 689,937), the Canary Islands (12.1% and 613,951) and the Valencian Community (11.8% and 597,870).

By airports, Adolfo Suárez Madrid Barajas was the one that received the highest volume of international passengers (19% of the total), followed by Palma de Mallorca (17.1%), Josep Tarradellas Barcelona-El Prat (16.9%) , Malaga (11.3%), Alicante (8%), Ibiza (4.9%), Tenerife South (4.7%), Valencia (3.8%), Gran Canaria (3%) and Fuerteventura (2 ,2%).

The full note of Turespaña can be consulted at the following link

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The Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Reyes Maroto, today inaugurated the Interactive Multimedia Center located in the Turespaña office in Rome, which will be the nerve center of the promotional actions of the Xacobeo National Tourist Plan 2021-2022, a project for promote the Caminos de Santiago as a cultural and heritage product throughout the national territory with an investment that exceeds 121 million euros, which will be financed with Next Generation European funds.

For Maroto, "this new multimedia space opens a window to bring the Xacobea route to the center of Rome, the nerve center of tourism, and convey to potential visitors all the cultural, heritage, and experiences offered by the Caminos de Santiago" . For the head of Tourism, this multimedia center "is a key point in the external promotion of the Xacobeo national plan, a great country project that aims to unite territories and people around a unique tourism product, which offers unique experiences of the we want to make our visitors participate ”, he highlighted.

At the inauguration, the Minister, Alfonso Dastis, Spanish Ambassador to Italy and San Marino, María del Carmen de la Peña Corcuera, Spanish Ambassador to the Vatican, Miguel Sanz, Director General of Turespaña, Jorge Rubio, Minister of Tourism were accompanied in Rome and Maria Nava Castro Domínguez, General Director of Tourism of the Xunta de Galicia.

Interactive Multimedia Center

The new Multimedia Center, located in the iconic Piazza di Spagna (Spanish Steps), seeks to attract more travelers captivated by the ways of Santiago from Italy, the first country of origin of pilgrims. In 2019, the pilgrim reception office of the Cathedral of Santiago registered 28,749 pilgrims from Italy, 8.27% of the total. Through its programming, the tourist office in the Italian capital offers a space dedicated to the Caminos de Santiago, for which it has been equipped with avant-garde technological infrastructure. An extensive schedule of events will be developed around this multimedia center, coordinated by the Tourism Council of Turespaña in Rome.

For this center, Turespaña has worked on a specific content project Xacobeo 2021-22 that includes 8 infographic videos on the Roads of Santiago; interactive cartographic navigation on all stages of the northern, French and primitive roads; as well as an update of all tourist resources with multimedia information.

In addition, online actions have been scheduled in the Italian market, such as webinars on the Camino de Santiago; a virtual event to present Xacobeo 2021-22 to professionals and the media; in addition to familiarization trips, specific to the Roads, for agents and journalists; a specific Xacobeo communication plan and a specialized online marketing campaign. Likewise, Turespaña will set up a website, and will distribute written material and videos of its own production in several languages.

The Multimedia Center will remain as a permanent infrastructure of the Turespaña Office in Rome, although its use during the years 2021 and 2022 will be limited to the promotion of the Xacobeo. This Center, located in the heart of the Italian capital, will be devoted primarily to the dissemination of cultural and historical heritage of religious origin or use.

Promotion of the Camino de Santiago

The Camino de Santiago is part of the international promotion campaign for summer 2021, “You deserve Spain” that Turespaña launched in mid-May for the recovery of tourism. Initiatives such as the Multimedia Center of Rome, among others, contribute to the international promotion of the Camino de Santiago, the first European Cultural Itinerary, reinforced by the visibility that the celebration of the Jacobean year gives it, an event of cultural, historical and tourist importance exceptional for Spain.

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The Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism of Spain, through the State Mercantile Society for the Management of Innovation and Tourism Technologies (SEGITTUR), will collaborate with Colombia to implement the Smart Tourist Destination model in the city of Bogotá.

SEGITTUR began working with Colombia to promote the smart tourist destinations model in the Andean country with the city of Medellín, which in December 2020 received the DTI distinctive after having passed the methodology of the Secretary of State for Tourism and committing to implement the proposed action plan is underway.

This process represents a great challenge for a city like Bogotá, which has more than 7 million inhabitants, contributes with more than 20% of the generation of added value of the Colombian economy and has the largest air connectivity in the country (39 routes international to September) which allows receiving more than 40% of the flow of visitors of international origin. That is why the city intends to be a Smart Tourist Destination, a process that not only has to do with technology and innovation, but also involves the field such as the governance of the destination, sustainability and accessibility.

In this path that Bogotá is now beginning, in which it has the support and collaboration of SEGITTUR, cooperation between the public and the private, between the entities and the actors of the destination, among which you are all, is key. that all must work in coordination for the benefit of destiny.

The city of Bogotá has opted for SEGITTUR, given its extensive experience in the project, since the Smart Tourist Destinations (DTI) methodology of the Secretary of State for Tourism has been recognized by international organizations such as the UNWTO, the OECD, the Commission Europea and the Inter-American Development Bank.

For the president of SEGITTUR, Enrique Martínez “joining this project will help Bogotá to revalue the destination, with an increase in competitiveness thanks to the better use of tourist resources, better efficiency in production and marketing projects, a boost to sustainable development of the destination in the environmental, economic and socio-cultural aspect. In short, it will mean a revitalization of the territory with long-term effects ”.

For her part, for the director of the District Tourism Institute, Karol Fajardo Mariño, “taking Bogotá to become a Smart Tourist Destination is an opportunity to further promote the articulated work between the public and private sectors of the city. This model supports us in the planning and vision that Bogotá has of being a more sustainable, inclusive destination that supports its processes in the incorporation of technologies and innovation for social transformation and being a more competitive destination for our visitors and tourists and a city with the best living conditions for the resident ”.

To carry out this work, the SEGITTUR team has already held a first meeting at the beginning of the project with those responsible for the District Tourism Institute of Bogotá, in which it has been explained what it means to be a smart tourist destination, the methodology with which it is going to work and the roadmap that will be followed in the coming weeks.

All this work is structured based on the Smart Tourist Destination methodology of the Secretary of State for Tourism, in which 262 indicators related to the components that make up a smart tourist destination are evaluated, which will begin in Bogotá with the analysis of the 5 axes that are: governance, innovation, technology, accessibility and sustainability.

The work will begin with the analysis of all the information of the municipality related to the five axes that make up the methodology, which covers governance, innovation, technology, accessibility and sustainability.

After that, a series of interviews will take place with those responsible for the different areas of the District Tourism Institute, as well as with other organizations directly and indirectly related to tourism, since the Smart Tourist Destination project tries to involve everyone, since tourism is a very transversal sector.

The results of the meetings together with the analysis of the information provided by all the agents involved will serve to evaluate the degree of compliance of Bogotá in each of the axes, which constitutes the basis for the preparation of the diagnostic report and the action plan for its conversion into a smart tourist destination.

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The Council of Ministers today authorized an advance of three million euros for the Spanish Tourist Offices Abroad (OET). The purpose of this advance is to meet the inexcusable expenses for the promotion of Spanish tourism made by said Ministries in the first four-month period of financial year 2022.

The objectives are to improve the image and positioning of the destination Spain, enhance the attraction and retention of tourists, support sales to Spain and improve connectivity, as well as acquiring studies and databases that allow maintaining knowledge of demand.

To carry out these functions, TURESPAÑA has a network of 33 Spanish Tourist Offices Abroad (OET) in 25 countries around the world, which operate in 47 markets and carry out more than 2,000 foreign tourism promotion activities.

TURESPAÑA's international promotion work is carried out annually through an “Operational Plan” that the Ministries execute in collaboration with the partners of the markets in which they operate and with the support of Spanish destinations. The OETs play a fundamental role in coordinating and supporting promotional actions.

In the midst of overcoming the pandemic, it is a priority to reinforce promotional actions to reactivate the Spanish tourism market and maintain international competitiveness against competing markets. For this, it is necessary to implement promotional actions in a more agile way and activating levers that allow the sector to be reactivated from the first four months of the year 2022.

It is worth highlighting the Turespaña Travel Safe campaign, which seeks to promote Spain as a safe destination. This campaign has so far generated more than 98.3 million impressions and 10.6 million viewings, which has resulted in almost 650,000 qualified flight searches.

Source of the new

Spain received 5.2 million international tourists in August, representing half the volume of international tourists prior to the pandemic and 112% more than in the same month of 2020. So far this year the number of tourists visiting Spain exceeds 15.0 million. Expenditure reached 5,902 million euros, according to the Statistics on Tourist Movements on the Border (Frontur) and the Tourist Expenditure Survey (Egatur) prepared by the National Institute of Statistics.

The Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Reyes Maroto, highlighted that "these data consolidate the trend of recovery in international tourism and confirm that Spain is perceived as a safe destination and a country that facilitates international travel thanks to the rapid implementation of the COVID-EU digital certificate and to allow vaccinated people from outside the EU to enter our country, such as the United Kingdom and the United States. Our objective is to achieve greater international mobility with our main issuers and third markets and for this we are reinforcing the promotional activities and the dissemination of Travel Safe, which incorporates updated data on the vaccination process that this week will exceed 80% of the population with complete guideline ”.

In August the average expenditure per tourist stood at 1,136 euros, 12.9% more than a year ago and the average duration of the trips is 8.4 days. The expenditure of international tourists in August also represents half of that registered in 2019 (€ 11,900 million). In the accumulated for the first eight months of the year, total spending reached 16,898 million euros, 0.7% compared to the same period in 2020.

By Autonomous Communities and countries

The Balearic Islands were the main destination chosen by international tourists both in number of arrivals (25.2% of the total), 188.2% more year-on-year, and for its weight in tourist spending (26.8% of the total) .

It is followed by Catalonia, which accumulates 20.7% of arrivals (134% more year-on-year) and represents 19.1% of spending, and the Valencian Community with 753,864 visitors. Regarding spending, in Andalusia it increased by 119.9% ​​year-on-year and is in third position with 14.4% of the total.

Regarding the nationalities of origin of the tourists, the French led the number of arrivals in August, with 1.3 million tourists; followed by British (714,668) and Germans (677,599).

So far this year, France is the main source market, with more than 3.4 million tourists and an increase of 16% compared to the same period in 2020. Germany, with almost 2.6 million and an increase of 24%, occupies the second position.

Regarding the level of spending, the main source markets so far this year are Germany with 2,894 million (17.1%), followed by France with 2,696 million (16%) and the United Kingdom with 1,822 million euros (10, 8%).

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The Minister of Industry, Trade and Tourism, Reyes Maroto has participated today in a ministerial summit organized on the occasion of World Tourism Day by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) in Abidjan (Ivory Coast). In his speech, he defended that at the moment the two priorities of the Government of Spain are to reactivate the tourism sector by guaranteeing travel safety and modernizing the tourism model so that it is more sustainable, digital and inclusive from an economic, environmental and territorial.

During the panel "Tourism for inclusive growth", Maroto reminded the director of the UNWTO Regional Program for Africa, Elcia Grandcourt, and the ministers of Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, that Spain has already vaccinated 75% of its population and has committed donations to other countries of 30 million vaccines, including 7.5 million vaccines destined for sub-Saharan Africa and the countries in the southern neighborhood of the European Union.

For Maroto, "Spain places inclusion as a priority axis within the Sustainable Tourism Strategy 2030. For us it is essential to distribute the benefits of tourism throughout our territory and turn it into a useful tool for inclusive development."

Regarding the measures for the diversification of the offer of tourist destinations, Reyes Maroto has said that Spain is committed to the diversification of the tourist offer based on two axes: the social and the territorial.

From the social point of view, Spain focuses on measures related to social inclusion, in particular to achieve tourism accessible to all. For example, we collaborate with organizations such as the ONCE Foundation for the cooperation and inclusion of people with disabilities.

From the territorial point of view, the Minister of Tourism recalled that “we work to improve pioneering sun and beach and urban destinations, in addition to promoting rural and inland tourist destinations, through tourism products based on their heritage such as cultural tourism, gastronomy, ecotourism or active tourism ”.

Source of the new

Spain will be the organizing country of the seventh World Conference of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) on Wine Tourism in 2023. This has been announced by the Minister of Industry, Trade and Tourism, Reyes Maroto; the Secretary General of the UNWTO, Zurab Pololikashvili; and the Regional Minister for Regional Development of La Rioja, José Angel Lacalzada, during the presentation of the book ‘The wine routes of the world’. La Rioja is the venue chosen for the celebration of this event that brings together experts from all over the world related to wine tourism, from wine producers and distributors, to tour operators.

For the minister, “the celebration of this international event in La Rioja is a great recognition for a region that has placed wine at the center of its tourism model. In La Rioja, wine is a culture, a way of life that tourists can experience during their visit ”, he pointed out.

According to the head of Tourism, this recognition is also present in the book "The wine routes of the world" where La Rioja Alavesa and La Rioja Alta are included among the seven routes chosen in Spain. “The towns of La Rioja keep their traditions alive through their popular festivals such as the Wine Battle in Haro or the Harvest Festival in Logroño. Wine tourism is consolidated in La Rioja and in Spain as a high-quality tourism product that attracts an increasing number of tourists and has the strong support of the Secretary of State for Tourism and TURESPAÑA through the product club Las Rutas del It came from Spain ”, he highlighted.

Wine tourism in Spain

Wine tourism or also called wine tourism, is the tourist proposal in which this product is an essential part. The sum of culture, architecture and landscape of wine, are united with the wine itself in a proposal that seeks to transmit the essence of a region through its link to the wine product. There is also talk of gastronomic tourism, which in a broader sense encompasses local gastronomy.

In 2019, almost three million people visited the wineries and museums of the Wine Routes of Spain with an expenditure of close to 80 million euros.

Spanish wines are sold in 189 countries around the world. In 2019, Spain was the first world exporter in volume and the third largest exporter in the world in value, with nearly 2,700 million euros exported.

Source of the new

Social Security affiliates in the tourism sector grew 4% year-on-year in August, reaching 2,336,501 employees, 91,405 workers more than a year ago. This is the third consecutive month that this year-on-year growth has been recorded, according to data published this Tuesday by Turespaña. With the data for August, employment in tourism represents 12.3% of the total number of affiliates in the national economy.

The Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Reyes Maroto, has valued “the data as positive since they show that the recovery trend in tourism employment has been consolidated in August with a higher growth, in relative terms, than there has been for the group of affiliates in the Spanish economy and in the service sector". "Despite this improvement, it is still necessary to extend the security shield that ERTEs have entailed in sectors whose activity has not yet been fully normalized due to the slow recovery of international mobility, such as tourism, which for the Government it is still a sensitive sector ”, he added.

Branches of activity

This year-on-year growth has been recorded in almost all tourism branches. In the hotel industry there was a growth of 67,079 affiliates (26,109 in food and beverage services and 40,970 in accommodation services); other tourist activities increased by 27,525 affiliates, while in travel agencies there was a decrease of 3,199 workers. Salaried employment in the sector grew by 5% and the self-employed by 0.5%.

By Autonomous Communities

In August, employment in the hotel industry and travel agencies / tour operators increased in almost all the Autonomous Communities, with the exception of the Canary Islands, the Community of Madrid, the Basque Country and La Rioja. In absolute figures, the largest increases occurred in the Balearic Islands (+19,716 new registrations), Andalusia (+18,956), Catalonia (+11,100) and the Valencian Community (10,839).

In relative terms, the year-on-year decline in the Canary Islands (-2.2%) and the increase in the Balearic Islands (16.6%) stand out.

The Turespaña note on employment in the tourism sector corresponding to August 2021 can be consulted at the following link:

Source of the new

Spain received five million passengers from international airports in August, which represents an increase of 172% compared to the same month in 2020. The figure already represents almost half (48.6%) of the arrivals in a August record as was that of 2019, according to the data released today by Turespaña.

The Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Reyes Maroto, has valued these data as “positive because they confirm that the trend of gradual recovery of international travelers started last March is consolidating. The advance in the vaccination of the population, together with the instruments put in place to reinforce the destination Spain as safe, such as the COVID-EU digital certificate, have allowed more than 5 million international air passengers to come to Spain. The decision of the British Government to relax its regulations for travel as of October 4 is a step in the right direction that will contribute to increasing mobility with our main source market. Spain is open to residents of the United Kingdom who have been vaccinated with a complete regimen or who travel with a negative PCR ”.

All the main emitting countries grow in August

The increase in international passengers has been registered in all the main issuing countries, with the United Kingdom for the first time in 2021 as the first market. Passenger arrivals from British airports have tripled with respect to the same month of 2020 (+ 212.6%) and have reached 821,853 people this August, who have gone mainly to the Balearic Islands.

Germany was the second issuing country of international passengers to Spain in August, with 803,558 passengers whose priority destination was the Balearic Islands; followed by France (540,679), Italy (491,698), Netherlands (369,269), Switzerland (221,369), Belgium (203,404), Portugal (136,907), Ireland (119,781), Poland (113,527) and Denmark (90,951). In all these countries, growth is above 75% compared to August 2020, with increases that exceed 400% in the case of Denmark and Ireland. Compared to August 2019, the Netherlands is the country with the highest degree of recovery, reaching 83% of the passengers issued two years ago this August; followed by Poland (80.9%) and France (73.5%).

Main Autonomous Communities of destination

The Balearic Islands have been the main Autonomous Community of destination, accumulating more than a quarter of international passenger arrivals (25.9% and 1.29 million travelers). It is followed by the Community of Madrid (18.4% and 923,738 passengers), Catalonia (18.3% and 915,387), Andalusia (12.3% and 615,809), the Canary Islands (11.5% and 574,345) and the Valencian Community (11 , 4% and 570.081). Catalonia and Madrid were the communities that registered the highest interannual growth (249.6% and 213.2%, respectively).

By airports, Palma de Mallorca was the one that received the highest volume of international passengers (18.5% of the total), followed by Adolfo Suárez Madrid Barajas (18.4%), Barcelona (17.1), Malaga (10, 4%), Alicante (7.3%), Ibiza (5.5%), Tenerife South (4.3%), Valencia (4.1%), Gran Canaria (2.7%) and Fuerteventura (2, 2%).

Of the total number of international passengers who traveled to Spain in August, the majority (60.1%) traveled with a low-cost company, while the remaining 39.9% opted for traditional airlines.

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