The Confederation of Entrepreneurs of Andalusia held a seminar today in which the "new digital communication in institutions and organizations" was analyzed and integrated into the dissemination activities programmed by the Office of Digital Transformation (OTD) of CEA.
The weekly has had a presentation by journalist Juan Carlos Blanco de la Cruz, consultant and trainer in communication; with a long experience in media, both in press and radio, and in institutional consulting. He has been one of the pioneers in Andalusia who introduced and disseminated the use of social networks in the media, business and institutional spheres.
In activity, attached to the Office of Digital Transformation (OTD) of CEA, have participated professionals and communication managers of the territorial and sector organizations of the Andalusian business organization, as well as its member companies associated.
Juan Carlos Blanco has shown the importance of not being oblivious to this new reality of social networks and that is part of the digital transformation that takes place in all areas of society, in a changing and increasingly disruptive world. Desgranado the peculiarities and the importance of each network, analyzed the opportunities and also the risks offered by the networks for the dissemination and communication of business and institutional activities.
Both in the paper by Blanco and in the subsequent colloquium it became evident that the management of social networks should be in the hands of professionals specialized in communication and journalism, within a strategy and global planning of corporate communication.
In short, the emergence of social networks has also come to stay in the companies in the instuticones. More and more people decide to open a profile on one or more social networks. Every month Facebook, Twitter or Instagram celebrate the reach of new goals thanks to the activity of the companies. In Spain, specifically, from micro to autonomous, SMEs, startups and entrepreneurs have a space in a social network, some even bet on social networks before launching a corporate website.
In this context, business organizations have joined this new way to develop corporate communication to address their partners, the productive sectors and the entire business community and society as a whole. To implement these actions, communication professionals must always be attentive to changes and the evolution of these new forms of communication so that their function is more efficient and does not fall into obsolescence.
Digital Transformation Offices
The Digital Transformation Offices set up throughout Spain by the Ministry of Economy and Business, through the public entity, have a global budget of five million euros. The actions to be carried out will be financed by the Multiregional Operational Program of Spain (POPE), European Regional Development Funds (ERDF) for the programming period 2014-2020 and under the slogan "A way of doing Europe" which has among its objectives to improve the use, quality and access to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).
This initiative is implemented in parallel to the "Digital Advisors" Program, with another five million euros through the same type of European Funds, and aims to carry out Digitalization Plans that help SMEs incorporate ICT in their processes. : business management, relationship with third parties, electronic commerce and digitalization of services or solutions.