"What we want, both by Andalusia and by the central government, is to advance education because the contents of education are those that affect the lives of citizens in a particularly important way," said Isabel Celaá.
The meeting is part of the round of contacts that the head of Education will maintain with the regional councilors in the coming weeks to share the general lines of his department in this new legislature.
"We have talked about 0-3 education and its progressive implementation, we have talked very extensively about Vocational Training and also about the importance of students not leaving the school without proper qualification. We care about all these aspects and that means that we will work on these training contents together, because that is the essence of education, "said Isabel Celaá.
The minister has insisted that the work of both is to ensure that students leave the school environment perfectly prepared to remain connected with a permanent adult education that allows them to live with dignity and have a job according to their abilities. "We want to treat all talents, we want all talents to develop because the country needs all of them. We have to work on excellence and equity to achieve a true quality of the education system," he concluded.