"FIAPAS and the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training have been collaborating in the development of actions aimed at improving accessibility and personalization of student education that presents specific educational needs associated with hearing impairment," said the head of Education.

During her speech, Isabel Celaá has defended the need to customize student support to guarantee an inclusive education. "Our purpose is to elaborate, from the approval of the bill, which we hope can take place very soon, a Royal Decree that includes the necessary commitments to ensure it," he announced.

Among the lines of action, the Minister highlighted the commitment of the Ministry of Education and FP to incorporate basic knowledge in the subject in the initial training of teachers. "This training must establish a favorable attitude towards inclusive education, but this attitude can only be achieved when teachers feel competent in a task that, without a doubt, is difficult. Therefore, we must offer a solid preparation in the methodologies that allow us to attend to diversity, "he added.

In her speech, the minister has also opted to make the school organization more flexible and to review the curriculum. "The outline of a class with 50 minutes in each subject must also be reviewed, all with a much more flexible organization as it becomes necessary in a society that is constantly changing," he said.

Finally, he has advocated customizing assessments for students with disabilities based on their learning levels. "The evaluation should not become a barrier for students with disabilities due to the excessive rigidity and homogeneity of the system. It cannot be an obstacle course, it has to be an avenue of opportunities."

The Ministry will collect the necessary measures to ensure that students with disabilities can continue post-compulsory studies to access higher education. "We must not fool ourselves, inclusive education is a difficult undertaking but we will not give up building what some groups have rightly called an Extraordinary School. It will depend on an equally extraordinary effort that the Government is willing to make," he concluded.

The FIAPAS Prize, organized by the Spanish Confederation of Families and Deaf People, is part of the Institutional Development project that the organization carries out with the collaboration of the Secretary of State for Social Services and the ONCE Foundation. This year, two application investigations in the areas of Education and Health have been awarded.

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