The acting Minister of Education and Vocational Training, Isabel Celaá, has spoken at the DigitalES Summit, where she has announced the launch of a Digitalization Strategy in Education and Vocational Training and the development of a new FP law.

Isabel Celaá has participated in the DigitalES Summit, organized by the Spanish Association for Digitalization and employers of the sector (DigitalES). Celaá has opened the debate on 'Education and training in the digital age' and has spoken of the digital transformation of education and Vocational Training and some of the measures that are being carried out.

"We are going to develop in the next few years an ambitious Digitalization Education and Vocational Training Strategy", explained the incumbent.

"We will move the Connectivity Plan of the educational centers to 2021. We will implement actions aimed at developing the digital competence of the teaching staff, the students and the centers themselves, and in a year we will incorporate a professional module on digitalization into all the vocational training courses. and we will address the modification of the architecture and the physical organization of the centers, "he added.

This event, which is the second annual summit on digitization, politics and economy, with technology as a driver of change, has brought together more than 70 national and international experts in Madrid. Under the motto Technology is the new Rock & Roll, the event seeks to deepen the debate so that digitization is a transversal element that acts as an economic lever and productive transformation.

A new law on Vocational Training

Celaá recalled that, according to data from the European Center for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP), 50% of the jobs offered in 2025 in Spain will correspond to intermediate qualifications and require a minimum of average or higher FP. "Today, we only have 25% of professionals with these qualification levels," said the acting minister. "We must cause a large migration from the low-skilled category to the medium-qualified category," he added.

"Therefore, we are working on a new Law on Vocational Training, which makes the offer more flexible, diversifies the professional profiles and adapts more to each person.The objective is to expand the offer of professional training with the creation of between 250,000 and 300,000 new places in the next five years, in collaboration with all educational administrations ", explained Isabel Celaá. In addition, it has announced the creation of 80 new VET degrees and specialization courses, among which is a block associated with digitization.

In the words of the minister, "each year at least 15 new training offers will be offered, in the form of technical or higher technical degrees and specialization courses."

Celaá has placed special emphasis on the fundamental role of the company in the identification of the needs of professional qualifications, in the design of vocational training qualifications and participation in dual training. "We need to cover all sectors and the whole productive fabric, and involve small and medium enterprises in the task," he concluded.

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