Celaá has proposed the signing of a collaboration protocol with this association that integrates more than 30,000 companies, 85% small and medium, and that represents 20% of the national GDP, for its incorporation in the process of updating Vocational Training initiated by the Executive.
"Today I want to propose to consolidate a close collaborative relationship between our two institutions that allows us to join our forces. I believe that together we can start a path with very promising fruits in our challenge for Vocational Training and employability," Celaá announced.
This initiative is part of the I Strategic Plan for Professional Training of the Education System 2019-2022, approved by the Government last November, which aims to modernize the FP adapting it to the needs of the productive system and which has the participation of the social partners, the business sector and the third sector related to these teachings.
During her speech, Isabel Celaá has reaffirmed her commitment to Dual FP in the educational system (modality that combines the theoretical-practical training received in an educational center with the activity in a work center) through the management of these adapted teachings to the characteristics of the Spanish productive fabric. "We will regulate, as far as possible, the modality of Dual FP by means of a Royal Decree that promotes the extension of this training offer that currently does not reach 3% of the entire Vocational Training offer," he announced.
To carry out this proposal, the minister has opted for the involvement of small and medium enterprises for which the FP has to become a tool for innovation and access to the talent circuit, a lever to help the sector of the large consumption face the new changes. "The new ordering of Vocational Training teachings, which we will undertake shortly, will extend the duration of training in workplaces of all vocational training cycles, so that the presence of the company in the company will be promoted under any modality. training of future professionals, "he explained.
Celaá recalled that the enrollment in FP has grown by 77% in Spain since before the crisis and that today the graduates in these teachings have almost five times lower unemployment rate than the average for all young people. "From the ministry that I direct, I commit myself to not fit the claim that companies do not find the qualified profiles they need. To do this, the offer of Vocational Training will include, not only new titles -up to 80 in the next four years- , but "a la carte" training for companies to constantly qualify and re-qualify their workers, "he added.
The minister has been accompanied by the president of Bankia, Juan Ignacio Goirigolzarri, and the president of AECOC, Javier Campo. In addition, the act has had the participation of the former educational policy advisor of the British government, Richard Gerver, among others. "The FP is already, and will be even more so, an engine of modernization and a predistributive priority of the economic policy that will generate positive dividends in productivity, employability, social and gender equity and competitiveness," concluded Isabel Celaá.