The event has also had the participation of the director of the AEPD, Mar España, and the director of the National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training (INTEF), Carlos Medina.

"From the education system we have to make special efforts so that our young people develop the competences for the exercise of a digital citizenship and thus safeguard them from the negative aspects that the digital revolution is likely to cause," Celaá said during the presentation of the web .

Ministry of Education and Vocational TrainingThe Secure Web space arises, precisely, from that need to protect minors in the use of digital media and also, by virtue of compliance with article 83 of Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of personal data and guarantee of digital rights.

"The digitalization of education requires urgent actions such as a profound curricular reform that goes from the content approach to a competency approach; and the work in the teaching career so that teachers have the tools demanded by the education of the future", The minister stressed.

SeguraTIC is intended for educators, families, students and educational administrations, and its objective is to contribute to the protection of minors in their interaction with the Internet by channeling a series of resources provided by the participating entities. In addition to the MEFP and the AEPD, other public entities (INTEF, INCIBE, CNIIE, Ministry of the Interior and the Subdirectorate General for Academic Planning) and also private entities (APEP, Google, Orange, Friendly Screens, Fundación Anar, Facebook) also participate in it , Twitter and Fundación Telefónica).

On this website, citizens will find at their disposal a wide collection of educational materials (guides, teaching units, presentations, websites, tasks, games, training courses, etc.) cataloged and organized, easily located through a search engine, useful for Help ensure the safety of the child in digital media.

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