In addition, they remain on strike in May another 1,468 workers who participate in strikes started months before they have been open that month for more or less time.
Comparing with the figures of May 2018, increase the workers who support strikes -105.52% out of 36,442 of the fifth month of 2018-, the lost work hours -31.40% compared to 1,089,196 in May 2018- and the number of strikes -13.64% on 44 of the same month of 2018-.
In the first five months of the year occur 270 strikes, with 814,884 workers involved in them Y 15,099,712 lost hours of work. With respect to the same period of the year 2018, it grows a 99.40% lost work hours, a 42.76% workers who support strikes and a 3.45% the number of strikes. The impact of the strikes in the taxi sector, the general strikes in Catalonia and strikes in the education sector, must be taken into account in this comparison in the comparison of the labor disputes of January, February and May 2019, respectively; and in April 2018, the student strike, also in Catalonia, against the application of article 155 of the Spanish Constitution and in May of the same year, in all of Spain, before the sentence of "La Manada". However, the strike call coinciding with the International Women's Day and the student strike against climate change of March 15, 2019 have no significant impact on said comparison.
In may, the strictly labor conflict, that is to say excluding the derivative of strikes in public services and for extra-manual reasons, remains in moderate figures, since they take place 29 strikes, seconded by 6,473 workers, in which 198,636 hours of work are lost.
In relation to the same month of the previous year, they diminish the lost work hours -21.07% out of 251,654 in the fifth month of 2018- and increase the workers who participate in strikes -286.22% on 1,676 of the same month of 2018- and the number of strikes -3.57% on May 28, 2018-.
Until May 2019, in the strictly labor conflict Are accounted for 167 strikes, in which they participate 25,281 workers and they get lost 1,189,762 working hours. In relation to the same period of 2018, comes down the number of strikes 11.17% and the lost work hours 8.66%; while increase the workers who participate in them 47.52%.
With regard to the conflict in companies or services of a public nature they start in May 19 strikes, seconded by 68,364 workers. In this area, they are lost 1,228,520 working hours, 85.84% of the losses due to strikes during the month, mainly due to the incidence of strike in education, followed very far by those produced in transport and health.
With respect to same month of the previous year, in which there were fifteen strikes in the public sphere, grow up the workers who support strikes -96.96% compared to 34,710 in the same month of 2018- and the lost work hours -46.68% over 837,543 hours lost in May 2018-.
In the first five months of 2019 they take place 90 strikes in companies or public services, seconded by 789,019 workers, in which 13,880,094 hours of work are lost. Thus, compared to the same period of 2018, they increase the lost work hours -122.92% -, the workers who participate in strikes -43.10% – and the number of strikes -36.36% -.
As for the causes of conflict, indicate that in may for the processing of employment regulation files Three strikes begin, involving 1,898 workers and 94,586 hours of work are lost, 6.61% of those lost in that month.
In May six also begin linked strikes to Collective negotiation, seconded by 2,755 workers who stop performing 46,154 hours of work, 3.22% of the total of the month.
Comparing with the data of the first five months of 2018:
- the workers who support the strikes motivated by EREs -667.38% out of 2,649 of that period of 2018-, the lost work hours -47.54% over 395.002- and the number of strikes -4.65% on the 43 of the first five months of 2018-.
- With the same strike number as in the same period of 2018, specific 32, derived from the Collective negotiation, come down the lost work hours -31.77% out of 564,470 of the first five months of 2018- and the workers involved -3.41% out of 10.887-.
By territorial areas, in may They start three strikes with National scope, with 23,188 workers involved, who stop performing 775,464 hours of work, 54.18% of the losses in the month.
Between the autonomous communities highlights Catalonia with nine strikes, 39,840 direct participants and 372,836 lost work hours, 26.05% of the hours not worked in the month; followed by Basque Country, with eight strikes, 5,857 direct participants and 112,200 lost hours of work, 7.84% of the hours not worked in the month.
With personality provincial the conflict is concentrated in may in:
Finally, the sectors with greater number of lost work hours in May they are: