
In these days of uncertainty and alert, from CEOE we want to thank the work that Public Health is developing at all levels to ensure the health of citizens in the face of this unprecedented crisis.

In this same sense, we also want to value the role that private health and social entrepreneurship are playing to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as their constant commitment and collaboration to work side by side with the National Health System.

At this time, the common goal should be to focus attention on working together for the health of people. For this reason, the businessmen insist on joining our forces with those of the public sector to overcome these difficult moments. As we have been saying for days this health crisis, which is becoming economic, does not respond to borders or ideologies.

What can we do?

Currently, the Private Health Service cares for more than 1,000 hospitalized patients, approximately 100 of them in Intensive Care Units, after having registered more than 2,000 positive cases by COVID-19 test. These companies work hand in hand with each public health body of the Autonomous Communities, in full coordination and at the disposal of their indications, with material and human resources.

Private Health also collaborates permanently in crisis management with Public Health, deprogramming its ordinary activity, focusing on a single collective objective.

For all this, CEOE and ASPE pride themselves on the massive applause from the balconies every day, because they feel that they are fair and their own, since all the toilets deserve respect, support and kindness.

At the service of citizens

In the face of this crisis, we want to transmit a message of encouragement to society, to the affected patients and to the doctors, health workers and workers, who are all struggling with their skin left out and trying hard to help the victims of this crisis.

For Antonio Garamendi, President of CEOE, "this is a moment that requires a high-mindedness, a sense of State, unity in the efforts and determination necessary for each step we take to do so with the collective in mind."

For his part, Carlos Rus, president of ASPE, insists that "private healthcare is prepared, committed and responsible for its role in this fight, for what may come in the near future." "I am absolutely convinced that we will only succeed together," he says.

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