The permanent secretary of CEIB and general director of CEOE International, Narciso Casado, intervened with the former Secretary of State of Commerce, Jaime García-Legaz, to talk about "export as a model of economic development. A conversation about the Spanish exporting experience ", at the Argentina Exporta Forum 2019, which is being held these days in Buenos Aires. The conference was opened by the President of the Nation, Mauricio Macri and the Minister of Production and Labor of Argentina, Dante Sica and participated, among others, representatives of the Spanish Embassy in Argentina and the Chamber of Commerce of Spain in the Latin American country. The event also brought together experts, companies and entrepreneurs with the aim of strengthening the export sector and the international insertion of SMEs.
CEOE and the internationalization of the company
Married highlighted during the session on export as a business model the intense work of support for the internationalization of the company that is made from CEOE and its member organizations. He indicated that the Business Confederation contributes to the definition of policies, measures and instruments, designed to boost the presence of Spanish companies abroad and the objective is for the needs of companies to be taken into account in policies to support our exporters Likewise, "we try to ensure that the interests of entrepreneurs are taken into account in trade agreements to guarantee better access of our products, services and investments to foreign markets," he said.
The permanent secretary of CEIB explained that CEOE develops more than 170 international activities a year, and business meetings with representatives of governments, economic institutions and companies from abroad, in order to publicize the business opportunities offered by the countries , as well as encourage contacts between businessmen and representatives of governments and economic institutions. In this sense, business delegations are also organized abroad so that our companies know first-hand the business opportunities in foreign markets and facilitate contact with representatives of economic institutions and entrepreneurs in these countries.
Casado added that many of the sector organizations also develop promotional activities in their respective areas of activity, through participation in fairs and organization of delegations. On the other hand, our territorial organizations collaborate closely with the territorial chambers and regional governments both in the definition and in the development of the regionalization plans of the autonomous community. "We organized numerous information sessions on new policies that influence the internationalization of the company, such as sustainability, and above all. measures, instruments and aids that facilitate the exit of our companies abroad, "he said.
General context of Spanish exports
The director of CEOE International highlighted that the export of goods and services in Spain has gone from 25.3% to 34.2%, the number of exporting companies from 66,278 to 204,196 companies (in 2018) and the number of exporting companies regular has risen from 39,641 to 51,788. These figures, he said, highlight the dynamism of the export sector, which has helped boost the recovery of the Spanish economy and put it back in positive growth rates; reduce our trade deficit of goods, so that since 2013 we have obtained a positive balance in our external balance for the sixth consecutive year; and turn it into one of the main sources of employment, with 5,000,000 jobs, dependent on export activity. Therefore, "this change is not only a consequence of the continuous efforts of the Secretary of State for Commerce, CEOE and ICEX in their support to companies, but the result of a cultural depth in the direction of many of them," he said.
Analysis of the export sector
Casado reported that capital goods, automotive, chemistry and agri-food represent the most important export sectors of the Spanish economy. According to data from 2016, 93.3% of export companies are small and medium-sized, of which 113,899 are micro-SMEs, 32,175 small and 8,882 medium. The large companies, which represent 6.7% of the exporting companies, are behind more than 50% of the volume of our exports, therefore, there is a strong concentration of the latter in a small number of companies.
In addition, explained Casado, 54.1% of exports can be framed by their technological content in the high and medium-high segments; and by regions, 65% still have as destination the EU countries, 10.7% America, 9.25% Asia, 6.5% Africa, 5.7% the rest of Europe and 0 , 7% Oceania.
The permanent secretary of CEIB stressed that CEOE must continue working with the Secretary of State, with ICEX and the Chamber of Commerce of Spain in improving the fundamentals of the export sector. For this, he said, it is necessary to expand the export base, by incorporating new companies and, above all, SMEs into the internationalization process. He also suggested increasing the average size of Spanish export companies; diversify the geographical destination of exports, still very concentrated in the rest of the countries of the EU; and increase the weight of the export of goods in medium and high-end technology segments.
Married also considered necessary to support the tourism sector, reinforcing the offer, diversifying the origin, improving the quality of services and taking better advantage of the effect of tourism investment abroad on the whole of our economy. In this sense, he also talked about reinforcing the presence of non-tourist services, such as professionals, transport or logistics, which outnumber tourism revenues.
Finally, CEOE highlighted the Action Plan for the Internationalization of the Spanish Economy for 2019 and 2020, which aims to develop a series of actions in the framework of the Spanish Economy Strategy 2017-2027 around six areas of Action: access to markets; innovation, technology, brand and digitalization; development of human capital; improve the use of business opportunities; capture and consolidation of foreign investment, and complementary coordination of the actions of all actors.
Bilateral meetings
The permanent secretary of CEIB and general director of CEOE International, Narciso Casado, will hold meetings with representatives of official institutions of the Argentine government and business organizations such as the UIA. In this last meeting, on Friday 24, will intervene, among others, the member of the Executive Committee and director of Social Policy of the UIA, Daniel Funes de Rioja.
During the meeting, issues such as the celebration of various events will soon be addressed, such as the VIII Business Forum on Innovation and Sustainability on May 29 at CEOE; the III Latin American Forum of the Mipyme on July 2 and 3 in Buenos Aires, and the Ibero-American Summit in November 2020 in Andorra.