José María Campos also highlighted the efforts being made by the National Commission of Markets and Competition (CNMC) to bring competition law closer to companies, as well as the collaborative role of business organizations in this disclosure. In this regard, he underlined the initiatives carried out between the CEOE and the CNMC in recent years.
Finally, José María Campos highlighted the need to deepen the development of the Law of Market Unity to put an end to the restrictive and fragmented nature of regulation in Spain, which prevents companies from taking advantage of economies of scale, damaging the country's competitiveness, as the CEOE has shown and the European Commission has highlighted in several reports on Spain.
In the round table, moderated by Antonio Guerra, partner in the area of Competition Law of Uría Menéndez, José María Campos was accompanied by Beatriz de Guindos, director of the CNMC Competition, and Rodrigo Álvarez, member of the Free Competition program of the Pontificia Universidad Católica (PUC), former Minister of Energy and former president of the Chamber of Deputies of Chile.
Throughout the day, which was inaugurated by José María Marín, president of the CNMC; José Vicente Saz; Rector of the University of Alcalá de Henares; Emilio Gilolmo, president of the Chile-Spain Foundation; and Jorge Tagle, Chile's ambassador in Spain, presented and discussed experiences of both countries in the areas of transparency and good governance, analyzed the importance of free competition against lobbying and the need for efficient regulation in the new digital age.