CEOE presents ‘21 strategic country initiatives for the recovery and transformation of the Spanish economy ’

CEOE has presented this Thursday a catalog with ‘21 strategic country initiatives for the recovery and transformation of the Spanish economy ’, with the aim of contributing to the most efficient investment possible of the funds associated with the Next Generation EU European Recovery Plan. To do this, these proposals focus on the large projects that Spain needs to recover and transform its economy.

The presentation was made by the CEOE president, Antonio Garamendi; the vice president of CEOE and president of its Economic Commission, Íñigo Fernández de Mesa; and the head of the CEOE European Projects Office, Luis Socías.

More than 100 business groups and 60 sectoral and territorial business organizations have worked together, in an agile and highly participatory process, to make these 21 proposals available to the Government for their joint implementation in 2021.

In all cases, these are initiatives especially aimed at accelerating and consolidating the double ecological and digital transition, as well as the reindustrialization of the country.

In addition, in the configuration of the proposals, it has been considered a priority to respond to two fundamental aspects: on the one hand, speeding up recovery and transformation, through the capabilities of large Spanish companies and, on the other hand, traction and carry-over of funds to SMEs and the self-employed. In this way, Spain will achieve a high impact on economic growth and on the maintenance and generation of quality employment.

The catalog is also based on the priorities of the EU and the Government of Spain, as well as the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the UN, through the 17 SDGs.

First of all, in the field of digital transition, proposals are launched related to tourism, the digitization of SMEs, the agri-food sector, health and clinical research, the media and means of payment.

Second, in the ecological transition axis, initiatives related to water are proposed; networks and renewable energies; sustainable mobility; the blue economy; the decarbonization of the industry; hydrogen; infrastructure and logistics; Spain as an aeronautical and multimodal hub; the circular economy; and the reform and comprehensive rehabilitation of buildings and urban regeneration.

Then in the axis of social and territorial cohesion, proposals are addressed in matters of cultural and creative industries; sport; demographic challenge and territorial competitiveness; vocational training; and bringing education closer to the world of business.

Finally, in the fourth pillar, a strategic country initiative related to business commitment to equality is proposed.

Each of these strategic initiatives includes different investment lines (in total, 114), which, in turn, are implemented through more than 400 specific projects, whose execution we understand must be carried out through the mechanisms that best fit for each of them: public-private collaboration, PERTES, consortia, public contract tenders or calls for grants.

In this way, with the presentation of this catalog of proposals, Spanish companies we ratify our commitment to Spain, always based on three unequivocal signs of identity: independence, sense of state and institutional loyalty.


List of CEOE's country strategic initiatives

Within the framework of digital transition, CEOE proposes the following investment initiatives:

1. Smart and competitive tourism value chain.

2. Digitization for a competitive SME.

3. Digital and sustainable transformation of the agri-food sector.

4. Health, data and clinical research.

5. Media for the challenges of the XXI century.

6. Digitization of means of payment and secure digital identity.

In the field of green transition, the initiatives proposed by CEOE are:

7. Transformation of the integral water cycle.

8. Smart grids and deployment of renewable energies.

9. Sustainable mobility.

10. Transformative and sustainable blue economy.

11. Connected and decarbonized industry and hydrogen.

12. Development of non-urban infrastructures, logistics capacities and transport.

13. Aeronautical hub and multimodality.

14. Circular economy and waste management.

15. Comprehensive reform and rehabilitation of buildings. Urban regeneration.

In the field of social and territorial cohesion, CEOE's proposals are:

16. Structure and promotion of cultural and creative industries.

17. Sports industry as an engine of economic and social development.

18. Demographic challenge, territorial cohesion and revitalization of the rural environment.

19. Transform FP.

20. Education, training and business.

To finish this catalog of strategic initiatives, CEOE proposes as project number 21 a business commitment to equality.

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