Acting Economy and Business Minister Nadia Calviño has closed the presentation of the 2019 edition of the project CEPYME500, led by CEPYME, with the sponsorship of ICO, BME, Bankinter and Informa, in an event held at the headquarters of the Confederation.
In her speech, the Minister of Economy and Business, Nadia Calviño, pointed out that CEPYME500 is a “great initiative that helps to give visibility to the excellent companies we have in our country and to the objective of consolidating the Spanish business fabric with strong companies and powerful. ”
The minister has referred to five key aspects to boost the growth of companies such as financing, the improvement of the regulatory framework, support for entrepreneurship, the tax system and a more favorable framework for investment and confidence building.
For his part, the president of CEPYME, Gerardo Cuerva, stressed that CEPYME 500 companies stand out for their capacity for innovation, job creation and internationalization. And he pointed out that the CEPYME500 initiative contributes to "consolidate a strong business fabric and create the appropriate breeding ground for the growth of these companies and for the birth of new ones."
The president of CEOE also intervened in the closing ceremony; Antonio Garamendi, who highlighted the importance of this initiative that CEPYME launched in 2017.
The event has also been attended by Javier Hernani, CEO of Spanish Bags and Markets (BME); José Carlos García de Quevedo, president of the Official Credit Institute (ICO); Juan María Sainz, CEO of Informa and Fernando Moreno, General Director of the Bankinter Business Area.
In addition, Clara Arpa, general director of Arpa EMC; Pau Guarro, CEO of Between Technologies and Carlos Ledó, CEO of Idai Nature have intervened as representatives of three of the CEPYME500 members of this initiative.
CEPYME500 is an initiative that CEPYME launched in 2017, which seeks to identify, select and promote a group of companies that lead business growth, both for their results and for their ability to generate added value, employment, innovation and international projection.
CEPYME500 companies make up a select set of 500 medium-sized companies, whose selection has evaluated a series of indicators that measure the company's growth, solvency and innovation and international projection potential.
The 500 companies that are part of this year's edition, join those selected in 2017 and 2018, forming a set of companies that largely constitute the engine of the Spanish economy.
In this sense, in the act a special recognition has been made to the 33 companies that have appeared in the three editions of the project, for their trajectory of high and sustained growth.
In this way, CEPYME wants to contribute to boost business growth and the resizing of the Spanish business fabric, integrated in its 99% by small and medium enterprises.