06-20-2019 | Cs

The agreement signed with the PP includes more than 70 measures grouped into ten large areas, with special emphasis on regeneration, transparency, equality, social policy and support for self-employed workers and SMEs.

Citizens Region of Murcia has reached today a broad programmatic agreement with the PP to define the lines of action and governability of the Region during this term. The agreement, closed this morning in a meeting held at the Regional Assembly between the negotiating committees of both formations, is structured into ten major areas that encompass 72 specific measures. The spokesman of the Negotiating Committee of Governments of Cs Region of Murcia, Miguel Garaulet, stressed that Citizens "has achieved that the agreement contemplates the main points we wanted to include in it, especially in terms of equality and transparency, the main axes of our negotiation".

Garaulet has also highlighted the points referred to social policy "and support for all forms of family, in addition to the support for the LGTBI collective and the inescapable commitment against sexist violence and the wage gap". In terms of economic development, the agreement will be a "decisive boost to small and medium-sized companies in our region, as well as a special support for the self-employed and entrepreneurs, also contemplating the creation of employment within a new productive model as a mechanism to promote innovation and our productive fabric.

The national deputy also highlights that the programmatic agreement contemplates the reduction of the fiscal pressure and the improvement of the current model of regional financing, in order to improve the capacity of regional financing, propitiate the reduction of the debt and promote economic activity. Finally, he also wanted to highlight the initiatives in political regeneration and transparency, "with specific measures and specific commitments, ranging from the red lines on corruption to the promotion of a true culture of transparency and a reinforcement of regeneration policies" .

The negotiating committee is still working on the necessary organizational chart for the development of the 72 measures contemplated in the document, essential to complete a definitive government agreement.

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