09-09-2020 | Cs

The president of Cs reminds the Minister of Education that liberal training already registered an initiative in Congress on April 13 to begin preparing the return to the classroom in person

"We need a national strategy back to school, not seventeen, and you are the only ones responsible and have not done it," the president of Ciudadanos (Cs), Inés Arrimadas, has warned the Minister of Education and Professional Training, Isabel Celáa . According to the leader of the liberal formation, "in all the communities the families have total uncertainty", so she has asked the Government "not to derive its responsibility" because "in Education it also has competences", as they used them "in full pandemic to promote the umpteenth educational counter-reform ”.

In the control session to the Government that has been held in Congress, Arrimadas has regretted that there are "many unknowns in the air" for the return to school. "You will not tell me that you could not know that the schools open in September," the president of Cs asked the Minister of Education, who has warned that "improvisation and absolute uncertainty are not tolerable."

"The Government was late to the pandemic and now what we parents see is that you have not yet returned to school," Arrimadas said. The leader of the orange party has acknowledged that "preparing to go back to school in the middle of the pandemic is not easy" and that everyone assumes that "zero risk does not exist", but has asked the Executive not to "improvise" because the return to school Cole "is very important for families and they are already tired of watching improvisations."

"Do you have a 'plan B' in case schools have to close again for weeks or months? Or are we going to improvise again? ”, Arrimadas questioned Celaá, who has also asked“ what will happen to parents whose children have to stay at home quarantining, even if they do not have a positive for covid-19 ”. The president of Cs has also been interested in "specific measures for special education."

Arrimadas reminded the Minister of Education that liberal training already registered an initiative in Congress on April 13 to begin preparing "the return to face-to-face school."

"We need a national strategy back to school, not seventeen, and you are the only ones responsible and have not done it," the president of Ciudadanos (Cs), Inés Arrimadas, has warned the Minister of Education and Professional Training, Isabel Celáa . According to the leader of the liberal formation, "in all the communities the families have total uncertainty", so she has asked the Government "not to derive its responsibility" because "in Education it also has competences", as they used them "in full pandemic to promote the umpteenth educational counter-reform ”.

In the control session to the Government that has been held in Congress, Arrimadas has regretted that there are "many unknowns in the air" for the return to school. "You will not tell me that you could not know that the schools open in September," the president of Cs asked the Minister of Education, who has warned that "improvisation and absolute uncertainty are not tolerable."

"The Government was late to the pandemic and now what we parents see is that you have not yet returned to school," Arrimadas said. The leader of the orange party has acknowledged that "preparing to go back to school in the middle of the pandemic is not easy" and that everyone assumes that "zero risk does not exist", but has asked the Executive not to "improvise" because the return to school Cole "is very important for families and they are already tired of watching improvisations."

"Do you have a 'plan B' in case schools have to close again for weeks or months? Or are we going to improvise again? ”, Arrimadas questioned Celaá, who has also asked“ what will happen to parents whose children have to stay at home quarantining, even if they do not have a positive for covid-19 ”. The president of Cs has also been interested in "specific measures for special education."

Arrimadas reminded the Minister of Education that liberal training already registered an initiative in Congress on April 13 to begin preparing "the return to face-to-face school."

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