Consumption urges to meet the nutritional needs of children in vulnerable situations

The minister's request is based on the measures approved by the Government of Spain that establish an extraordinary endowment to the Autonomous Communities to cover the nutritional needs of children with low levels of income, through home school menus or food collection in established businesses.

During his speech in the Congress of Deputies, Garzón pointed out that the Ministry of Consumer Affairs "does not tell anyone what they have to eat", and has stated that their task -also during the state of alarm- should be to offer information to citizens about healthy consumption and good habits.

In this sense, Garzón has valued that awareness-raising campaigns have been launched from the Ministry of Consumption that have aimed to contribute to the maintenance of healthy consumption habits during the period of confinement. A job "very celebrated" by nutritionists, said the minister.

During this period, the ministry has focused on issues related to food, but also on awareness-raising and education on responsible consumption. From an economic and environmental point of view, Consumo has insisted on issues such as avoiding the purchase of products excessively packaged in plastic or betting on local commerce.

The campaigns launched by the ministry have been widely disseminated through the social media that the Government has, but also with the collaboration of the vast majority of public and private media, which have contributed to dissemination of these recommendations.

This work, Garzón has pointed out, contrasts with that of the Community of Madrid, which did not apply the nutritional criteria contemplated in the specifications for school canteens and, therefore, must change these menus and seek suitable alternatives that cover the nutritional needs of children and girls in vulnerable situations increased by COVID-19, according to the conclusions of a report by the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition (AESAN), prepared at the request of the Ministry of Consumer Affairs.

Garzón has used this report to describe the level of healthiness of the school menus in the Community of Madrid as "regrettable" and has warned of the considerable impact that can be produced by the insufficient nutritional quality of the offer chosen based on food menus fast.

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