The Official State Bulletin publishes the Resolution of the General Direction of Autonomous Work, of the Social Economy and of the Social Responsibility of the Companies by which the call is approved, with a total amount of 4,314,164 euros.
With this Resolution the call for the granting of subsidies to the activities of promotion of the autonomous work, of the social economy and of the social responsibility of the companies is approved and to cover the expenses of operation of the associations of independent workers, cooperatives, societies labor, insertion companies and other representative bodies of the social economy at state level for the year 2019.
The purpose of these subsidies, which will be granted under competitive concurrency, is to contribute to the financing of the expenses derived from carrying out the aforementioned activities.
The total amount of subsidies for the year 2019 amounts to 4,314,164 euros, which will be financed from the appropriations entered in the General State Budget for the year 2018, carried over.
Professional associations of self-employed workers of a national scope and intersectoral nature may be beneficiaries of these subsidies; Cooperatives, labor societies and insertion companies at the state level, as well as representative bodies of the social economy that integrate State associations of cooperatives and labor companies. And also other associations, foundations and universities, among which are included the professional associations of autonomous workers at the state level and sectorial nature.
A novelty to be highlighted in this year's call is the review of thematic priorities for the purpose of assessing applications, incorporating the following actions among the priorities:
- Actions to promote diversity in the workforce, through an equal opportunities policy, including the promotion of women in management positions.
- Integration actions of social responsibility practices in SMEs.
- Projects whose scope of action are rural territories and unpopulated territories, aimed at avoiding depopulation and uprooting, in line with the National Strategy against the Demographic Challenge.
- Promotion of Social Responsibility and sustainability in the different educational levels
- Preparation and dissemination of informative materials on non-financial information and diversity.