The Spain Journal

Cristina Peláez: "Vox demonstrates its usefulness with proposals such as the platform that will attract European funds for Seville"

  • It shows its reluctance "before the new municipal structure that the mayor has announced with the creation of a new general direction that will coordinate these works that, we hope, will not serve as an excuse to hire more senior socialist positions from the past government of the Junta de Andalucía"

Seville, November 16, 2020. The spokesperson of the Municipal VOX Group in the Seville City Council, Cristina Peláez, has stated this Monday that "we demonstrate our utility in institutions with proposals such as the public-private platform that will attract European funds for Seville, which the commission for the social and economic reactivation and for the promotion of the employment of the city approved in plenary session last July after we presented it in said commission ”.

The municipal spokesperson for VOX has expressed “our satisfaction because proposals like this one, which are pure common sense and are aimed at the benefit of the city and all Sevillians, has had fit in the plans of the Government of Juan Espadas "although he has expressed his surprise that" it had not occurred to the socialists, who will not be able to argue inexperience in the government and in the opposition with their legion of advisers and technicians " .

Cristina Peláez has asserted that “we are not in the City Council so that the rest of the municipal groups recognize our work, an issue that we do not pursue, but we are not going to hide that in just over a year we have managed to take forward issues that the rest of the parties have been obliged to support, As the Pact for Cleaning or this platform for raising European funds, which has no precedent in Spain and will allow Seville advance in the desired economic recovery of the city. All this opposition work shows what we have always defended, common sense, coherence and defense of general interests ”.

"We reveal ourselves to the limited practical path that decisions adopted in commissions and plenary sessions have, projects approved and not executed, purely ideological decisions, or inconsequential debates, hence we value very satisfactorily that the government of Juan Espadas does own a VOX initiative, but We distrust the municipal structure that the mayor has announced and that this does not serve as an excuse to hire higher socialist positions from the past government of the Junta de Andalucía ”, he concluded.

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