06-13-2019 | Cs
Ciudadanos (Cs) has reached an agreement with the PSOE for governance in the consistories of Albacete, Ciudad Real, Guadalajara and a score of other municipalities in Castilla-La Mancha.
In Ciudad Real and Albacete, the formula establishes two years of government for each formation. In the case of Albacete, the mayoralty during the first two years would be in the hands of Cs, while in Ciudad Real the liberal formation would govern the last two years of the legislature. With respect to the city council of Guadalajara, the first possession of mayoral mayor would fall into the hands of a councilor of Cs. In the same way, it is agreed to form a majority for the Diputación de Guadalajara that will be chaired by the PSOE.
To these provincial capitals, the agreements reached in those municipalities of La Mancha are added, where the sum of both formations reaches the absolute majority. This will be done in the consistories of Casas Ibáñez and Lietor in the province of Albacete, Jadraque and Uceda in the province of Guadalajara; Aldea del Rey, Villanueva de los Infantes, Villarta de San Juan, Villamanrique, Villanueva De la Fuente in the province of Ciudad Real; Camuñas, Corral de Almaguer, Fuensalida, Madridejos, Ocaña and San Pablo de los Montes in the province of Toledo. Likewise, Ciudadanos will hold the mayoralties of the Toledo municipalities of Borox, Dosbarrios and Yunclillos with the support of the PSOE.