Remember that in 2009, without asking for anything in return, the PP supported the Socialists so that Patxi López was Lehendakari because "above all was constitutionalism"
Cuca Gamarra stresses that if the PSOE agrees to govern Navarre with the support of Bildu and the nationalists, it will be "moving away from constitutionalism" and "generating a weak and unstable government" that will take more steps towards independence. Warns that if the Socialist Party "is thrown into the arms of Bildu will be betraying the Navarre and the Spanish and breaking the great constitutional agreement" and defends the legitimacy of the PP in Navarre after attending the elections in a coalition with UPN and Cs in Navarra Suma seeking the greatest possible support for constitutionalist proposals in the face of the danger of nationalist and pro-independence advance.
Remember that in 2009, without asking anything in return, the PP supported the Socialists so that Patxi López was Lehendakari because "above all was constitutionalism" and urges the PSOE to have now the same height of view and do the same in Navarra. On post-election pacts, Gamarra says that after informal contacts "comes the moment of truth" and we must "hold formal talks" so that, where the PP has received the majority support of citizens, a center government materializes -right
Appeals to the responsibility and seriousness when negotiating, remember that Cs said he would not vote with socialism or Sanchez and that he would agree to center-right governments, reiterating that the PP will "talk to the whole world" and will seek agreements that allow them to govern the policies of the center-right, "without change of trading cards or merchandising" as it happened in the Junta de Andalucía. He believes that Cs and Vox will have to explain to their voters why they do not feel like negotiating because, if they do not, "they will promote more Sanchez governments in many territories or continue to govern Carmena in Madrid"
Finally, it shows the PP's commitment to people with celiac disease, claims early diagnosis and harmonization and the search for mechanisms to fight against the inequality between the prices of gluten-free and gluten-free foods.