The Spain Journal

Cuca Gamarra: "The PSOE can not sell Navarra to the independentistas" This morning at El Programa de Ana Rosa, Telecinco

La vicesecretaria de Política Social, Cuca Gamarra

"In politics it is important to never break the trust of voters"

Gamarra demands that the negotiations do not break the trust of those who have voted to the center right and that the dialogue does not become a "marketing or distribution of stickers", and asks the PSOE for responsibility so that the constitutionalists, who have been the The most voted candidate through Navarra Suma, can govern in the regional community, and that "do not seek the support of those who want to break that great agreement." The Deputy Secretary affirms that "the PSOE can not sell Navarra to the independentistas.It is a very serious and worrisome matter that this can be part of the agreement for the governance of Pedro Sánchez.It is necessary that the constitutionalism govern, because to break by the PSOE that Red line would be downright dangerous, "he warns.

"In politics it is important never to break the trust of voters," he said, referring to the possibility of Citizens reaching agreements with socialists in communities and municipalities, and stresses that the Popular Party is willing to "negotiate to govern in those places where the center right has won the elections ". "The PP will seek center-right agreements that allow policies to lower taxes, to bet on educational freedom or to choose a health center," he says.

Affirms that, after knowing the last barometer of the CIS, if the Government "had some shame, has been lost with these data", both by the controversy arising from the press release issued after its publication and the results of the elections of this Sunday, in which the PP was the second most voted force and increased its percentage of vote with respect to the general ones, "and it is clear, in case anyone had any doubt, the manipulation of the CIS by the PSOE and the Government of Sánchez for his own interests. This is very serious, because it means putting the instruments of the State at the service of the party, "he says.

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