The Parliamentary Group VOX in the Valencian Courts has voted no to NLP of PSPV, Commitments and Defense Podem of the European "Reconstruction" Plan because all resources must be used to save lives and jobs.

Deputy David Garcia explain what "At VOX we have voted no to this reconstruction plan because the progressive consensus continues inadvertently to move a single euro from the trillion destined for the so-called green pact, to the false climate emergency of the multinationals and the girl Greta. Right now the priority is to save lives and jobs. "

The deputy for Alicante has insisted on the need to cut public spending because the burden of the entire crisis will fall on the citizens, on the humble and hard-working people. We must slim down the public administration. Spain has lost all credibility in Europe. Investors no longer trust. It is necessary to lower taxes and reduce superfluous spending.

The deputy for Alicante recalled that VOX believes in the founding principles of the European Union in which all member countries are defended and the sovereignty of all is respected.

And addressing Mata he said "I think I know more, what the working class is, than you do. I'm going to tell you again: don't tell me what it is to be a worker. You do not look for the citizens, you look to keep your pockets full and the armchairs tightly tied. What they want is to stay in power. VOX participated in the demonstration by car because it was not allowed to do it on foot and because it complied with safety regulations. You guys keep saying what's coming up today on all the covers: ‘everything will be fine. We will come out stronger. ’ Tell the families of the more than 40,000 deceased. "

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