- He describes the appearance of Sanchez as "horrific", which he accuses of "having removed his mask", for trying to bleach, as he did with Bildu in Navarra, to the parties of Puigdemont and Junqueras, calling them nationalists and not independentistas.
- He believes that Sánchez's attitude confirms what the PP says, which has clearly chosen its partners (UP, ERC, PNV and PdCat) and after more than a hundred days, recognizes that it has not talked about projects or programs, which was presented to the endowment only to deal with armchairs and charges.
- He points out that Sanchez today has proven that he only has the support of a PRC deputy and reaffirms that he should have taken a step back in his audience with the King and propose another candidate who is able to provide the necessary support for the investiture.
- It requires Sanchez to clarify how far he is willing to give in to the independentistas: if he is going to speak again of pardons, of a referendum and of the figure of the rapporteur.
- He regrets that this “perpetual electoral campaign” is getting very expensive, since what Spain really needs is a government that cares about its real problems, instead of a functioning government that only deals with Sanchez's problems.
- Tilda "sainete" the performance of the PSOE, especially at a time when negative economic data accumulate, with the stoppage of investment, the brake on the sale of homes and cars, as well as the stagnation of private consumption.
- He says the PP is showing that he wants and can govern Spain and highlights the more than 700 initiatives presented in Congress, with 40 NLP, 9 bills and a battery of questions and appearances to the members of the Government, “to see if in sometime they deign to appear, as is their duty, so that the deputies can exercise the right to parliamentary control ”.
- Condemns that the left, when it does not get the support to form governments, is dedicated to “muddy”, as it is doing in the Community of Madrid with Isabel Díaz Ayuso, who represents the present and the future.