Defense opens the selection process for Troop and Maritime personnel 2020

On February 18, the deadline to participate in the selection process for the entry of candidates who wish to join the Troop and Maritime scales in military training centers was opened.

The process will take place in two cycles, each with two phases. In the first selection cycle, 3,650 seats will be offered (2,230 seats for the Army, 620 for the Navy and 800 more for the Air Force).

The deadline for requesting an appointment for candidates was opened on February 18 and will end on March 2. The selected applicants are expected to join the military training centers on May 25, 2020.

The positions of the second selection cycle will be publicly exhibited on June 8 in the subdelegations of Defense and in the Web page of the ministry

The number of places in this new offer will be determined based on the needs of the Defense planning and the actual evolution of troops. The date of incorporation into the military training centers of the candidates selected in this phase will be November 9, 2020.

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