Deputy Marta Fernández denounces the sectarianism that prevails in the government team. Today a proposal of aid to the hospitality sector that VOX already raised in the last plenary session has come forward. And that then was not approved.
The VOX deputy in Aragon, Marta Fernández, denounces sectarianism and a lack of rigor and respect in considering the proposals made by her parliamentary group. Specifically, in relation to aid to the hospitality sector, cafes and bars. This group presented a Proposal not of Law on August 7 that was substantiated in the plenary session on September 3.
The proposal did not receive the support of the chamber. But, just fifteen days later, a proposal from the Ciudadanos group, substantially the same that VOX had presented, came forward. And it did so with the support of the government team that presented an amendment.
Two weeks later, in the Industry Commission held today, October 1, again the Citizens group requested the modification of an article of the Tourism Law to remove the competence limbo of which VOX spoke in its day. And to which the cafe and bar sector was subjected due to the lack of a census registry.
Well, this NLP of the Citizens group has also come forward with the support of the entire chamber. Again following an “in voce” amendment formulated by the government team (defended by the PAR). And leaving thus again, clearly manifest, that VOX does not approve a proposal or even make an amendment to support its initiatives.
Unfortunately, sectarianism prevails over politics and to the detriment of citizens' interests, says Marta Fernández.