The deputy of the GP VOX, Rubén Darío, has presented in the Commission of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food a Proposal No of Law by which the Government is urged to negotiate a new Agreement on conditions for the exercise of the activity of fishing fleets dthe Kingdom of Spain and the Republic of Portugal in the jurisdictional waters of both countries.

What should this agreement include? In the first place, the real principle of reciprocity for both fishing fleets and a clause so that, in all cases, the requirements of gear and fishing and safety in human life at sea in the country where they are fishing are respected.

Likewise, from the Parliamentary Group they insist that this agreement must specify reciprocal compliance with the closures established in each of the countries and that it prohibits the landing of the catches of the trawling fleet in the ports of the other country during weekends .

Finally, the VOX NLP insists that it is necessary to stipulate the same fishing exclusion areas close to the coast, as in both fleets respect breaks and schedules or that identical catch quotas are guaranteed for all permitted species.

NLP Fishing VOX

On the other hand, the GP VOX in the Agriculture committee have also presented a transactional amendment to also demand an improvement in the conditions for Spanish products. So much so that the formation has demanded that it be included in the Proposition No of Law of the Popular Party that products of Spanish origin be labeled and not those that are labeled in our country. Likewise, Ricardo Chamorro has called for the reestablishment of trade relations with the United States and with Russia and that Brexit be taken into account so as not to impose new tariffs on our products.

"There must be sanitary controls at the border that guarantee the quality of the imported product and that they are free of pathogens and pests", has assured. Likewise, the deputy for Cáceres has regretted that the government party is now promoting NLP to improve the situation of agriculture when they have been demonstrating for months.

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