Adriana Lastra, spokesman of the PSOE announced a few days ago that they will incorporate as a crime the exaltation of Francoism in the next reform of the Criminal Code (where they also want to soften the sedition penalties, which the coupist Oriol Junqueras requested from prison).

This is not a new issue, in October they already exhumed Franco, and since they did not take political revenue, they continue with their attack on a person who died 45 years ago. It seems that the PSOE cannot live without constantly confronting all strata of Spanish society.

But from VOX We want to remember that Article 20 of the Spanish Constitution protects freedom of expression and prohibits censorship.

In addition to unconstitutional, directly, trying to cover and taboo a period of forty years, so close to our time, is an impudence. On Franco, as in relation to any other historical era, no one should tell the Spanish what they have to think. Are they also going to censor one of the fathers of the Constitution like Manuel Fraga was? Will the former president Adolfo Suárez, who was civil governor of Segovia and attorney in Cortes during the Franco government, also censor the precursor of the Transition?

In short, it seems that our social-communist government continues to take steps towards anti-democratic and unconstitutional laws, but VOX will fight to keep them from moving forward.

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