Ministerio de cultura y deporte. inaem

Wednesday is the spectator's day at the CDN, which implies that all our shows on the billboard have a 50% discount. So, for example, today any viewer could see the function of Wrecks of Álvar Núñez, in the main hall of the María Guerrero Theater, for a price ranging from 12.5 euros the most expensive entrance – in the armchair courtyard – up to 5.5 euros on the third floor the cheapest entrance (for 3 euros with reduced visibility).

But, in addition to this special Wednesday discount, did you know that you can benefit from our reduced price policy if you belong to one of the many groups that enjoy discounts the rest of the days for all functions?

Among them, if you are under 30 years old you can take advantage of the Young Minute: approaching the box office during the 30 minutes prior to the function you can purchase any of the tickets available at 75% discount. The maximum you would pay for a more expensive location would be 6.25 euros, and you could see the function from the second floor for 1.5 euros.

Young people are not the only ones with interesting discounts. There are special prices for people over 65, large families, job seekers, people with disabilities equal to or greater than 33%, children under 12 years of age and Performing Arts professionals. In addition, the public that comes to the theater in a group also has a discount.

You can check all the information in this link: discounts/

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