La portavoz del PP en el Parlamento Europeo, Dolors Montserrat

The spokeswoman for the PP in the European Parliament, Dolors Montserrat, has asked the European Commission today that, in the face of the expansion of the coronavirus in several European countries such as Spain, it is proposed to take specific protection measures to particularly vulnerable sectors of the population, such as old people.

In a written question sent to the European Commission, Montserrat recalled that all those killed so far in Europe because of the virus were "highly vulnerable people, older adults with cardiorespiratory diseases, a compromised respiratory system or poor health conditions", to that have been added "patients affected by non-communicable diseases and with a deficient immune system that puts them in situations of high vulnerability."

Since those over 65 represent an important percentage of the population in the EU, Dolors Montserrat considers it necessary to take specific protection measures for this group.

In addition, in her written question to the European Commission, the popular spokeswoman has taken an interest in the measures that the Community Executive is considering taking to prevent the spread of people who are affected by chronic diseases and also to prevent the spread of patients already admitted to hospitals for other reasons.

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