• “The Government of Sánchez has opened the doors of Europe to Chavismo"
The PP spokeswoman in the European Parliament, Dolors Montserrat, today asked the EU Council to investigate the breach, by the government of Pedro Sánchez, of European sanctions that prevented the vice president of the regime of Nicolás Maduro, Delcy Rodriguez, from entering European territory and therefore Spanish, It happened at dawn from January 19 to 20 at the Madrid airport.
"The EU Council must help clarify the truth so that a scandal like this is never repeated," said Dolors Montserrat during the debate held today in the European Parliament on this matter.
"For the millions of Venezuelans crushed by the despot Maduro, and for the millions of Venezuelans who have fled their country, we need to know the truth and that the sanctions regime is met," insisted the popular spokeswoman.
Dolors Montserrat recalled that the meeting at the Madrid airport between Minister Jose Luis Ábalos and Delcy Rodriguez has meant "violating the EU sanctions regime with respect to this representative of a criminal regime that tramples on Human Rights."
"The Sanchez government lies and any new version of this meeting makes the previous one a lie," Montserrat said before adding that in the face of this "total loss of credibility" of the government, "the European institutions must investigate and take out the truth in the light. "
Dolors Montserrat has lamented that, as the now president of the government Pedro Sánchez said in 2016, Venezuelan politics has come to Spain with Iglesias and Monedero. Today, the popular spokeswoman said, "Iglesias is vice president of Sánchez and Venezuelan politics dirty the image of his government and shame all Spaniards."
Leopoldo López Gil: "Nobody is above the law, neither the states nor their rulers"
For its part, the MEP of the PP Leopoldo López Gil has requested that the Council of the EU “thoroughly investigate this matter through the“ Sanctions ”section of the Group of Foreign Relations Advisers (RELEX) and inform this House in a timely manner”.
“Nobody is above the law, neither the states, nor their rulers, and there are values intrinsic to the formation of this European Union, such as the operation of a country that respects its rule of law, transparency, legality ”, Said Lopez Gil.
However, the popular MEP has lamented, “we have known how the government of Mr. Sanchez has circumvented the application of the sanctions approved by the Council in June 2018, measures that prohibited the vice president of the usurping regime from entering the European territory Mature; sanctions that punish for violating democracy and usurp the powers of the National Assembly. ”