The PP spokesman in the European Parliament, Dolors Montserrat, asked the European Commission today what objective criteria were followed to choose the 7 members who form the committee of scientists created by the EU to help combat the coronavirus crisis, which has been operating since March 17.
Likewise, and since none of the 7 members of the Committee comes from a Spanish research center or organization, Montserrat has asked the European Commission if any candidacy proposed by the Spanish government was considered.
In her question, the popular spokesperson recalled that the 7 scientists who make up the Committee come from research organizations and centers in France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands and Denmark.
Likewise, Montserrat has asked the European Commission what evaluation it has made so far of the work carried out by the Committee, two months after its launch.
The popular spokesperson has presented this question because "despite the fact that Spain has first-rate experts and one of the best health systems, the absence of any Spanish representative highlights the catastrophic management of the pandemic that the Sánchez government has done and his alleged technicians ”.
"President Sánchez proclaims himself a world example in management and a leader in taking action against the pandemic, but apparently when in Europe the best are chosen to advise and decide, Spain is not available," he added.
"It is important to know what objective criteria are followed in Europe to demand in Spain that they be applied in the future and not those used by the Sánchez and Iglesias government, which, unfortunately and based on the data, have not worked", Dolors Montserrat has finished.