La portavoz del PP en el Parlamento Europeo, Dolors Montserrat

The PP spokesman in the European Parliament, Dolors Montserrat, has defended today the need for the European Union (EU) to advance towards a single European health system that allows to combat in a common way pandemics like the current coronavirus.

During a debate in the plenary session of the European Parliament on the search for a coronavirus vaccine, Montserrat has pointed out that during this crisis it has been verified that "the relocation of production in a strategic sector such as healthcare has been paid very dearly, also in Spain, so we must bet on health reindustrialization and research in Europe ”.

"The EU must have more health powers to coordinate quickly and efficiently a single European health system, we have to work for the European health union," he said.

"Europe differs from the US and China in having the best national public and universal health systems in the world, this is our great added value. That is why this crisis gives us the opportunity to review and strengthen the European health system, to make it more resilient, "said the popular spokesperson.

Regarding the coronavirus, he pointed out that "we need a vaccine and a treatment to give a definitive solution to this pandemic, which is the first crisis of globalization, and that by going around the world in just 115 days has shown our fragility."

Montserrat has highlighted in this regard "the leadership" of the European Commission, which has managed to add more than 7,500 million euros to finance the development of the vaccine, in what is "the largest public-private, global and health collaboration project" .

"It is time to be brave but also generous, we cannot allow neither price war, nor war between countries, nor war between public and private, we have to do it together and we must eliminate any barrier in access to vaccines, they must be available to everyone in all corners of the world, "said Montserrat, who also recalled that this month marks 40 years since the world managed to overcome smallpox" thanks to a 10-year global effort in which they administered 500 million vaccines ”.

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