La portavoz del PP en el Parlamento Europeo, Dolors Montserrat

The PP spokeswoman in the European Parliament, Dolors Montserrat, defended today that the EU recovery fund to face the economic and social consequences of the coronavirus must benefit all Europeans.

"Faced with the pain of the loss of thousands of loved ones, the millions of unemployed and the destruction of SMEs", Montserrat said during a debate in the plenary session of the European Parliament, the objective of the recovery fund in which the EU works it is “to benefit each and every one of the Europeans, without leaving anyone behind” and “this obliges us to be responsible in the use of resources; We must not allow particular political agendas to be implemented. "

"The recovery plan must serve to lift Europe from the new reality, the Union of the 21st century", added the popular spokesperson, who highlighted "unity beyond ideological borders" with which the European Parliament will approve in this plenary session a resolution that promotes the recovery fund.

The covid-19, it has continued, "has become an accelerator of transformation."

For this reason, Dolors Montserrat has asked the EU to take advantage of this opportunity “facing the reindustrialization of Europe, leading the transition to the digital age and defending agriculture, tourism, the green economy and the strength of our health system, and also defending our toilets. "

All this must be done, he stressed, "without ever giving up freedom, equality and solidarity."

"Let's achieve that the citizens recover the pride of belonging to the Europe that protects them and guarantees their development", Montserrat asked, recalling that "if Robert Schuman did it 70 years ago, today we must also do it".

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