PP Spokesperson in the European Parliament, Dolors Montserrat, today denounced to the European Commission that the attacks by the second vice-president of the government, Pablo Iglesias, on the media that have published information on the "Dina case" may breach community regulations .
In a written question sent to the European Commission, Montserrat recalled the serious accusations recently directed by Podemos leaders such as Pablo Iglesias and Pablo Echenique to various media and journalists such as Vicente Vallés for having reported on the evolution of the "Dina case", affecting the second vice president of the coalition government.
Dolors Montserrat has asked in this regard if the European Commission considers that these "attacks on the press" have a place in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU, which in its article 11 recalls that "everyone has the right to freedom of expression" and that this right includes "the freedom of opinion and the freedom to receive or communicate information or ideas without the interference of public authorities." The same article also alludes that in the EU, "the freedom of the media and its pluralism must be respected."
The popular spokesperson has also asked the European Commission if it condemns that journalists are singled out and attacked simply for doing their job, which she has described as "intolerable".
"Our obligation as Democrats is to defend press freedom against those who attack it," Dolors Montserrat explained in the question sent to the EU Executive.