"The PP is the only alternative to Sánchez and the brake on nationalism"

The PP spokeswoman in the European Parliament, Dolors Montserrat, has assured that "the United Kingdom has to end the uncertainty about Brexit and position itself in this regard", because it generates a bad situation for all Europeans.

Montserrat met today in London with several groups of Spaniards, such as young researchers and financial sector workers, who live in the British capital and who are directly affected by the uncertainty generated by the British institutions about the United Kingdom's departure from the EU.

“Brexit has taught us,” he added, “that populism and nationalism is the great poison of Europe, a poison that generates uncertainty, insecurity and breaks what it has cost us so much to build that it is the EU, which is the greater space of freedoms, opportunities and rights for Europeans ”.

Instead, he said, “The EU has done its homework well, we have never liked Brexit but we have been very clear that we should work together to achieve an exit agreement that safeguards the rights of Europeans and also of Spaniards "

"Before Brexit, the solution is more Europe, and above all, stability," he summarized.

He also stressed that, as before Brexit, "in Spain we need leadership and stability" and for this it is crucial that after the November 10 elections the PP rules: "we are the only alternative to Sánchez, the alternative to problems that Spain has, and the brake on nationalism, dividing the vote in the center-right will not make Sánchez leave the Moncloa ”.

"Sanchez is more concerned about the past and not the present and the future, he has not made any reform since he is in Moncloa," recalled the spokeswoman for the PP in the European Parliament.

On today's decision of the Belgian justice regarding the delivery order of Carles Puigdemont, Montserrat has assured that "the only way that Puigdemont has is to appear before the Spanish justice."

He also recalled that the PP will defend the improvement of the Euro-order "so that there is never an escape from justice in Europe."

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