The Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the National Commission of Markets and Competition (CNMC) have signed a protocol detailing the means of communication, issuance of reports and exchange of information between both institutions for the removal of obstacles to access and the exercise of economic activities within the framework of the Market Unit Law. The objective of the agreement is to guarantee agility and efficiency in solving the problems that companies have detected, in order to eliminate barriers to access and freedom of movement for products or services throughout the national territory.

Companies, freelancers and associations can present their claims or report obstacles and barriers to the market unit before the Secretary of the Council for Market Unit -dependent of the Secretary of State for Economy and Business Support- through the window that has been enabled on the website of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. The Market Unity Law provides that through a network of contact points between the autonomous communities, the CNMC and the ministries, work will be done to provide solutions to the problems detected.

In addition, the Market Unit Law enables the CNMC to file an administrative contentious appeal before the National Court against the acts or provisions of any public authority that limit the freedom of establishment or movement, either on its own initiative or at the request of any market operator. .

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