He stresses that "our companies and freelancers need answers here and now."
He assures that "Spain needs a credible path, consolidation, elimination of superfluous spending, structural reforms that make our economy more competitive and less rigid, attract investment and give security to agents about the future economic framework."
He explains that the decisions that the Government has taken in recent months have had "a strong impact on public accounts and have generated a significant need for financing", that this instrument will respond in part, "only in part."
It should be noted that we do not know the cost or the conditions of the financing of approximately 21,325 million euros, granted by Europe. "It is not clear the schedule of payments or maturities, because it is a debt, it is not a funny donation, and it has its conditions," he adds.
He assures that the measures must be temporary, that they have a very high fiscal cost and that their objective is to help a safe and stable return to work, “because if they are a transition to unemployment, nothing would have been achieved and they will have been very, very expensive".
Remember that the unemployment figures in Spain, the highest in Europe, show “the failure of the Government in its management, a failure in which the countries around us do not incur, that is the drama that they will not be able to make up for many help that they give us ”.
"This is not fixed with public revenues, but with decided policies that support our productive fabric, with fiscal policies that do not trust everything to public spending, but are austere and efficient, and that use the tax system as a vector of growth" . • Asks what measures “they are going to take to prevent a cascade of defaults when the deficiencies in ICO loans or tax moratoriums end in April”.
He argues that "Spain needs credibility, certainty and confidence in its future so that business investment and hiring decisions can be made again."
He wonders where to row with the Government to support some Budgets, what is going to be talked about when there is no data. “We hope that they will facilitate the scenario for us, that they will give us the first steps. The agreement for the agreement has no value, it does not go anywhere, what is agreed has value, and we are responsible enough not to make acts of faith ”.
"In Alice's Wonderland we would like everything to be perfect, for everyone to be reasonably comfortable, but in good agreements no one wins, you always get to the middle," he explained before stating that "the PP is going to be here, even if they tell us that whatever we propose is ideological ”.