The growing impact of the coronavirus that companies and working people are suffering alike, as it is a serious public health problem, requires the urgent adoption of extraordinary measures to cover possible situations and derived contingencies that find an insufficient response in current labor and social security regulations. For this reason, CEOE, CEPYME, CCOO and UGT have presented to the Government a document with extraordinary measures to deal with the situation.
At this time, extraordinary resources are required to allow the greatest possible compensation for workers and companies in order to protect employment and economic activity. These additional funds should not be computed in order to determine the path of compliance with the public deficit derived from the Stability and Growth Pact approved in the Courts through the spending ceiling for 2020 and 2021.
In this way, the different measures that they propose and that have an impact on Social Security accounts will be able to count on the management and advance of funds from Social Security itself, but they must be compensated with an extraordinary aid fund.
With the ultimate objective of avoiding irreversible situations for companies and employment and ensuring adequate protection for working people, the agreement reached by CEOE and CEPYME and CCOO and UGT urges the Government to approve a Royal Decree-Law on media temporary and exceptional nature that, in any case, must be negotiated with union and business organizations.
Firstly, employers and unions are addressing a new regulation of ERTEs, with a particular focus on causality linked to the effects of coronaviruses, simplification of procedures and shortening of resolution periods within the necessary legal certainty. .
Thus, the measures provided by the Administrations for public health reasons, among others, the closure of centers and the cancellation of activities, restrictions on the mobility of people or goods, isolation to avoid contagion or lack of supplies, among others, they may justify the ERTE by force majeure.
Other proposed measures are the protection of permanent discontinued workers; address the closure of schools, day centers and mobility restrictions; and facilitate teleworking, understanding that the obligation of companies to assess risks with the self-assessment carried out voluntarily by the worker himself has been met with exceptional character.
The organizations have transferred this agreement to the Government so that these extraordinary measures can be negotiated by the parties at the corresponding social dialogue table in order to promptly respond to the current emergency situation.